You are going to read the tips for making own family list of values. Skim the text and highlight the most important points that will help you to make a list of the values. 

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You are going to read the tips for making own family list of values. Skim the text and highlight the most important points that will help you to make a list of the values.

Tips for Making Your Family's List Sitting down as a family and coming up with a list of values can seem like a daunting task. However, know that there is not one right way to come up with your list. Start by calling a family meeting and getting input from each family member. Know that it may take several meeting sessions to get all the thoughts down. However, in the end, you'll have a list that truly reflects your family. The following tips should help you develop a list that you and your kids can stand by: · Consider writing a mission statement that addresses your core family value, whether it be peacefully resolving conflict, being kind and loyal or working hard. · Talk about your family. What things are most important to your family? What are the strengths of your family? What words or phrases best describe your family? · Write down everything. You can always go back and narrow the list later. The first session is about brainstorming. · Allow everyone to think about it for a while before reconvening to agree on a list. · Stick to ten major ideas. Your final list can have more or less, but ten is a workable number to aim for without being overwhelming. · Display your list. Hang your values list up somewhere where it will be seen every day. · Refer to the list when things happen. Use your family's list of values as a teaching tool. · Rewrite as necessary. The list may grow and evolve over time, just as your family changes. There are many additional resources for creating family values and many different methods for doing so. The Happy Families Toolkit is extremely comprehensive, providing step-by-step instructions for not only creating a family values list but scheduling regular family meetings, creating daily checklists, and discussing family history. There are sample questions to help your family determine its values. · Creating a Positive Family Culture provides step-by-step instructions for writing a family's mission statement - basically another term for a values list. The article also provides samples of four different families' mission statements. It, too, provides sample questions to help you determine your family's core values. · Determining Your Core Values takes the approach of figuring out your values based on what you would like to pass down to your children. It gives step-by-step instructions for developing your family values lists as well as examples of values from different categories such as character, relational, spiritual, etc. · Defining Family Values takes a bit of a different approach, advocating for writing down and prioritizing valued activities and then keeping track of the time spent on each of them. The idea is to determine if your time is actually being spent on your priorities. Sample Family Values List Although every family's list of values will be different, the following is an example of a family values list: · Think of the consequences before you act · Follow the guidelines of religion · Discuss right and wrong when modern values clash with traditional values · Spend time together as a family, but also pursuing individual interests · Live these values, not just talking about them · Treat others (both inside and outside of the family) with compassion and respect · Put your best effort toward every task · Always continue to learn · Learn from failures · Celebrate successes · Use money to do, rather than to buy · Treat pets as family · Remember to not always act on feelings · Show love every day · Sever relationships with disrespectful people · Treat others' possessions with care and respect · Listen since all opinions are important · Always strive to maintain safety · Be honest Your List Should Reflect Your Family Your family's list should be unique to your family. If you are a spiritual family, your list should be more spiritual. If you are an informal, fun-loving family, your list should reflect that. If part of your family's greatest moments involve random dancing in your pajamas, then 'random pajama dancing' or 'general goof-ballery' may be a part of your list. Anything that is important for the health and well-being of your family should be a part of your family's value list, no matter the activity or the language used to describe it.



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