Task 18. Work in pairs: in turns read the paragraphs for your partner to interpret them into Russian. 

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Task 18. Work in pairs: in turns read the paragraphs for your partner to interpret them into Russian.

Propaganda is the manipulation of information to influence public opinion. It uses a number of different techniques, such as emphasizing bits of information that support a position and minimizing or excluding those that do not (this is often called "cherry picking"). There are many different kinds of propaganda, but it is most commonly seen in politics; some would say it can also be seen in advertising, or even in religion.

The word «Propaganda» originally comes from religion-- it derives from the Latin word for 'spreading the faith.' You can see propaganda techniques in action when a president or a prime minister spreads false or exaggerated information to frighten the public and get them to obey.

Governments have often used it to remain in power, convincing the public there is an impending threat-- that may not really exist-- and only the current president or king or prime minister can keep everyone safe. This type of propaganda is especially common when a leader wants to gain public support for a war, or when there is a social problem and the government wants to blame one group of people for it.

Propaganda techniques

Name Calling: Propagandists use this technique to create fear and arouse prejudice by using negative words (bad names) to create an unfavorable opinion or hatred against a group, beliefs, ideas or institutions they would have us denounce. This method calls for a conclusion without examining the evidence. Name Calling is used as a substitute for arguing the merits of an idea, belief, or proposal. It is often employed using sarcasm and ridicule in political cartoons and writing.

Glittering Generalities: Propagandists employ vague, sweeping statements (often slogans or simple catchphrases) using language associated with values and beliefs deeply held by the audience without providing supporting information or reason. They appeal to such notions as honor, glory, love of country, desire for peace, freedom, and family values. The words and phrases are vague and suggest different things to different people but the implication is always favorable. It cannot be proved true or false because it really says little or nothing at all.

Transfer: Transfer is a technique used to carry over the authority and approval of something we respect and revere to something the propagandist would have us accept. Propagandists often employ symbols (e.g., waving the flag) to stir our emotions and win our approval. T

Testimonial: Propagandists use this technique to associate a respected person or someone with experience to endorse a product or cause by giving it their stamp of approval hoping that the intended audience will follow their example.

Plain Folks: Propagandists use this approach to convince the audience that the spokesperson is from humble origins, someone they can trust and who has their interests at heart. Propagandists have the speaker use ordinary language and mannerisms to reach the audience and identify with their point of view.

Bandwagon: Propagandists use this technique to persuade the audience to follow the crowd. This device creates the impression of widespread support. It reinforces the human desire to be on the winning side. It also plays on feelings of loneliness and isolation. Propagandists use this technique to convince people not already on the bandwagon to join in a mass movement while simultaneously reassuring that those on or partially on should stay aboard. Bandwagon propaganda has taken on a new twist. Propagandists are now trying to convince the target audience that if they don't join in they will be left out. The implication is that if you don't jump on the bandwagon the parade will pass you by. While this is contrary to the other method, it has the same effect: getting the audience to join in with the crowd.

Card Stacking: Propagandist uses this technique to make the best case possible for his side and the worst for the opposing viewpoint by carefully using only those facts that support his or her side of the argument while attempting to lead the audience into accepting the facts as a conclusion. In other words, the propagandist stacks the cards against the truth. Card stacking is the most difficult technique to detect because it does not provide all of the information necessary for the audience to make an informed decision. The audience must decide what is missing.

Task 19*. Work in pairs: in turns read the paragraphs for your partner to interpret them into English.

Пропаганда - это целенаправленная и систематическая деятельность по распространению своей идеологии с использованием всех доступных средств, адресованная массовым аудиториям и направляемая на обеспечение реальной политики, проводимой властью.

Сегодня все больше становится очевидным, что пропаганда представляет собой механизм двухсторонней коммуникации. Помимо навязывания и информационного давления, она включает формирование общественного мнения на основе осознания пользы предлагаемой политики для общества.

Само понятие «пропаганда» за период своего существования претерпело существенные трансформации. Первоначально слово «пропаганда» было связано со всякой организацией, которая направляет свои усилия на распространение какой-либо идеологической доктрины, и лишь позднее – на само учение и техники по его распространению.

На протяжении XX в. слово «пропаганда» использовалось в качестве средства политической компрометации оппонентов. Так, после Второй мировой войны на Западе политическая пропаганда стала жестко идентифицироваться с «тоталитарными режимами» в качестве механизма обеспечения готовности массового сознания к тотальной концентрации власти.

Цель позитивной пропаганды — способствовать социальной гармонии, согласию, воспитанию людей в соответствии с общепринятыми ценностями. Позитивная пропаганда выполняет воспитательную и информационную функции в обществе. Она осуществляется в интересах тех, кому адресована, а не ограниченного круга заинтересованных лиц. Позитивная пропаганда, в отличие от негативной, не преследует манипулятивных целей.

Цель негативной пропаганды — разжигание социальной вражды, эскалация социальных конфликтов, обострение противоречий в обществе, пробуждение низменных инстинктов у людей и тому подобное. Это позволяет разобщить людей, сделать их послушными воле пропагандиста. Технология создания «образа врага» позволяет сплотить толпу вокруг пропагандиста, навязать толпе выгодные ему убеждения и стереотипы. Основная функция негативной пропаганды — создание иллюзорной, параллельной реальности с «перевернутой» системой ценностей, убеждений, взглядов.


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