I. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


I. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers.

1. He was ringing you up the whole day to ask about our homework in Anatomy.

2. My elder sister takes an active part in the research work to become a lecturer.

3. There are some students from Malaysia at the university.

4. My group-mates took part in amateur societies of the university.

5. Next term Nick will live in a two-bed room of the students’ hostel.

6. It is necessary to attend classes every day.

7. We’ll be studying anatomy the whole weekend.

8. These students came from Jordan and India.

9. All hostels of the university have central heating.

10. Nelly is telling some interesting facts from the university life to this foreign student now.


II. Choose the proper tense of the verb.

1. Annually, the IFNMU (admits, admit, is admitting) foreign citizens to all departments.

2. Medical students (studies, were studying, was studying) Latin the whole academic year.

3. My niece (was entering, enters, will enter) the university in two years.

4. The students (will carry out, were carrying out, will be carrying out) the laboratory experiment from 10 till 12 tomorrow.

5. Only 395 students (will study, studied, were studying) at our university in 1945.

6. Last time this student (don’t answer, doesn’t answer, didn’t answer) the tutor’s questions.

7. Nowadays, 12 amateur art groups (comprise, comprises, comprised) over 400 students.


III. Translate into English.

1. В нашій групі навчаються кілька студентів із Болгарії.

2. Чи є в університеті якісь умови для відпочинку студентів?

3. В даний момент студенти нашого університету досліджують конкретну проблему, пов’язану із захворюваннями серцево-судинної системи.

4. Мої одногрупники відвідували гуртки художньої самодіяльності, коли вони навчалися на першому курсі.

5. Вона буде наполегливо вчитися для того, щоб стати хорошим лікарем.

6. Впродовж цілого заняття лектор відповідав на запитання студентів.

7. Ти братимеш підручник з анатомії у бібліотеці, чи куплятимеш його в магазині?

8. Після закінчення університету я стану медсестрою.

9. Весь наступний тиждень ми робитимемо ремонт у нашій кімнаті в гуртожитку.

10. Ця студентка кожного року бере участь в університетських наукових конференціях.

Lesson 3

The Work of a Nurse

Text:The Work of a Nurse

Grammar: Types of Questions


Active Vocabulary


doctor’s office to take temperature blood pressure weight sample blood urine laboratory test to prescribe stomachache chickenpox nosebleed bump bruise to promote vision hearing scoliosis screening nutrition hygiene diabetes to monitor to provide round-the-clock vital signs to draw blood community to interact compassionate health issue majority rank male faraway ["dPktqz'PfIs] ['temprqCq] ['blAd"preSq] [weIt] ['sRmpl] [blAd] ['jVqrIn] [lq'bPrqtrI 'test] [prI'skraIb] ['stAmqkeIk] ['CIkIn"pPks] ['nqVzblJd] [bAmp] [brHz] [prq'mqVt] ['vIZ(q)n] ['hIqrIN] ["skqVlI'qVsIs] ['skrJnIN] [njH'trIS(q)n] ['haIGJn] ["daIq'bJtIz] ['mPnItq] [prq'vaId] ["raVndDq'klPk] ['vaIt(q)l 'sanz] ['drL 'blAd] [kq'mjHnqtI] ["Intqr'xkt] [kqm'pxS(q)nqt] ['helT 'IsjH] [mq'GPrqtI] [rxNk] [meIl] ["fRrq'weI] кабінет лікаря вимірювати температуру тиск крові вага зразок кров сеча лабораторний аналіз призначати біль у шлунку вітряна віспа кровотеча з носа ґуля; опухлість синець сприяти, підтримувати зір слух сколіоз перевірка; скринінг харчування гігієна діабет слідкувати, контролювати забезпечувати цілодобовий основні показники стану здоров’я брати кров дільниця взаємодіяти співчутливий питання, пов’язане зі здоров’ям більшість ряд чоловік; чоловіча стать далекий; віддалений

Read the text and answer the questions.

The Work of a Nurse

Where are you most likely to meet a nurse? At your doctor’s office. Nurses in medical offices typically assist the doctor by asking you about your symptoms, taking your temperature and blood pressure, checking your weight, and collecting blood or urine samples for laboratory tests. Doctor’s office nurses are also usually educators as well, making sure patients understand their illness and know how to take any medicine that’s prescribed.

You’ll also find nurses:

o At your school: School nurses give the first medical aid to kids with stomachaches, chickenpox, nosebleeds, and bumps and bruises. But they also have the important job of promoting good health. How do they do it? School nurses do vision, hearing, and scoliosis screenings and teach kids how to take care of themselves through good nutrition, exercise, and hygiene. They also help kids with special conditions, like diabetes, by teaching them about their condition and monitoring them.

o At the hospital: Hospital nurses provide round-the-clock patients’ care. They monitor a patient’s vital signs, give medicine, draw blood, and work closely with doctors and families to keep everyone up to date on a patient’s condition. Some nurses even work in the operating rooms assisting the surgeons.

o In your neighbourhood: Some nurses work directly in the community. These nurses teach people with special health problems like diabetes or asthma how to manage their conditions. They also might travel to a person’s home to provide care for those who are too elderly or sick to leave.

Whatever type of work they do, the best nurses have one thing in common: they like interacting with people. That’s because nurses do more than provide practical health care. They also give patients and their families compassionate support at a time when they need it most. Nurses are educated to care for the whole person, not just treat whatever health issue somebody has.

It’s well known that the majority of nurses are women, but today more and more men are joining the ranks of male nurses in the medical field.

Nurses are important people. They do their job in all kinds of places – from local hospitals to faraway military bases. Some even work in the sky or at sea, helping to transport sick people on planes or caring for passengers on ships. In fact, anywhere in the world you can find someone who needs health care, you can probably find a nurse.


1. What are the duties of nurses working in medical offices?

2. Do school nurses assist surgeons during surgical operations? What do they do?

3. What special conditions do they also help kids with?

4. Hospital nurses don’t provide round-the-clock patient care, do they?

5. What are the duties of hospital nurses?

6. Do any nurses work directly in the community?

7. What do the best nurses usually have in common?

8. Are nurses educated to care for the whole person or just for his health?

9. Do men or women choose the profession of a nurse more often?

10. Where else can you find a nurse?



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