Unit 11. Сonditional Sentences 

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Unit 11. Сonditional Sentences

We use conditional sentences involving link words and phrases such as when, before, after, as soon as, in case, till, until, if, unless.

First Conditional

(if, when) Present Simple – Future Simple

We use the first Conditional:

- to talk about a likely situation and its probable result in the future:

e. g. Якщо буде гарна погода, ми підемо на прогулянку.

If the weather is fine we won’t go for a walk.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

1. When he (get) his salary we’ll buy a new TV set.

2. I’ll be ready as soon as you (be).

3. She will be happy when she (hear) this news.

4. I (lend) you my car whenever you want it.

5. My boss will be upset when he (see)

6. He’ll pay you when he (get) his cheque.

7. As soon as she (learn) English he’ll get her a job.

8. You shouldn’t count on a salary increase before you actually (get) it.

9. The company won’t make any decision till he (arrive) here.

10. As soon as she (get) there I’ll write you a letter.

Exercise 2. Finish the sentences using the first conditional:

1. If he washes my car, ….

2. If you smoke, ….

3. If you need a lot of money, …

4. If you fail your test in math, ….

5. If she loses her weight, ….

6. If you phone me tonight, ….

7. If I go to the party, ….

8. If it rains, ….

9. If eat a lot of sweets, ….

10. If we get this loan, ….

11. If you buy a new flat, ….

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Якщо я попрошу його, він допоможе нам одержати цю позику.

2. Вони обговорять це питання, якщо у них буде вільний час.

3. Якщо нас запросять на ці переговори, ми будемо підтримувати вашу стратегію.

4. Ми одержимо цю інформацію вчасно, якщо він відправить її електронною поштою.

5. Якщо він забуде свою обіцянку, я йому нагадаю.

6. Якщо прибуток не буде розподілений між акціонерами, вони будуть не задоволені.

7. Якщо ми одержимо цю довгострокову оренду, то відкриємо ще один гіпермаркет в цьому місті.

8. Ми зможемо купити ці нові приміщення, якщо у фірми буде додатковий капітал.

9. Якщо я куплю цей комп’ютер у розстрочку, то я зможу заощадити гроші на подорож до Єгипту.

10. Якщо ти мені зателефонуєш, я тобі відповім.

Second Conditional

(if, when) Past Simple – would + 1ф.д.

We use the second conditional:

- to talk about an unlikely or imaginary situation and its result:

e. g. If the weather were fine, we would have gone for a walk.

Якби погода була гарною, ми б пішли на прогулянку

- in the expression: «If I were, I’d …» to give advice

e.g. If I were you I would retire.

Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. If nothing better (turn up), he would apply for this job.

2. I wouldn’t want to live in this city even if I (have) all money in the world.

3. If you (change) your mind, I would never forgive you.

4. If you (study) harder, you would get better marks.

5. If I (win) a lot of money, I would feel very happy.

6. If I were you, I (be) more careful.

7. If it (not be) so late, I would phone him.

8. If we reached an agreement, we (sign) the contract.

9. If you really wanted to help, you (can) do it even now.

10. If you (provide) a better service, you would get more customers.

Exercise 2. Finish the sentences using the second conditional:

1. If I passed my English exam, ….

2. If my friend got promotion, ….

3. If he listened to my advice, ….

4. If he invested in government bond, ….

5. If I were you, ….

6. If the customer complained, ….

7. If I knew him better, ….

8. If I could help you, ….

9. If she were present, ….

10. If you didn’t ask me any questions, ….

11. If he took better care of his healthy, ….

12. If I saw it with my own eyes, ….

Exercise 3. Answer these questions with a conditional sentences:

What would you do if …

1. … you won of money?

2. … you were a famous film star?

3. …you found a wallet on the ground?

4. … you were invited to play a part in a film?

5. … you were trying to lose weight?

6. … you were to change you job?

7. … you saw someone cheating in an exam?

8. … you wanted to buy someone a really good present?

9. … you were to apply for the manager’s job?

10. … you found a job abroad?

11. … you were promoted?

12. … you were fired?

13. … you were asked to work overtime?

14. … you were a president of a big company?

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences using second conditional:

1. Якби ти більше читала, ти б краще знала англійську.

2. Якби ти мене попросив, я б тобі розповіла.

