Read and fill in with “by ship”, “by car”, “by bike”, “by train”, “by plane”, “on foot”. 

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Read and fill in with “by ship”, “by car”, “by bike”, “by train”, “by plane”, “on foot”.


· Travelling … is quick and comfortable.

· Travelling … you are sure to get pleasure and to enjoy comfort.

· Travelling … you can stop when and where you want and watch beautiful scenes.

· Travelling … is very tiring.

· Travelling … is cheap. It’s not at all expensive. All you need is to book a ticket and to get on the right train.

· Travelling … you can enjoy fresh sea air and admire the beauty of nature.

· Travelling … is fascinating. But it’s not pleasant if the weather is bad or you fly above the clouds.

· Travelling … is not at all troublesome. You’re sure to have a good time. And to enjoy safety. But it’s not pleasant if you ride on a bumpy road.

· Travelling … is good for health and cheap. All you need is a rucksack. But it’s not pleasant if you got lost.

· Travelling … is fantastic. But it’s hateful if you’re sea-sick.

· Travelling … is not at all dangerous. You’re sure to take pleasure and to enjoy safety. But it’s not pleasant if your companion is a bore.


IV. Complete the dialogue with the correct tense forms of the English verb.


Ann: Do you like traveling?

Bill: Yes, I (like)____travelling very much. It (be) _____ my hobby. I always (take) ____my camera with me and (take) _____ pictures of everything that (interest) ____ me: the ruins of ancient buildings, the sights of cities, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, waterfalls and even animals and birds.

Ann: What countries (visit) ____ you?

Bill: Well, I (be) ____ to Italy, Greece, Russia and India. Some day I (go) ____ to the United States. My cousin (live) ____ there. She (invite) ____ me several times already. When I (have) ____ enough money, I (go) ____to the States.

Ann: I (be) ____ never to any of these countries. When (be) ____ you in Italy?

Bill: Two years ago.

Ann: Did you go there alone?

Bill: No, I (go) ____ there with my father. We (visit) ____ Venice and Rome, the most beautiful cities of Italy.

Ann: I (want) ____always to travel to other countries, but I (have not) ____ the opportunity. I (go) ____ to Germany in my childhood, but I (be not) ____ anywhere since then.


V. Give your opinions on the topic:

· Do you like to travel?

· Why do you travel?

· Do you believe that travelling is dangerous?

· Is it expensive?

· Is travelling your hobby?

Lesson 6.


Topic: Travelling.

Topical words:

Airport аеропорт

flying weather льотна погода

non-stop flight безпосадочний політ

to cancel the flight відмінити рейс

to announce the flight оголосити рейс

to take off злітати

to land приземлятися

When is the next flight to…? Коли наступний рейс до...?

At what time should I check in? Коли буде реєстрація?

An hour before take off. За годину до відльоту.

Read and translate the following dialogues.

Dialogue 1

A: I want to go to Kharkiv as quickly as possible. What would you suggest as the quickest means?

B: The plane, of course; it’s only two flying hours to Kharkiv from here. Without any intermediate landings, non-stop service.

A: Is it flying weather today?

B: It is flying weather, certainly. There is no mist, no storm, nothing to prevent any flights.

A: I wonder what is the fare?

B: The price of a ticket is the same as in a second-class carriage. But think how quicker you will reach your destination.

A: That’s quite true. But I’m rather afraid to be air-sick.

B: No need to worry at all. With these modern planes on the line, you’re sure to get along very fine.

A: Well, then I think I’ll book my ticket and go there by plane.

B: And perfectly right you are in deciding so. I wish you good luck.

A: When does the plane take off?

B: Precisely at midnight.

A: Is it far to the airport?

B: Rather. It’s out of town.

A: How shall we get there?

B: There is bus service from the centre of the city to the airport but we can take a taxi if you wish.

A: We haven’t much luggage and so we can go by bus.

B: How many passengers does the plane accommodate?

A: There are forty-two seats in the plane.

B: And the crew? Is it large?

A: I don’t know exactly. But there is a pilot, a navigator, a radio operator and stewardess.

Dialogue 2.


- Please, three tickets to Edinburgh.

- One way, sir?

- Two one-way and one return.

- Here you are, sir.

Dialogue 3.


- Can I book a ticket to London here?

- Yes, you can, madam. Which flight?

- I think eight two one will do, it’s a through plane, isn’t it?

- Yes, but it’s all booked up. I can offer you only flight eighty two with a stop-over in Paris.


I) a) You need to travel from Kyiv to Donetsk by train, where you have an important business appointment. What questions will you ask at the Inquiry Office?

You: (Запитайте коли відправляється наступний поїзд до Донецька)

Clerk: At 8.40 p.m., sir.

You: (Запитайте чи є в ньому спальні вагони)

Clerk: Yes, the train has sleeping accommodation.

You: (Скажіть, що Ви бажаєте квиток на нижню полицю)

Clerk: I can give you a lower berth in the first-class compartment.

You: (Запитайте, коли він прибуває до Донецька)

Clerk: It’s due to arrive in Donetsk at 9.30 a.m.

You: (Скажіть, що Ви сподіваєтесь на його вчасне прибуття)

Clerk: Yes, sir, it’s usually runs in time.

