Read the following text thoroughly. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the following text thoroughly.

Letter writing


1. Personal letters are written in a colloquial style. Successful letter is one written in a natural way just as if the writer were actually in conversation with the recipient. We should use good note-paper, and if the address is not al­ready printed on the paper we must write it together with the date in the top right hand corner. A little lower, on the left, we begin: "Dear Mr.Brown", or "Dear Mrs. Brown", etc. The letter should be written legibly, well punctuated and divided into short paragraphs. We finish a letter with "Yours sincerely" if the letter began with a person's name or "Yours faithfully" if it began "Dear Sir", or "Dear Madam".

2. On the envelope the order is: (1) the name of the person(s) to whom the letter is being sent; (2) the number of the house and the name of the street or road; if the house has a name, this is placed on a separate line above the name of the street or road; (3) the name of the town or village; (4) the name of the county (unnecessary if the town is large or well known), and in the USA the name of the state.

The return address is usually placed on the seal flap. However it may be in the lower or upper right hand cor­ner.

3. There are three kinds of letters: personal letters, business letters and official letters from or to authorities. Business letters should be written in a simple, clear and concise style. Below is a model letter written by a girl in reply to the following advertisement: "Shorthand typist re­quired in large office with ideal working conditions: 5-day week; two week's annual holiday with pay. Write stating experience and salary required. Reen & Sons, Ltd.. 12-14, High Street, Birmingham.

211 Marine Drive


1 December 1994


Dear Sirs,

I am applying for the post of shorthand-typist advertised by you in today's Birmingham Morning News.

I am already employed, but only as a typist, and I wish to obtain a position in which I can use my shorthand and gain wider experience of secretarial work generally.

I was educated at York High School for Girls and at the Municipal Commercial College.

If you wish to interview me I am free any day between 1 and 2 p.m. or after 5.30 p.m. At any other time I should have to obtain special permission to leave the job.

Yours faithfully

Susan Martin.


Exercise 1. Following the pattern of the advertisement given in the text "Letter writing" make out an advertisement for a newspaper inviting a teacher of English to a specialized English school.

Exercise 2. Write a letter in reply to the advertisement given in a newspaper. Follow the pattern of Susan Martin's letter.

Exercise 3. Draw an envelope and address it to Mrs. Burton.

She lives in Leeds in the county of York. The name of her house is May Flower, number 6; the street is called Poplar Avenue.


Exercise 4. Study the following specimen letters.

(1) A letter of thanks: Please accept my very best (warmest) thanks for the trouble you have taken. We are deeply grateful to you. We remain Yours sincerely, etc.

(2) A letter of apology: Please excuse my absence from the club last night. With humblest apologies, remain, etc.

(3) A letter of condolence: It came as a great shock to us to hear of the death of your husband. Please accept our sincerest sympathy in your sad bereavement.

(4) A friendly invitation: We are having a few guests to dinner tomorrow, and should be delighted if you would join us. Looking forward to seeing you, etc.

Useful forms of address: My dear Uncle, My dear Mother, Dear Jimmy.

Closing phrases: Your affectionate nephew, Your old friend.


Exercise 5. Study the specimen letters carefully and write:

a) a letter of thanks to your friends after having stayed at their place for a week; b) a letter of invitation to a birthday party; c) a letter of greetings to your newlywed friends; d) a love letter to your boy-friend; e) a love letter to your girl-friend.


Ділова зустріч

Прочитайте та перекладіть діалоги. Відтворіть їх.

Techmachimport has done а lot of business with Goodman & Co. for the last fewyears. Before Mr. Kozlov went to London, he and his experts had gone through |із| latest catalogues of the firm. They found that compressors Model AC-30 could meet the requirements of their customers.

When Mr. Kozlov arrived in London, he phoned the Russian Trade Delegation andasked Mr. Zotov to make an appointment with Mr. Lipman of Goodman & Company.



Zotov: RussianTrade Delegation here. Good morning.

Secretary: Good morning.

Zotov: I wonder if Mr. Lipman is available.

Secretary: Yes, he is. Hold on, please.3 I'll put you through. *

Lipman: Lipman is speaking.

Zotov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman. Zotov speaking. I'm glad I've

got you on the phone. I hope you are well.
Lipman: Yes, thank you. And how are you getting on?4

Zotov: Quite all right, thank you. The fact is Mr. Kozlov, President

of Techmachimport has come to London5 to-day. He'd like

to talk to you.
Lipman: I'll be glad to see Mr. Kozlov. We haven't met since my last

visit to Moscow I wonder if he will be able to come and see

me this afternoon.
Zotov: I'm afraid this time won't be quite convenient to him. Could

you give an alternative date, please?
Lipman: Yes, certainly. Tomorrow morning then.

Zotov: Very good. I'll pass it on to Mr. Kozlov. Good-bye.

Lipman: Good-bye.




Kozlov: Good morning, Mr. Lipman.

Lipman: Oh, Mr. Kozlov, good morning. Glad to see you in London. I hope

you'll enjoy your stay in this country.

Kozlov: I hope so too. What fine weather you are having now!

Lipman: Yes. It's wonderful to-day. But the weather is very changeable in

London. It rained heavily only yesterday morning. And what's the

weather like in Moscow?

