Match A and B to make a phrase. Translate the phrases. 

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Match A and B to make a phrase. Translate the phrases.

1) she handed a) will last him long
2) shop b) with juice
3) the cap c) the money
4) he carried the cap d) scratched
5) he picked e) assistant
6) the hands were f) job
7) it was wet g) berries
8) proper h) himself

Read the following text about Blackberries (by Leslie Norris). Translate the sentences containing the words and phrases from Ex.2.

Text A

“I think, that’s enough,” said Mr Frensham. “Very handsome.”

The boy was having his hair cut for the first time in his life. “We’re off to do some shopping,” the boy’s mother said as she handed Mr. Frensham the money.


They were going to buy the boy a cap, a round cap with a little button on top and a peak over his eyes. The boy wanted the cap very much.

“This is the smallest size we have,” the shop assistant said. He put the cap on the boy’s head and stood back to look. It was a beautiful cap.

“It’s a little big,” said the shop assistant, “but you want something he can grow into, something that will last him a long time because it’s expensive enough.”


The boy carried the cap back to his house himself. When his father came home late in the afternoon, the boy put on his cap and stood before his

father. The man put his hand on the boy’s head and looked at him.

“On Sunday,” he said, “we’ll go for a walk. We’ll be men together.”

Although it was late in September, the sun was warm and the paths were dry. “Come on,” said his father, “or we’ll never reach Fletcher’s Woods.”


“Will there be blackberries there?” the boy asked. ”There should be,” his father said “I’ll pick some for you.”

In Fletcher’s Woods his father showed him blackberry bushes. Clusters of purple fruit hung in the branches. His father reached up and chose a blackberry for the boy. Its skin was plump and shining.

“You can eat it,” his father said.

Together they picked and ate the dark berries, until their lips were purple and their hands marked and scratched.

“We should take some for your mother,” the man said. They had nothing to carry the berries in, so the boy put his new cap on the grass and they filled it with berries.


“It was a stupid thing to do,” the boy’s mother said, “quite stupid. What were you thinking about?” The man did not answer. “If we had the money, it would be different,” his mother said. “Where do you think the money comes from”? “I know where it comes from,” his father said. “I work hard enough for it.”


The cap lay on the table. Inside it was wet with the sticky juice of blackberries. The stains were dark and irregular. “It’ll dry out all right,” his father said. But the mother’s face was red and her voice was shrill. “If you had a proper job,” she shouted, “and could buy caps by the dozen, then…”

“I do what I can,” he said. “That’s not much!” his mother said. “You don’t do much!”


The child was frightened watching the quarrel grow. He began to cry quietly, to himself. It was a different weeping from any that he had experienced before. It was a different pain. And he began to understand that they were different people, his father, his mother, himself, and that he must learn sometimes to be alone.

In the text above there are two sentences of the model given below. Find both of them, write them down and translate the second one. Mind the verb forms.

Якби у нас були гроші, було б по-іншому.

Translate more sentences of the same model.

1. Якби ти заробляв більше, я б нічого не казала.

2. Якби ти мав кращу роботу, ми б жили краще.

3. Якби стежка не була суха, їм зайняло б більше часу добратися до лісу.

4. Якби вона любила його, вона б не сварилася.

5. Якби шапка була мокрою від води, вона б висохла.

Translate the following sentences. What is different about them when compared to Ex. 4? Comment on the difference.

1. Якщо ти будеш заробляти більше, я нічого не казатиму.

2. Якщо ти знайдеш кращу роботу, ми будемо жити краще.

3. Якщо стежка не буде суха, їм займе більше часу добратися до лісу.

4. Якщо вона буде його любити, то вона не буде сваритися.

5. Якщо шапка буде мокрою від соку, то вона не висохне.

Think about and discuss.

1. What does the story tell you about the boy’s relationship with his father?

2. What do you think the quarrel was really about?

3. What does the phrase “ a different pain mean”?

4. What does the phrase “ to b e different people” imply?

5. What lesson do you think the boy has learned about life? Do you think it is a good or necessary lesson to learn?

Retell the story using the prompts.

· One day a mother and her young son went to the hairdresser’s to have the boy’s hair cut. The boy had his hair cut for the first time.

· Afterwards, his mother ….

