I. Read and translate the dialogues. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I. Read and translate the dialogues.

Leaving a message.


A. Hello! This is Richard Baker. May I speak to Mr. Reeds, please?

B. I’m sorry, Mr. Baker. He has just left. Any message?

A. Will you tell him to call me back?

B. Yes, certainly. Does he know your telephone number?

A. Well… I’m not sure. Will you put it down, just in case?

B. Yes, what is it?

A. 340-1906. Thanks a lot.

B. No trouble. Good-bye.


Getting the wrong number.


A. Hello! I’d to talk to Mr. Lowson.

B. I’m afraid you have the wrong number. What number were you calling?

A. 413-1227.

B. Well, this is 413-1227. But there is no one by the name of Lowson here. This is a private residence.

A. I’m sorry to have bothered you.

B. That’s quite all right.


Making an appointment.


A. Two-four-eight, double six-double two.

B. Can I speak to Mr. Parson?

A. Who is calling, please?

B. This is a representative of the Ukrainian firm “Torgmash”. My name is Dmytro Klymenko.

A. I’m sorry, Mr. Klymenko. Mr. Parson is out at the moment. Would you like to leave a message or call back?

B. I think I’d rather arrange to meet him.

A. O. K. When would you come?

B. Any time you say.

moment in our country. As a rule, businessman finds it impossible to come home for lunch or dinner and so he goes to a canteen or a refreshment room or has a bite at his place of employment.

Breakfast usually consists of a cup of tea, coffee or milk, some sandwiches, boiled or fried eggs. For a change, we can have cold ham or porridge with milk or cream and sugar.

Lunch is usually a cold meal with cold meat, sausage or fish, potatoes and vegetables. Then comes coffee or tea with rolls or cakes.

Dinner is the principal meal of the day. As a rule, a cold dish or an appetizer opens the dinner. It may include vegetable salad, pickles, herring, etc. for the first course we can have chicken broth, noodle soup, vegetable soup, cabbage soup, pea soup or Ukrainian borsch. For the second course you may enjoy eating mashed or fried potatoes with roast chicken or meat; for a change you may have buckwheat porridge or macaroni with chops or cutlets followed by dessert. For dessert you may have various home-made tarts,” kissel” or stewed fruit.

In the evening we have much simpler supper—an omlette or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of cocoa or tea with a slice of lemon, jam or home-made pastry and fruit.

And we must always remember that food should be wholesome and plentiful, and vitamins in food are of great importance. The same dishes should not be served several days running as variety is an important element of a rational diet.



  1. What are your meal-times?
  2. Is your breakfast light or substantial?
  3. Does your dinner consist of two or three courses? What kind of soup do you prefer?
  4. What is your favorite dish? Are you a great or a poor eater?
  5. What kind of appetizers do you prefer?


II. Look through the text and find the sentences about:

the potential employer to write for your dossier, you will have reached an important stage in the process of applying for a job. The next important step is to gain an invitation to a face-to-face interview.

There are two kinds of basic resumes: chronological and functional. If your work experience was fairly continuous and in related areas, use a chronological resume, which lists your work experience in reverse order. A functional resume, developed on the basis of three or four skill areas, can be used if you were in and out of the job market at various times or if your work experience does not appear directly related to the job for which you are applying. Writing both kinds of resumes may benefit you, because this exercise gives you two different perspectives on yourself.

There is no one-and-only way to write a resume, but some good basic guidelines to follow are: (1) be brief, (2) be clear, (3) be neat, (4) be honest. The best resume describes your qualification on only one page.

Usually people send a resume with an individual letter addressed to a specific person in a company. Sometimes the resume is attached to an application, or requested after an application has been received. The general idea is to give the employer a preview of you before an interview takes place.



Lesson 24.

Topic: Telephone Conversation.

Topical words.

to ring/to call smb up дзвонити по телефону

to call back передзвонити

May /can I speak to…? Можна мені поговорити з…?

Any message? Щось передати?

Could you take a message? Ви не могли б переказати?

The line is busy. Лінія зайнята.

Don’t hang up. Не кладіть трубку.

You are wanted on the phone. Вас до телефону.

You have the wrong number. Ви помилилися номером.

Can you put me through? Чи можете ви мене з’єднати?

a) Ukrainian cooking (general characteristic);

b) the importance of bread for Ukrainians;

c) favorite Ukrainian dishes made of flour;

d) the importance of potatoes in Ukrainian cuisine;

e) the importance of cabbage in Ukrainian cooking;

f) the favorite dish for the first course in Ukraine;

G) dairy products and eggs.

Ukrainian Cooking and Food.

Ukrainian cooking is varied, rich and nourishing. Its development was influenced by the development of material culture: geographical and climatic conditions, plant cultivation and animal domestication, cultural influences and economic relations with other countries.

