The Principle of Welfare of Each ISKCON Member 

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The Principle of Welfare of Each ISKCON Member

The welfare of individual ISKCON members is always of concern to the Society and its leadership. Specifically, devotees who have dedicated themselves to the work of the Society according to their ability and then later come to face some hardship due to old age, illness, lack of a means of livelihood, etc. should be provided the necessities of life. It is the duty of every ISKCON devotee to make whatever arrangements are within their power to provide these necessities wherever there is a need, without seeking compensation.

Trust funds, welfare organizations, and other such entities may be established by individual ISKCON members, temples, the GBC Body, etc. for carrying out these responsibilities, but the overriding principle of such endeavors must always be voluntary charity to the vaisnavas. Taxes, assessments, and fees must never be used for such purposes, as such would serve only to decrease the feelings of love and trust upon which our Society is based.(91)

Protection of Women


The GBC hereby requests all temple and congregational leaders to practically engage female devotees in areas of temple sadhana and preaching, giving careful and mature consideration to devotee ability, local culture, devotee seniority, dedication, service, need for encouragement, and temple environment. ISKCON is a family where everyone should feel welcome. Although temple environments may differ, the underlying principle of facilitating ladies' sadhana must remain, based on an attitude of encouragement and respect.

19.2.2 Sannyasa Widows

For those widows in ISKCON whose husbands took sannyasa prior to March 1988, any needs that they may have for financial support shall be taken up on a case-by-case basis by the Health and Welfare committee. The Committee should act as a "placement agency" attempting to match widows with temples and service opportunities. The goal should be to find a temple which will provide shelter in exchange for reasonable service. ISKCON's obligation is to offer the same modest standard we offer to all devotees. If the widow is infirm and unable to be "placed", as above, the Health and Welfare Committee shall attempt to arrange general welfare support.

See also Women's Ministry (page 39.)

Child Protection

1. The local governing authority of each ISKCON school or community is responsible to appoint two or three devotees to investigate and follow-up on all suspected or confirmed cases of child abuse.

2. Suspected or confirmed cases of child abuse must be reported to local government authorities for investigation and/or prosecution. In India, the ISKCON Board of Education may authorize a waiver of this requirement if the perpetrator is willing to sign a statement authorizing the Board of Education to publicize the incident to all ISKCON-related educational projects and other concerned parties.

3. All suspected or confirmed incidents of child abuse must be reported immediately to the local GBC Zonal Secretary, and within thirty days, to the ISKCON Board of Education. The ISKCON Board of Education shall review the investigation and give a finding as to the status of the alleged perpetrator as confirmed, suspect, or innocent/not-suspected.

4. The perpetrator or alleged perpetrator must be immediately segregated so that he has no possible contact with the victim or other children. This segregation may take the form of relocating the perpetrator to another part of the project, away from children; banishment from the project (and possibly from other ISKCON projects with children); or in severe cases, banishment from all ISKCON projects. The degree of segregation will be determined by the nature and severity of the offense, the attitude of the perpetrator, the feasibility of protecting the children from further abuse or intimidation, and the sentiments of the local devotees, especially the parents. In no case should a confirmed or suspected perpetrator remain in the local community unless the local ISKCON authorities obtain the written authorization of no less than three fourths (3/4) of the parents of children at the project or in the community. The local government authorities and/or the ISKCON Board of Education will make the final determination of the appropriate degree of segregation.

5. Any confirmed child abuser may never again serve in association with children in any ISKCON project. The Board will also make available to all ISKCON educational projects and temples the names of all accused, admitted, confirmed or convicted child abusers.

6. Abused children must get appropriate professional counseling so that the serious ill-effects of the abuse can be minimized.

7. All ISKCON educational projects must have preventative programs which train children how to avoid and report child abuse incidents.

8. The local GBC members are directly responsible to implement the measures outlined above. Should the GBC Body find a GBC member or other ISKCON Leader's responsible for suppressing or covering-up complaints of child abuse, or supporting intimidation of those who might complain, the GBC member shall be open to censure or probation, and the ISKCON Leader shall be open to appropriate disciplinary action.(90)

9. Incidents of child molestation within ISKCON or ISKCON related organizations must be reported by the ISKCON authority to the local governmental agency or agencies for civil or criminal action, as appropriate.(89)

10. In countries such as India, where it is not practical to report child abusers to the police, the local GBC or Continental Committee must establish a mechanism whereby all child molestation incidents are thoroughly investigated, and confirmed abusers are banned from residing in or working in all ISKCON communities. Local resolutions confirming these actions must be forwarded in writing to the ISKCON GBC Board of Education, and all temples where the abusers may be likely to travel. The policy should be regularly explained to the devotees in these countries.(92)

See also Ministry of Health and Welfare (page 38.)

Farm Communities


1. Farms can not be opened without prior approval of GBC. It can be done during the year by correspondence and through the GBC Property Committee.

2. No farm community shall be supported by a temple, but should be self sufficient from the beginning. Those farms opening can take a loan but must pay it back.

International Projects


Board of Directors

For all international projects, (i.e. built with international funds) there shall be a Board Of Directors of not less than five or more than seven of which the local GBC shall act as the Managing Director. The Board Of Directors shall establish goals and strategies which they will be responsible to follow up on.(86)


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