He stood up and leant against the of the tree. 

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He stood up and leant against the of the tree.

a) body; b) figure; c) root; d) trunk

2. Which of these is not a fresh-water fish?

a) carp; b) herring; c) salmon; d) trout

3.________ grows only in a hot climate.

a) Cotton; b) Linen; c) Silk; d) Wool

4. Which of these cannot fly?

a) hawk; b) ostrich; c) pigeon; d) swallow

5. Which of these is not a cat?

a) jaguar; b) leopard; c) puma; d) shrimp

6. Which of these is not a shellfish?

a) lobster; b) plaice; c) prawn; d) shrimp

7. It is difficult to grow good vegetables in the poor _____ in this area.

a) crust; b) dirt; c) soil; d) strand

8. Which of these has spots rather than strips?

a) leopard; b) skunk; c) tiger; d) zebra

9. Some trees___________ their leaves in winter.

a) fell; b) leave; c) shed; d) throw

10. Which of these hasn't got horns?

a) bull; b) camel; c) deer; d) elk

11. Which of these doesn't sting?

a) ant; b) bee; c) butterfly; d) scorpion

12. The little boy climbed up the tree and sat on a_____________________.

a) branch; b) root; c) twig; d) trunk

13. Which of these is not a bird?

a) sparrow; b) spider; c) stork; d) swan

14. Sugar is more expensive now because there was a very poor sugar-beet last year.

a) collection; b) crop; c) gathering, d) production

15. The flowers in this vase have________________.

a) dimmed; b) dulled; c) faded; d) shaded

16. I want some roses with nice long_________________, please.

a) branches; b) feet; c) stems; d) trunks


17. Which of these is not a mammal?

a) bat; b) snail; c) whale; d) wild pig

18. Which of these is not a rodent?

a) hedgehog; b) mouse; c) rat; d) squirrel.

19. They spent the afternoon________ blackberries in the wood.

a) cutting; b) gaining; c) picking; d) taking

20. Which of these is not an insect?

a) cockroach; b) flea; c) moth; d) shrimp

21. Which of these is not a reptile?

a) alligator; b) frog; c) lizard; d) turtle

22. There is a________ of plant which is found only in this particular


a) breed; b) class; c) specimen; d) species

Text A

The humid and mild climate of the British Isles is good for plants and flowers. Some of them have become symbols. Probably you know that the poppy is the symbol of peace, the red rose is the national emblem of England, and the thistle is the national emblem of Scotland. The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales, the shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.

The UK was originally a land of vast forests, mainly oak and beech in the Lowlands and pine and birch in the Highlands, with great stretches of marshland and smaller areas of moors. In the course of time, much forest land was cleared and almost all the Lowlands outside the industrial areas were put under cultivation. Today only about 6% of the total land area remains wooded.

Extensive forests remain in eastern and northern Scotland and in southeastern and western England. The oak, elm, ash and beech are the commonest trees in England, while Scotland has much pine and birch. The Highlands with thin soil are largely moorland with heather and grasses. In the cultivated areas that make up the most °f Britain there are many wild flowers and grasses.

The fauna or animal life of the UK is much like that of northwestern Europe, to which it was once joined. Many larger mammals such as the bear and wolf have been hunted to extinction, others are now protected by law. About 50 land mammals are still found in the UK. There are many foxes. Otters are common along rivers and streams, and seals live along parts of the coast. Hedgehogs, hares, rabbits, rats and mice are numerous. Deer live in some of the forests in the Highlands of Scotland and in England. There are several small lizards, two or і three kinds of snakes, and several kinds of frogs and toads.

EXERCISE 1. Give Russian equivalents

humid climate; to become a symbol; poppy; thistle; shamrock; vast forests; pine; birch; moors; to be put under cultivation; elm; heather; fauna; mammals; to be hunted to extinction; hedgehog; deer; lizard; toad; snake; otter.

EXERCISE 2. Give English equivalents

мягкий климат; красная роза; нарцисс, лук-порей; клевер; дуб; бук, болотистая местность; с течением времени; ясень; обрабатываемые земли; животный мир, медведь, волк; защищены законом; лиса; тюлень; заяц; кролик; крыса; мышь (мыши); лягушка.


EXERCISE 3. Fill in the blanks

1. The _______ and_______ climate of Great Britain is good for

plants and flowers.

2. The______ is the symbol of peace, the___________ is the national,

emblem of England.

3. The________ is the national emblem of Scotland.

4. The________ and the ________ are the emblems of Wales, the,

_________ (a kind of________) is the emblem of Ireland.


5. The UK was originally a land of__________________________, mainly oak

and____________ in the Lowlands.