Kozlov: It isn't so fine as it is here. It was snowing when I left Moscow.

Lipman: Oh, was it!

Kozlov: Well, Mr. Lipman, I'd like to have а word with you about our order

for compressors. We've gone through your latest catalogues.

Lipman: I believe you’ve noticed we’ve improved our Model AC-30.

Kozlov: Quite so. It is very important to us. Now this model meets the

requirements of our customers.

Lipman: Glad to hear that.

Kozlov: We are going to place an order with you for 50 compressors but the

fact is we usually buy your goods on c.i.f. terms but now we'd like to

buy them on f.o.b. terms.

Lipman Kozlov: Lipman Kozlov: Lipman: Kozlov: Lipman:

Will you take part deliveries in that case?

That'll suit us all right.

By the way, Mr. Kozlov, we'll be able to let you have our quotation

in two or three days only.

That's very good because I'll have to leave for Edinburgh8 and shan't

be back until next Monday.

Then we'll send our quotation to your office.

All right. Good-bye.




1. For the last few years — за останні роки; for the last few weeks — за останні тижні. I've not seen my friend for the last few days. — Я не бачив свого друга останнім часом.

2. The latest catalogues — останні каталоги (новітні|найновіші|). Слово latest є|з'являється,являється| чудовим ступенем|мірою| слова late.

3. Hold on, please. — He вішайте трубку|люльку|.
4.... how are you getting on? —... як ви поживаєте?

5. Mr. Kozlov, President of Techmachimport, has come to London. — Пан
Козлів|цапів|, голова Техмашимпорта, приїхав до Лондона. Іменник president в даній пропозиції|реченні| є|з'являється,являється| додатком|застосуванням|.
Іменник у функції додатку|застосування| уживається:

а) без артикля, якщо воно позначає|значить| посаду або звання. Mr.
Semenov, director of our office, is not available now. — Пан Семенов, директор нашої контори, зараз не приймає.

б) з|із| невизначеним|неозначеним| артиклем, якщо необхідно визначити
даний іменник як одне з аналогічних.
Mr. Petrov, an engineer of our office, has gone abroad. — Пан Петров,
інженер нашої контори, виїхав|поїхав| за межу|кордон|.

в) з|із| певним артиклем, якщо визначувана особа|обличчя,лице| користується світовою популярністю. Sholokhov, the well-known Russian writer, has written wonderful books. — Шолохов, відомий російський письменник, написав прекрасні|чудові| книги.

6. What fine weather you are having now! — Яка у|в,біля| вас прекрасна|чудова| погода! Порядок|лад| слів в окличних пропозиціях|реченнях| прямої, тобто підмет передує присудку. How wonderful the film is! — Який це чудовий|дивний| фільм! How early you've come! — Як ви рано прийшли!

Для виразу|вираження| здивування|подиву| в англійській мові уживається у відповідь репліка, яка складається з вигуку oh, допоміжного дієслова або модального дієслова, або дієслова-зв'язки|в'язки|, відповідних за часом, числу і особі|обличчю,лицю| присудку речення|речення|, на яку дається дана репліка, і підмета. "I'm going to Moscow soon." — Я скоро|швидко| виїжджаю|поїхав| до Москви. "Oh, are you?"—Невже? 8. Edinburgh— Едінбург (столиця Шотландії). VOCABULARY NOTES

7." It was snowing when I left Moscow." — Коли я виїжджав|поїхав| з|із| Москви, йшов сніг. "Oh, was it?" - Невже?



Vocabulary Notes

expert ['eksps:t] n фахівець|спеціаліст|, експерт

a chemical expert фахівець|спеціаліст| у області хімії

compressor [кэш 'press] n компресор


to meet requirements [ri'kwaismsnts] задовольняти чьим-л|. вимогам

Your goods meet our requirements. Ваш товар задовольняє нашим вимогам.

customer n покупець, замовник, клієнт

Our customers require power

equipment. Нашим замовникам необхідне енергетичне устаткування|обладнання|,

to get...on the phone додзвонитися

I'm afraid you won't get him on the

phone at 10 o'clock. Боюся, що ви йому не додзвонитеся в 10 годин,

fact n факт

The fact is... Справа|річ| в тому|, що

. The point is... Річ у тому

The fact is we require the goods in

August. Річ у тому, що|справа в тому, що,дело в том | нам потрібен товар в серпні,

to talk [to:k] v розмовляти,

Let's talk to him about it tomorrow. Давайте поговоримо з|із| ним про це завтра,

to visit v відвідувати

We are going to visit our friends

to-night. Ми збираємося відвідати сьогодні своїх друзів

visit n візит

He told us about his visit to a plant. Він розповів|розказав| нам про відвідини|відвідування| заводу,

date n число, дата

—What is the date today? Яке число сьогодні?


—It is the 5th of October. Сьогодні 5 жовтня

alternative adj щось |. натомість вказаного

Could you give an alternative date? Не могли б ви призначити іншу дату?

to pass... on to... передавати щось| комусь

Mr. Zotov can't meet Mr. Sharp to-day. Will you pass it on to Mr. Sharp? Пан Зотов не може зустрітися з|із| паном Шарпом сьогодні. Передайте йому це, будь-ласка.


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