You: (Запитайте, з якої платформи він відправляється)

Clerk: Platform 2.

You: (Подякуйте за інформацію).


b) Complete the dialogue. Try to reproduce it

You: …….

Clerk: At 8.40.

You: …….

Clerk: Yes, the train has the dining car.

You: …….

Clerk: I can give you first class non-smoking compartment.

You: …….

Clerk: It is due to arrive in Glasgow at 6.30 a.m.

You: …….

Clerk: Yes, sir, it usually runs in time.

You: …….

Clerk: Platform 5.


II) a) Complete the following sentences:

1. When we came to the railway station we saw … 2. If you didn’t book your ticket beforehand you will have to … 3. If you want to buy a ticket for your journey you must … 4. If you have a lot of luggage and prefer to travel light you can … 5. If you don’t like queuing up at the booking-office you can … 6. They didn’t want to miss the train that’s why … 7. The train was ready to leave that’s why … 8. The train starts in 20 minutes so if you are hungry you can …

b) Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary:


1. Скільки залізничних вокзалів є в Києві? 2. Місцеві потяги підходять до платформи кожні 20 хвилин. 3. Якщо ви не замовили білет завчасно, ви зможете купити його в білетній касі на вокзалі. 4. Білетні каси знаходяться праворуч від зали очікування. 5. Газети та журнали можна купити в кіоску в залі очікування. 6. Носії везуть багаж до багажного вагону. 7. Потяг №27 іде без зупинок, а потяг №8 зупиняється на багатьох зупинках. 8. Швидкі потяги зупиняються тільки на великих станціях. 9. В місцевих потягах немає вагона-ресторана. 10. В потягах далекого слідування завжди є багажний вагон, вагон-ресторан та спальні вагони. 11. Вона не здала речі в камеру схову, бо не хотіла стояти в черзі. 12. Ті, хто люблять подорожувати без нічого, здають речі в багаж. 13. Дайте мені, будь-ласка, квиток до Львова. 14. До Дніпропетровська немає прямого потяга, вам доведеться робити пересадку в Києві. 15. Я раджу вам купити квиток в обидва кінці. Влітку важко взяти квитки, і вам доведеться стояти в черзі. 16. Потяг з Києва має прибути о 12 годині до п’ятої платформи.

c) Open the brackets using the verb in the required tense:



1. When we came to the station the train already (to leave) an we (to have to wait) for the next train for an hour and a half. 2. Hello, Peter. I (to be) happy to meet you. I (not to see) you since 2002. I must say that you (to change) greatly. 3. I’m glad that it (to be) a through train and we (not to have to change). 4. My friend said that he (to make) a journey to the Crimea two years before. 5. I’m afraid I (not to be able) to collect the tickets tomorrow. 6. He wondered when train 15 (to be due) to Lviv. 7. I (to come) to the station at 5 o’clock yesterday. My friend (to wait) for me there as he (to come) earlier than I. We (to collect) his luggage at the left-luggage office and (to go) to the platform. 8. I (to ask) the porter to see to my luggage. My train (to arrive) already. We (to find) my carriage, I (to show) my ticket to the attendant and (to get in). There (to be) a few passengers in my compartment. They (to put) their suit-cases on the luggage-racks and (to take) their seats.

Lesson 7.


Topic: Getting About Town.

Topical Words:

To get about town пересуватися містом

to go by tube/subway їхати на метро

to go on foot йти пішки

to change a bus пересідати на інший автобус

to cross the street переходити через вулицю

traffic lights світлофор

rush hours години пік

to take the bus сісти на автобус

pavement тротуар

pedestrians пішоходи

to pay fare платити за проїзд

traffic вуличний рух

vehicles засоби пересування

overcrowded переповнений



I. Read and translate the text:

Getting About Town.

A town is a large number of houses, schools, hospitals, theatres, factories and other buildings built near each other. Streets divide all these buildings into blocks. On one side of the street the buildings have even numbers, on the other—odd numbers. Along the streets run car, buses and trolley-buses. On both sides of the streets there are pavements on which people walk.

People usually cross the streets at special places, called crossings. When the traffic is very heavy, the policeman, who regulates the movement of the cars and buses, has to stop the never-ending stream by raising one hand, thus giving the pedestrians a chance to cross the street.

In the centre and in important parts of a large town, there are squares, gardens and market places. Certainly, in every town there are places of interest, such as monuments, cathedrals, museums, etc.

People use various means of communication to get from one place to another. When getting about town one can go by bus, by tram, by trolley-bus or by the underground. The underground in large cities is very popular with the citizens. It’s the fastest and most convenient way of going about town. If you have to travel a short distance you make take a bus, a tram, a trolley-bus or go on foot. If there is no direct bus to your destination you’ll have to change to another bus,(trolley-bus, tram). When we travel on buses, (trolley-buses, trams, etc.) we have to pay fare. It doesn’t depend on the distance you go. If there are many cars, buses and trolley-buses in the town we say that the traffic is heavy. If the vehicles are few we say that the traffic is light. The traffic is especially heavy in the rush hours, that is in the morning when people are hurrying to work and in the evening when people are coming back home. At this time the public transport is overcrowded (packed to the full).


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