Look through the text and find sentences with Modal Verbs. Translate them into Ukrainian. 

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Look through the text and find sentences with Modal Verbs. Translate them into Ukrainian.

2. Insert Modal Verbs can, may, must, should or their equivalents in the necessary tense-form:

1. Information or data … be stored in the computer’s memory or storage.

2. An analogue computer … to calculate by using physical analogue of numerical measurements.

3. Your scientific article on computers … be published at our University.

4. Every student of our speciality … to know what a hybrid computer is.

5. You … know the difference between the digital and analogue computers.

6. Not all math problems … be solved right away.

7. For a digital computer information … to be in the form of digits or numbers.

8. This question of extreme complication …, in my opinion, simply be ignored.

9. I … make a remark about what is meant by a “fluctuation”.

10. A very large fluctuation is needed because a tiny compartment … to be passed through just where the arrows cross over between B and A.

11. The phase-space points that belong to a single compartment … to be regarded as “indistinguishable” from one another.

3. Choose the proper equivalents of the Modal Verbs:

1. She (їй доведеться) to give a reason and possible justification for the restriction.

2. We (маємо) to find a good approximation to the number value.

3. He (йому слід) specify the conditions of the experiment.

4. They (їм дозволяють) to use a dictionary if necessary.

5. I (у змозі) to solve this difficult problem myself.

6. You (змушені) to exercise all your ingenuity and fulfil the task.

7. They (потрібно) to check all the calculations again.

8. We (нам слід) to satisfy the requirements for the solution.

9. She (не потрібно) to refer to her failure with the task now.

10. The students (повинні) to appreciate the ancient maths in a proper way.

4. Underline the affixes, state what part of speech they indicate and translate the following words into Ukrainian:

penetrating, different, thinking, logically, perception, sensual, subconscious, being, directly, imaginative, impossible, resembling, feeling, inaccessible, figuratively, highly, solving, depending, intensively, independent.

5. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

hemisphere, perception, sensual, subconscious, resemble, distress, inaccessible, innate, conscious, matter, exceed, brain, interconnected cells, plausible, certain, step in, penetrating.

6. Use the words from Ex. 5 to complete the following sentences:

1. Each … has it’s own method of thinking.

2. Our thinking is based on two types of … of the world around us – the … – subconscious and the conscious.

3. Artificial intelligence will not only be developed but will … human intelligence in power.

4. The human … is a very sophisticated system composed of billions of … ….

5. A rather … hypothesis says that an individual cell processes the signals … it like a computer.

7. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word-combinations:

штучний інтелект; головний мозок; складний; підсвідомий; нагадувати; поведінка; недоступний; сприйняття; взаємопов’язані клітини; півкуля; запевняти; природний; спостерігати; тому; людина; свідомий.

8. Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words and word-combinations:

complex; to assert; probable; to pass through; man; man-made; to own; to consist of; to execute; reason; to found.

9. Look through the text and find antonyms to the following words and translate them into Ukrainian:

nonsense, natural, simple, collective, ruin, reduce, phantom, weakness.


10. Combine the words from the left-and right-hand columns to make word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:

computer process
artificial program
human intelligence
interconnected cells
plausible stages
thinking matter
highly-organized brain
creative specialist
certain hypothesis

Compose sentences with the words and word-combinations from Ex. 10.

Reading Comprehension

1. Review the whole text again. Outline the subject matter of the text, its components structure, topic sentences and main ideas. Use the following phrases:

– The text deals with … (speaks about, presents, shows, points out, discusses, reviews, throws light on, traces the history of, etc)

– The subject matter of the text is …

– The text can be segmented into … paragraphs.

– The first (second, third, fourth, etc.) paragraph considers … (deals with, informs of, describes, etc.)

– The topic sentence of the first (second, third, fourth, etc.) paragraph is …

– The main idea of the first (second, third, fourth, etc.) paragraph is …

– The main idea of the text is …

– The conclusion the author came to is …

– The reasons for this conclusion are …

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your choice. Use the given phrases:

It’s right. Quite so.

I quite (fully) agree to it.

Certainly. Exactly.

I doubt that …

I don’t think so.

This is not the case.

It’s wrong, I am afraid.

Quite the reverse.

The definition is inappropriate.


1. It is impossible to develop artificial intelligence in principle.

2. The most sophisticated machine can be compared to the human brain.

3. The two hemispheres of human brain have different functions.

4. Our thinking is based on three types of perception of the world around us.

5. We can observe thinking processes indirectly.

6. A machine, in general, cannot think either logically or figuratively.

7. Artificial intelligence is the reality nowadays.

8. The computers possess artificial intelligence.

3. Study the text and answer the following questions:

1. What is the human brain?

2. Can even the most sophisticated machine we may imagine be compared to the human brain?

3. What method of thinking does each hemisphere have?

4. What types of perception is our thinking based on?

5. Is it possible to observe thinking processes directly?

6. Why is the world of feelings, distress or emotions, which are of such importance to human thinking and behaviour as yet inaccessible to us?

7. Can a machine think?

8. Is the process of thinking a function innate only in live highly-organized matter?

9. What do some well-known scientists claim as for the development of artificial intelligence?

10. What gave birth to the term “artificial intelligence”?

11. Do the computers possess artificial intelligence? How do they solve some practical creative problems if they don’t possess it?

12. What differs man from the machine?

13. What is one of the trends in artificial intelligence being intensively developed now?


Conversational Practice

1. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. Use the introductory phrases and develop the idea further. Use the following phrases:

I hold a similar view …

I share this viewpoint …

It’s correct to say …

This is a convincing argument …

I see no point at all to disagree that …

There is no point in denying that …

That doesn’t sound convincing enough …

Not quite so, I am afraid.

I don’t think this is just the case.

I doubt it. Far from that.

Just the other way round.

Not at all. Quite the reverse.


1. Different levels of human intellect were being modeled.

2. For a long time mathematicians did not try to treat matters of perception mathematically.

3. A worker in artificial intelligence seeks to design sophisticated information-processing machines that parallel human intellectual behaviour or brain function.

4. The design of correct AI parallels the structure of human brain.

5. Robots – mechanical intelligence capable of operating in our own real world environment – are widely employed in science and engineering.

2. Choose the definition of artificial intelligence which, to your mind, is the correct one. Justify your choice:

1. AI – is a science of robots.

2. AI – is an experimental science which employs computer as a means of modeling to perceive the nature of the human thinking.

3. AI – is a science that designs machines to make what a man consider intellectual when he is making the same.

4. AI – is the area concerned with programming computers to behave in an intelligent way.


3. Debate the given statement. It is advisable that the group be divided into two parties, each party advocating their viewpoint. Use the following introductory phrases:

I will start by saying (claiming) that …

What I mean to say is …

You are free to disagree with me but …

My point is that …

Much depends on who (when, what, how) …

I’d like to make it clear …


The field of AI exhibits a recurring pattern: early dramatic success followed by unexpected difficulties and failures. This pattern occurs in all basic areas of AI (problem-solving, game-playing, language-translation and pattern-recognition) in two phases, each lasting roughly five years. The reasons, to your mind?


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