All three readings contain information about a particular job. However, each writer had a different purpose. 

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All three readings contain information about a particular job. However, each writer had a different purpose.

1. Which article is meant to give readers a lot of information?

Reading ____

2. Which article is meant to entertain readers?

Reading _____

3. Which article is meant to interest readers in a certain career?



Lesson 53.


What does success mean to you?

Which of these are the most/least important?

- a good love life

- friends and fun

- a happy family life

- plenty of money

- a nice home

- a successful career

- something else


Check these words and phrases in your dictionaries.

to concentrate on something to be jealous to be wise variety
to run a training course a steady job to distract someone a workaholic


Do the test. If you haven’t got a job yet, imagine how you would react.


1. Do you find it easy to concentrate on one subject?

a. Not at all, I like to think about a variety of things.

b. I try hard but sometimes it’s difficult.

c. Yes, I have no problem doing this.

2. Do your leisure interests ever distract you from your work?

a. No, never.

b. Sometimes

c. Yes, often

3. You are planning a weekend with your family and friends. On Friday afternoon something urgent comes up. What is your reaction?

a. You try to find someone else to do it for you.

b. You forget your weekend and get on with what you have to do.

c. You decided it will have to wait as you already have plans for the weekend.

4. You get a new job and discover that the local college is running a training course that will be very useful in your work. How do you react?

a. You’re not very interested in doing it.

b. You decide to do the course even if you have to pay for it yourself.

c. You will go, but only if your new company pays for it.

5. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

a. You’ll probably be in the same position as now.

b. You hope you’ll be in a better position.

c. You intend to advance your career considerably in the next five years.

6. Do you talk about your job/studies outside work/college?

a. Sometimes

b. Very frequently

c. No, I “switch off” from work as soon as I can at the end of the day.

7. Do you think intelligence leads to success?

a. Intelligence alone does not lead to success.

b. Yes, you have to be intelligent to be successful in life.

c. it’s a big part of success.

8. One of your colleagues gets promoted. How do you feel?

a. You’re a bit jealous.

b. You’re pleased for your colleague.

c. You’re upset. You want to find out why it wasn’t you and what went wrong.

9. Do you believe in the saying “practice makes perfect”?

a. No, nobody’s perfect.

b. Yes, the harder you work at things, the better you become.

c. People don’t have enough time to practise things these days.

10. Is it useful to look back at the past?

a. No, you can’t change what has happened.

b. Yes, it’s very important to look back and analyse our mistakes so that we don’t repeat them.

c. Maybe sometimes, but everyone can be wise about the past.

11. What do you think about hard work?

a. It’s the way to get what you want.

b. It’s okay if you are paid well for it.

c. It’s very tiring.

12. Where does your motivation come from?

a. from your family.

b. from your boss.

c. from inside yourself.


Discuss the answers to these questions.

1. What are some ways that people try to make money without actually working?

2. Do you know anyone who got rich quick? How?

3. Do you know anyone who tried to get rich quick and lost money instead?


Quickly skim these two articles. Circle the answers.

Which article …

1. Is critical of trying to get rich quick?

Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 1&2

2. tries to persuade the reader to do something?

Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 1&2

3. has information from people who agree and disagree?

Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 1&2

4. Is probably from a newspaper?

Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 1&2


Read the articles.



PHILADELPHIA – Would you like to make thousands of dollars a month without working? Then Greg Cheney wants to talk to you. You can see Greg on television every day. He is always selling something. Now he has a new product. He calls it the “greatest diet pill in the world.” However, the “greatest diet pill” is really the “biggest scam” in the world.

“This is the easiest way in the world to make a fortune,” says Cheney in his TV commercial. “If you get 20 people to try this product, we will send you a thousand dollars,” the con artist promises. And some people believe him. “It sounded so good,” says Kelly Eagan. “I signed up the same day.”

The rip-off works like this. Cheney isn’t really selling diet pills. He is selling Web sites advertise diet pills. You buy a Web site. Then you wait for people to go to the Web site and buy the diet pills. However, the numbers don’t work. The diet pills cost $39.95 a bottle. Twenty bottles cost about $800. How can Cheney pay the seller $1.000 to make $800? The answer is that he can’t.

Cheney sells the Web sites for $35. But most people pay much more than that. After you sign up, he sells you a lot more things. Cheney says the extra things bring more customers to the Web sites. However, Kelly Eagan paid him $5,175 and only one person visited her site.

Cheney has a list of people who have made a lot of money. He says that he sends out checks every week - $3,500, $5,600, even $22,782. But even some people on the list have lost money. For example, Susan Kauffman is on the money-maker list. She says she spent $5,000 and sold about 23 bottles of diet pills. Igor Spilsak is on the list, too. He paid $2,000 and sold six bottles of diet pills. However, in the commercial he says, “This is the easiest thing I’ve ever done and I’m making more than $100 an hour.” Why did he lie? Cheney paid him $600 to be in the commercial.

Cheney insists that you can make money if you work hard and don’t quit. However, it seems that only one person is getting rich quick and that’s Greg Cheney.



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Check Your Predictions.


Prediction Not Accurate Accurate

Check the Facts



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