· Unfortunately the cap was …but the mother…

· The boy carried his…

· When his father got home, the boy…

· The father promised …

· It was…

· On their way to…, the father showed his son …

· They picked …

· They decided to …

· They had nothing to … so …

· When they got home …the mother …

· The cap was …

· The little boy ….

About you

Are you an only child or are you part of a big family?

Who did you feel closer to as a child, your father or your mother?

What interesting things do you remember from your childhood?


Read the text “How far does friendship go?” and find the sentences expressing unreal condition. Translate them.

Text B

Ethical choices usually involve love work, friendship or money – sometimes all four. Occasionally we are faced with a simple decision between good and evil, though usually we find ourselves trying to choose between the lesser of two evils. The distinction between right and wrong is not always clear cut.


David found himself in a personal, professional and ethical dilemma when one of his closest friends learned there was a public relation job coming up in David’s company. The friend asked David to recommend him for the job but David didn’t think his friend would be able to handle the work.


“I think I could probably help him get the job, but if he weren’t my friend I wouldn’t recommend him. What if we employed him, at least partly on my recommendation, and he was no good? “But I really hate to say no to a good friend.”


David made a half-hearted recommendation that revealed his reservation about his friend’s capabilities and his friend was satisfied even though he did not get the job.


But Anne Boe, president of a management consultancy firm, says David handled the situation wrongly. “I think he should have told his friend the truth. He should have taken him out to dinner and should have told him that he wasn’t right for the job. I know it’s likely that David’s friend would be angry with him but there is no easy way out. When you get into a mess of this kind, it’s not because you are protecting your friend’s feelings but because you’re protecting yourself from your friend’s anger”.

Notes: half-hearted recommendation – стримана, нерішуча рекомендація.


2. Explain in English:

· what half-hearted recommendation is;.

· when people usually give it;

· when a person is right for the job.

Translate the sentences of the text above with the highlighted phrases. Pay attention to the structure of the model.


Complete the following sentences. Use the word in capitals on the right to form a word that fits the space in the text..

1. Friends should be_______with each otherTRUE

2. There is not much ______ in our region nowadays. EMPLOY

3. The two ideas are quite______. DISTINCTIO N

4. Nobody doubted his _____for the job. CAPABLE

5. The company relied on his __, even though itRECOMMEND

was half-hearted.

6. The job was _____ good but not right for him. RELATE

7. It was a small _______company.CONSULT

8. My friend is quite _____. You never know RESERVE

what he is thinking about.

9. What’s ______ with your friend? WRONGLY

Answer the following questions.

1. How did David’s friend want David to help him?

2. Why wasn’t David happy about doing this?

3. What ethical choice did David have to make?

4. How did he solve the problem?

5. What should he have done, according to Anne Boe.

Think about the situation similar to the David’s one and develop the idea. Use the words in the brackets to help you.

1. If my friend had the qualification for the job, I would recommend him. 2. If he did not have, I wouldn’t. 3. Because if he were given the task, he____ (not to be able) to do it. 4. If he _____, he _____(to fail). 5. If he _________, the boss ____(to get angry) with me. 6. If the boss ______, I____ (feel confused). 7. If I_____, I (regret about) my recommendation. 8. If I _____, my attitude to my friend _____ (get worse). So I could lose my closest friend. I’d better not recommend him.

Translate into English.

1. Хлопчик сказав, що вони вперше йдуть до лісу.

2. Нічого було їсти на обід.

3. В магазині нічого було купити.

4. Якби в них були належні стосунки, хлопчик не плакав би.

5. Його обличчя було мокре від сліз (tears), а руки липкі від соку.

6. Це був цілком інший біль.

7. Що входить у твою роботу?

8. Йому не слід зустрічатися з Оленою.

9. Давид подумав, що він захищає свого друга.

10. Ти завжди знаходиш вихід з неприємної ситуації?

11. Жаль, але тобі треба було знайти вихід з неприємної ситуації.

12. Якщо в нього будуть гроші, він оплатить рахунок.

About You

1. Have you ever found yourself in a mess?

2. Have you ever had to choose between lesser of the two evils? Can you describe the situation?

3. Do you think Ann’s criticism was right? Would you tell a friend or a close relative the truth if you knew it was going to hurt?

4. Have you ever been asked to lie for a friend? How did it feel? Was it worth it?

5. Do you think “little white lies” are acceptable?




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