6. The________ and________ grow in the Highlands.

7_ дії the lowlands outside the industrial areas were_________________________ under ■

8. The________,________,_________ and beech are the commonest

trees in England.

9. The Highlands with thin soil are largely ____________________ with_________

and grasses.

10. The________ or animal life of the UK is much like that of northwestern Europe.

11. Many larger__________ such as the____________ and_________ have been

hunted to extinction.

12._______ are common along rivers and streams, and______________________ live

along parts of the coast.

13. _____,_____________ '__________ and _____ are numerous.

14._______ live in some of the forests in the Highlands of Scotland

and England.

15. There are several small_______________, two or three kinds of______________,

and several kinds of_________________ and toads.

EXERCISE 4. Answer the questions

1. What kind of climate is there in Great Britain?

2. What plant is the symbol of peace?

3. What plant is the national emblem of England?

4. What plant is the national emblem of Scotland?

5. What plant is the national emblem of Wales?

6. What plant is the national emblem of Ireland?

7. What plants were characteristic for the Lowlands and the Highlands?

8- What happened in the course of time?

9. What are the commonest trees for England and Scotland? 10. What plants grow in the cultivated areas? 11- What animals have been hunted to extinction?

12. What land mammals live in the UK?

13. What other animals are found in the UK?


EXERCISE 5. Match the definitions in column A with the terms in column В


1. the national emblem of Ireland 2. the plant that grows on thin soil 3. plants characteristic for the Lowlands 4. the great stretches in the Highlands 5. the national emblem of Wales 6. plants characteristic for the Highlands 7. the commonest trees in England 8. the national symbol of peace 9. the national emblem of England 10. the national emblem of Scotland 1. the thistle 2. the oak and beech 3. the ash and elm 4. shamrock 5. marshland 6. the red rose 7. the daffodils and leek 8. the pine and birch 9. the poppy 10. the heather

EXERCISE 6. Translate

1.i — Каких млекопитающих ты знаешь?

— Медведя, волка, лису

2. К сожалению, многих млекопитающих почти истребили, и сейчас их защищает закон.

3. В Высокогорьях Шотландии простираются болота. На болотах растет вереск.

4. Выдры, в основном, живут в реках, а тюлени живут вдоль побережья.

5. — Что символизирует мак?

— Мак — символ мира.

6. В нашей стране растут дуб, сосна, вяз и много других деревьев.

7. — Какое твое любимое дерево?

— Мне очень нравится береза. У нас перед домом растет много берез.

8. У меня дома живут ежик и две белые мышки, а у моего друга живут кролик и крыса.

9. Национальный символ Англии — красная роза, Шотландии


— чертополох, Уэльса — нарцисс и лук-порей, Ирландии

— трилистник Трилистник — особый вид клевера.


10. В Англии, в основном, растут дуб, вяз, ясень и бук, а в Шотландии сосна и береза.

11. На обрабатываемых землях растет много диких цветов.

12. В этом районе можно встретить ящериц, змей, лягушек и жаб.


Text В ~

According to Dr. William Conway, director of the New York Zoo, modern zoos can do a lot to support the goal of protecting species.

Zoos are rather limited in space, let alone animal care capacity. They now contain more than half a million mammals, birds and reptiles. During the past few years they have bred 9% of all 8,700 bird species and 19% of all 4,500 mammal species.

The number of endangered forms is expanding rapidly. It is very expensive to care for threatened animals such as tigers, gorillas, lions, rhinoceroses, giraffes, elephants, crocodiles and others. To look after one Siberian tiger costs almost 4,000$ a year. Gorillas are even more expensive: the 500 in zoos cost over 4,000$ each per year. Unless we keep them alive, we shall probably witness the death of a large number of different species in the coming decades.

EXERCISE 7. Give Russian equivalents

modern zoos; to protect; to be limited in space; to contain; birds, to breed; animal care; to expand rapidly; gorilla, rhinoc­eros; lion; to keep alive; in the coming decades.

EXERCISE 8. Give English equivalents

поддерживать, виды; не говоря уже о; виды, которым уг­рожает исчезновение; тигр; крокодил; заботиться; слон; жираф, ухаживать; наблюдать (быть свидетелем), большое количество.

EXERCTXF Q Answer the questions

1- What is the role of modern zoos according to Dr Conway?

2- What are the problems the zoos face nowadays?

3- What do they do in order to protect threatened animals? 4. What zoo animals do you know?