Since ancient times Ukrainians have led a settled style of life based on farming. Archaeological evidence shows that wheat, barley and millet were grown in Ukraine 3000 years ago. Rye was introduced about 2000 years ago, and then buckwheat was imported from Asia in the 11th century. Cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry were raised at that time too. Beekeeping, hunting and fishing were practised.

Since long ago bread has had a special, primary position in the great variety of Ukrainian food. Besides ordinary bread Ukrainians bake various ritual types of bread. Ukrainian bread in its multiform has become quite famous. For the common people bread is an object of reverence. Bread is used to bring divine blessings to the commencement of every task, marriage ceremony, birth of a child and move to a new home. As a sign of hospitality, guests of honour are greeted with a ceremonial offering of bread and salt.

Cooked cereals—wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, or corn grits—are often served in Ukrainian homes.

Favorite dishes made of flour are dumplings and “varenyky” with various types of fillings: cottage cheese, cabbage, potatoes, meat, buckwheat, berries.

Topic: Business Communication.

I) Read and translate the following text:

The Resume


A resume also referred to by, and sometimes even labeled with, the Latin terms curriculum vitae (the course of one’s life) or vita brevis (a short life) or simply vita. Whatever name it bears, this document presents, usually on one or two pages and in the form of a list, a summary of an applicant’s job objective, education, work experience, personal experiences, extracurricular activities, achievements, honours, etc. Sent out with a cover letter that is addressed to a specific person in the company, the resume is intended to introduce the applicant to a potential employer and to elicit a request for further information about the applicant and ultimately for an interview.

Under such headings as Education, Work Experience, and Extracurricular Activities, the items are usually listed in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent and ending with the earliest. The items that the applicant chooses to list should be pertinent to the kind of job being sought. The cover letter that accompanies the resume should call attention to those items that are especially pertinent to the particular job that is being applied for.

The resume and the cover letter should be neatly, and attractively typed on good heavy paper. The physical appearance alone of these documents could make a crucial impression on the reader. You cannot afford to be careless in preparing these documents. Remember that you are trying to sell yourself and the service you have to offer. So in listing your assets and achievements, do not misrepresent yourself, either by exaggerating or by downplaying your merits. Do not brag, let the facts speak for themselves. For example, if you mention that you have a four-year Grade Point Average of 3.8, you do not have to boast that you have been an excellent student.

The resume usually mentions that letters of reference and transcripts of academic work are available upon request. In the case of students who are applying for a job, the resume sometimes gives the address of the school’s placement office where the interested employer can write for the applicant’s dossier, which is the collection of such documents as transcripts, letters of reference, and samples of one’s writing. If your resume and cover letter move

Potato is the most commonly used vegetable in Ukrainian cooking. It is a necessary component of all soups, particularly borsch and cabbage soup. Mashed potatoes, boiled or fried potatoes are served with meat, fish, cheese, cabbage, mushrooms. Potato pancakes are served with sour cream.

Another important element in Ukrainian cuisine is cabbage: for making cabbage soup and cabbage rolls (holubtsi), which are filled with buckwheat, rice or meat. Other vegetables such as onions, garlic, carrots, turnips are usually eaten raw. Cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes and beets are pickled for winter.

According to the Ukrainian tradition soup or borsch must be served as a first course for dinner. Various soups are popular, but borsch remains the favourite. It is made of vegetables, among which beets and cabbage are predominant.

Food made of diary products and eggs have long been a part of Ukrainian cooking.

Fruit and berries when in season are eaten fresh. Some fruit are prepared for winter by drying or preserving.


cereals злаки

corn grits кукурудзяні крупи

nourishing поживний

dumplings галушки

filling начинка

domestication приручення

barley ячмінь

millet просо

rye жито

multiform різноманіття

reverence повага

dairy молочний

C.S.E. Maths, English French, Geography,

History, Chemistry 1983

G.C.E. ‘0’ Level Commerce, Economics, Spanish 1984

BTEC National Secretarial Practice, Office Practice 1985


Office assistant Totton Engineering, Totton 1984-1985

Secretary to

Sales Director Totton Engineering, Totton 1985-1986

Personal Assistant

to Export Manager Millbank Foods, Southampton 1986 to date

My work with Millbank Foods has involved responsibility for giving instructions to junior staff and dealing with clients and suppliers in person and on the telephone. I have accompanied the Export Manager to Food Trade fairs in Germany, France and the USA.


I speak and write French and Spanish quite well (intermediate level). I am now taking an evening course in German conversation.


I play club basketball regularly and I sing and play guitar with a local country and western band.


Mr. S. J. Grant, Personnel Manager, Millbank Foods, 34-42 South Dock Drive, Southampton S08 9QT

Mr. John Robinson, Sales Director, Totton Engineering, Cadnam Street, Totton S023 4GT

Miss P. L. MacPherson, Head Teacher, Churchill Comprehensive School, Independence Way, Basingstoke BA8 9UJ



Lesson 23.

Pair work.


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