II. Choose the antonym on the right. 

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II. Choose the antonym on the right.

1. plain a. to separate

2. fast b. constantly

3. to join c. mountain

4. famous d. invasion

5. narrow e. unknown

6. temporary f. dependent

7. liberation g. slow

8. independent h. decline

9. dawn i. broad


III. Translate the following text into English.

Відомо, що з іменем І. Франка пов’язана історія багатьох населених пунктів Прикарпаття. Крім Коломиї, Снятина, Калуша та деяких сіл Покуття й Гуцульщини, видатний український письменник і громадський діяч бував у Станіславові. Вперше юний Франко побував у нашому місті в 1883 році. Тут він познайомився з народною вчителькою Юзефою Дзвонковською. Вона справила на поета велике враження. Щирі почуття до Юзефи Франко висловлював у своїх ліричних творах. Однак, хвора на легені, Ю.Дзвонковська невдовзі померла. Її було поховано на міському кладовищі.

Станіславівчани мали змогу бачити і слухати Іван Франка ще в 1910 і 1914 роках, коли він у залі “Руської бесіди” (тепер вулиця Січових Стрільців, 24) читав свою поему “Мойсей”. На згадку про цю подію в 1966 р. на цьому будинку встановлено меморіальну дошку (memorial tablet).


IV. Imagine the following situation. You met foreigners who had never been to Ivano-Frankivsk. Share your knowledge about the city. You may use a list of some city’s attractions given below.

· the Church of the Holy Resurrection (Greek Catholic Cathedral);

· the Church of Virgin Mary (at the moment used as museum of Sacred Art of Galicia);

· the Armenian Church (presently used by one of the Ukrainian Orthodox Churches);

· Market Square with the city’s old city hall, today hosting an ethno-cultural museum;

· Shevchenko Park – a big park that consists of an amusement park, a big lake with swans, couple of full-size football fields, and other interesting places worth of seeing;

· Bilyi Dim – a big white building in the middle of the city and next to the Market place. It is the main administration building of Ivano-Frankivsk and the Ivano-Frankivsk region;

· 100 m (328.08 ft) stretch (stometrivka) – unofficial local name for part of Independence Street that consists of shops, cafés and restricted to pedestrian traffic only;

· Stanislav fortress wall and Pototsky palace;

· Monument to Adam Mitskevych (reconstructed in 1989), it is located in Adam Mitskevych Square next to a regional concert (philharmony) hall. It is the oldest surviving monument in the city that was built on November 20, 1898 (sculptor Tadeusz Błotnicki);

· Monument to Stepan Bandera and Museum of the Insurgent (повстанська) Army in the European Square was awarded the best architectural project of 2007. It was designed by a local architecture company “Atelie Arkhitektury”.


V. Read the following text.


Kolomyia is a magical corner of the natural Carpathian landscape. It is also an important spiritual, cultural, artistic, commercial and economic centre of the region with a rich and glorious history, which attracts scholars and artists from all over Ukraine and abroad.

Kolomyia is a principal part of the historical region known as the Pokuttia, with the population of 70,000 people. First mentioned in 1241, it was granted the rights of Magdeburg law in 1405. Salt was mined here from the Middle Ages, and Kolomyia became an important salt-trading center (with special privileges granted by the Polish king Casimir IV).

Because of its proximity to the Moldavian border, the town suffered frequent attacks by the Moldavians, Tatars, and Turks. Under Austrian rule (1772–1918) it was a county centre (1815–1918). Owing to its importance as a commercial and administrative center it grew rapidly.

After World War I its commercial importance decreased. Consequently, by 1931 its population had fallen to 33,400, of which Ukrainians constituted 18.6 per cent; Jews – 42.3; Poles and Roman Catholic Ukrainians – 33.7; and Germans – 5.1. In 1943, after the Nazis had exterminated the Jewish population, only 18,500 inhabitants remained in the city.

Until 1914 (and to a lesser extent even until 1939), Kolomyia was a major centre of Ukrainian culture in Galicia. Until the early 20th century its role in publishing in Galicia was second only to Lviv’s. Of all of Galicia’s provincial cities Kolomyia had the most (over 30) newspapers and journals. The first Ukrainian drama society in Galicia was established there in 1848 by Ivan Ozarkevych. The city was also an important centre of the Ukrainian Radical party and the Sich movement, which were organized by Kyrylo Trylovsky.

Today Kolomyia is a regional industrial and cultural centre. Its population is employed in light industries. Kolomyia has long been famous for its Hutsul crafts (wood carving, weaving, kylym weaving, embroidery, and ceramics). The city has a mechanized-woodworking technical school and four colleges: medical, pharmaceutical, technical, and pedagogical.

The Kolomyia Museum of Hutsul Folk Art was founded there in 1926 by Volodymyr Kobrynsky. The unique Pysanka Museum with the collection of over 6,000 Easter eggs was established in Kolomyia in 2000. The wooden Church of the Annunciation and its belfry (built in 1587) are the city’s oldest architectural monuments.


VI. Some interesting facts about Kolomyia.

· In 1880 Ivan Franko was arrested in Kolomyia and spent three months in Kolomyia prison.

· In 2009, Kolomyia was named by the magazine “Focus” – “the safest city” in Ukraine.

· The world’s only museum of Pysanka (Easter egg) is situated in Kolomyia.



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