5- What is likely to happen in the coming decades? 6. Did you like going to the zoo in your childhood?

Do you go to the zoo now? Why? (Why not?)

7. Are you for or against keeping animals in the zoos?

8. Have you got any animal or bird at home? 10. How do you take care of it?

EXERCISE 10. Read the text. Expand it by answering the ques­tions in brackets

How the leopard got its spots

One day, the ant-s mother died (How?), and all the animals decided to accompany him to the funeral. (Which animals were his friends? Where was the funeral going to be held?).

As they went along the road from the village they passed a farm

full of_____ (What animals were on the farm?). The leopard wasl

very fond of_____ (What?) and his mouth watered. He passed

the farm very ________ (How?) until he was at the back

of the procession. When he was alone he rushed into the farm. (What did he do there?)

After the leopard had rejoined the other animals the farmer came rushing after the animals. (What did he do and say?). Of course, the animals denied it but the farmer said they must stand trial to see who was guilty. He made a ______ (What did he

make?) and asked the animals to jump over it. He said the guilty one would fall in.

One by one, the animals jumped over. When it was the leopard's turn he hesitated but eventually he had to go. (What happened to him?) The animals were amazed and called him a thief. He had to crawl home ashamed, and to this day he has spotted coat as a reminder of his greed.

EXERCISE 11. Give English equivalents

муравей, сопровождать; похороны; проводить что-либо; идти вдоль дороги; проходить мимо; любить; потекли слюни; процессия; броситься; присоединяться; отрицать, устроит* суд; быть виновным; прыгать через; один за другим; коле­баться; быть удивленным; назвать вором, ползти; чувство­вать стыд; пятнистая шкура; напоминание.


12. Tell your own story about how another animal became the way he is now

How the elephant got its trunk.

Why ants are so small.

Why giraffes have long legs and necks.


FXERCISE 13. Translate

1. Верблюды обитают в пустыне Они могут долго жить без воды и еды.

2. Весной в нашем саду цветут разнообразные цветы маргаритки, розы, тюльпаны, колокольчики.

3. Я не очень люблю лето. Летом много насекомых: мух, пчел, ос, комаров.

4. В Киеве много каштанов. Они очень красиво цветут весной.

5. — У тебя есть домашние животные?


— Да, у меня кошка и собака. А у тебя?

— А у меня морская свинка, а еще я хочу купить попугая


6. В горах живут ящерицы и змеи.

7. Я очень боюсь медуз

8. У орлов, ястребов и соколов очень хоро шее зрение,

9. Алиса увидела большой гриб. На нем сидела огромная гусеница.


10. Многие дети не верят, что детей приносят аисты

11. Прошлым летом я был на Черном море. Однажды я пришел купаться рано утром и увидел в море дельфинов.

12. Муравьи очень трудолюбивые существа.

13. Сова — ночная птица. Она днем спит, а ночью охотится ' 4. — Кого ты видел в зоопарке?

— Страуса, носорога, бегемота, зебру, кенгуру, енота и крокодила. Но больше всего мне понравился слон.

15- У нас в городе много тополей, кленовых и липовых де­ревьев.

16. Мы должны оберегать растения. Они помогают нам жить и дышать свежим воздухом.

EXERCISE 14. Make up dialogues

1. In the zoo.

2. In the botanical garden.

3. In the zoo shop you decide what animal you want to buy.

4. You discuss with your friend what flowers to buy for your girlfriend's / boyfriend's birthday.

EXERCISE 15. Topics for oral composition

1. How schoolchildren can be best introduced to nature.

2. How would you arrange a garden of a hundred square meters?

3. Advantages and disadvantages of the zoos.

4. Speak about the joys of the countryside.

5. The problem of abandoned animals.

6. The animal I'd like to have.

7. The role of plants in our life.

8. The vegetation of our forests and city parks.

Topical Vocabulary



species — виды paw — лапа tail— хвост fur— мех lion — лев to roar — рычать jaguar - ягуар cheetah гепард puma — пума tiger — тигр leopard — леопард rhinoceros — носорог horn рог elephant — слон to chatter — кричать, (щебе­тать о птицах) badger— барсук crocodile — крокодил tortoise, turtle — черепаха snake — змея to hiss — шипеть lizard — ящерица frog - ляіушка to croak — квакать toad — жаба grass-snake — уж wolf — волк monkey — обезьяна



to trumpet.......... реветь (о слоне) trunk — х°6от hipp°Potamusбегемот bear — медведь zebra — **fp<* camel — верблюд hump— 1 °Р6 giraffe- - жираф deer- олень elk— лось kangaroo— кенгуру fox— лиси raccoon— енот skunk— скунс gorilla— горилла to howl— вить mammal — млекопитающее redent— грызун reptile— рептилия otter— видра seal — тюлень beaver— бобр hedgehog — еж hare— заяц squirel^— белка rat — крыса mouse — мышь to squeak — пищать donkey— осел to bray — по-ослиному кричать



dog — собака puppy- щенок cub — щенок to bark— гавкать to growl— рычать cat — кошка kitten— котенок to miaow, purr— мяукать parrot— попугай hamster— хомяк guinea pig — морская свинка rabbit—- кролик



cow — корова bull бык calf теленок to moo --- мычать horse лошадь foal----- жеребенок to neigh— ржать sheep— овца lamb — ягненок. to bleat■— блеять duck— ymKa duckling— утенок to quack— крякать hen ------------ курица to cluck------------ кудахтать chicken-- цыпленок cock------------ петух to crow------------ кукарекать goat— козел pig свинья piglet ----- поросенок to grunt----- хрюкать to squeal---- визжать



fly- муха bee — пчела tobuz:z — жужжать wasp — oca to sting— жалить rnoth — моль mosquito— комар dragonfly— стрекоза butterfly— бабочка caterpillar— гусеница locust— саранча spider— паук web — паутина ant — муравей ladybird — божья коровка cockroach— таракан grasshopper— кузнечик snail —улитка worm — червяк flee — блоха scorpion— скорпион



shark— акула herring— селедка plaice— камбала trout— форель salmon— лосось eel — угорь perch— окунь carp— карп lobster— омар shrimp — мелкая креветка prawn — креветка starfish — морская звезба crab— краб whale — кит dolphin— дельфин oyster— устрица jelly fish— медуза shark— акула



wing— крыло beak — клюв to peck— клевать nest — гнездо bat — летучая мышь feather— перо eagle— орел hawk — ястреб falcon - сокол crow — ворона owl— юва pigeon— голубь sparrow— воробей ostrich— страус penguin— пингвин peacock— павлин swan — лебедь stork — аист crane — журавль swallow — ласточка heron— цапля





tiee ____. дерево flower — цветок berry — ягода blossom — цветение branch — ветка bud — почка bush — куст grass — трава leaf— лист root — корень seed — семя stalk — стебель stem — стебель, цветоножка stump — пень trunk — ствол oak — дуб birch — береза beech — бух elm — вяз ash — ясень pine — сосна fir-tree — ель aspen — осина pear — груша chestnut — каштан acacia — акация poplar — тополь willow — ива lime липа maple — клен mushroom — гриб (шампиньон) plum — слива apple — яблоня orange — апельсин peach — персик grape — виноград kernel зерно, ядро (плода) pip — семечко, зернышко stone — косточка bluebell — колокольчик bouquet — букет (разные цветы) bunch — букет (одинаковые цветы) cornflower — василек daisy — маргаритка forget-me-not — незабудка lily of the valley —- ландыш peony — пион nut — орех poppy — мак tulip — тюльпан rose — роза thistle — чертополох daffodil — нарцисс lilac — сирень lily — лилия leek — лук-порей shamrock — трилистник crop — урожай to fade — увядать to pick — собирать (ягоды, грибы) cotton — хлопок fungus (fungi) — гриб(ы)


EXERCISE 1. Start each sentence with a suitable creature

1. _____ can fly at a great height.

2._______ can swim very long distances.

3._______ can understand lots of human commands.

4._______ can run very fast.

5._______ can travel through the desert for long distances withi

out water.

6._______ can be 30 meters in length.

7._______ can eat fruit from tall trees.

8._______ change their skin several times a year.

9._______ can pick things up with their trunks.

10.______ provide us with wool.

EXERCISE 2. Complete the sentences with a suitable word

1. They've got lots of pets: two dogs, four cats, and a______________.

2. Their farm animals include: cows, sheep, and______________.

3. The children love to see "big cats" at the zoos such as lionsj tigers and.

4. I hate most insects, but especially mosquitoes and_______________.

5. We saw some really large animals at the Safari Park: elej phants, giraffes and.

EXERCISE 3. For each animal below give the name of its youna from the following list

piglet, kitten, cub, chick, lamb, calf, foal, duckling, puppy, kid


a) wolf e) dog i) duck b) horse f) cow j) sheep c) pig g) cat 1) hen d) fox h) lion k) goat


a) Which of the adjectives in the box below do you normally associate with each of the species. Are there any words you cannot use to de­scribe an animal? If so, why not



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