3. Якби ви запровадили кращий сервіс, у вас би було більше покупців.

4. Якби ти передумав, я б тобі не пробачив.

5. Якби я виграла багато горшей, я був би щасливий.

6. Якби ми домовились, ми б підписали контракт.

7. Якби я була на твоєму місці я була б обережна.

8. Якби ви нам надіслали цю інформацію, ми б були дуже вдячні.

9. Якби ціни знизились, ми б купили квартиру.

10. Якби у мене було більше грошей, я б купив машину.

Third Conditional

(when, if) had +3 ф.д. (Past Perfect) – would + have + 3ф. гл./ed


We use the second conditional:

- to talk about of unreal condition referring to the past

e. g. If the weather had been fine yesterday. we would have gone for a walk.

Exercise 1. Finish the sentences using third conditional:

1. If we had won the money,....

2. If I had been better at English, ….

3. If I had only known about this earlier, ….

4. If I had consulted the stockholder in time, ….

5. If he had been an honest person, ….

6. If we had signed an agreement,....

7. If the new investment plan had been completed, ….

8. If you had established a company by your own, ….

9. If he had been more friendly, …

10. If he had asked a permission, ….

Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

1. If I had sold my shares then, I (make) a lot of money.

2. If you hadn’t taken so many risks, you (lose) so much.

3. If I had bought that lottery ticket, I (win) one million.

4. If the company hadn’t raised its fund, it (go) bankrupt.

5. If I had known this great new, I (tell) you.

6. If had sold my car a couple of years before, I (get) more money.

7. If he had invested on the stock market, he (live) from the income.

8. If he had worked alone, he (finish) this work.

9. If had known this information, he (work) us last week.

10. If I (not make) profit on my shares, I would have never bought this house.

Exercise 3. Translate into English:

1. Якби ви все зробили своєчасно, ми б уже підписали контракт з цієї фірмою.

2. Якщо б я знав про вашу пропозицію раніше, я б не погодився на цю роботу.

3. Якби я знав про цей контракт, я б переклав його ще на минулому тижні.

4. Якби ми підписали контракт, цього б не сталося.

5. Якби він знав всі факти, він би допоміг нам в минулу п’ятницю.

6. Якби я знав про це раніше, я б повідомив про це тобі.

7. Якби я знав вчора, що ви приїхали, я б зустрів вас в аеропорту.

8. Якби ти мене послухав, цього б не сталося.

9. Якби ти мені зателефонувала, я забронювала кімнату.

10. Якби ти організувала зустріч минулої середи, я б зміг бути там.

Unit 12. The verb «I wish» expressing wishes and regrets

The verb «I wish» expressing wishes and regrets: - to wish can be used as a simple verb: e.g. I wish you Happy New Year! Бажаю щасливого Нового року! - wish + could or past simple/continuous is used to talk about something you would like to be different, but can’ change: e.g. I wish I could speak Italian fluently! Якби я говорила вільно італійською! - wish + past perfect is used to express past regrets: e. g. Iwish I had attended that conference. Шкода, що я не була присутня на конференції; - wish + would is used to express annoyance at the habits of others: e.g. I wish you wouldn’t take my car! Я б хотіла, щоб ти більше не брав мою машину!

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. I wish I (have) enough money to buy this house.

2. I wish I (reserve) a hotel beforehand.

3. I wish he (establish) his private company.

4. I wish I (take) that job in the marketing department.

5. He wishes he (go) on holiday with his friends.

6. She wishes she (be) more careful.

7. They wish they never (get) married.

8. I wish I (not accept) his invitation.

9. She wishes she (not leave) her last job.

10. I wish he (not interfere) with my possessions.

11. I wish nothing (happen).

12. I wish you (not think) so.

13. I wish you (not smoke) indoors.

14. I wish she (take) the chance.

Exercise 2. Translate into English:

1. Шкода, що ви не знаєте цієї інформації.

2. Шкода, що ви не подумали про витрати фірми.

3. Шкода, що ми не застрахували наш товар.

4. Шкода, що ви не мали часу тоді.

5. Шкода, що ти не підтримав його.

6. Шкода, що ви не вивчили фінансовий звіт ретельно.

7. Шкода, що фінансовий звіт нашої компанії ще не перевірено.

8. Шкода, що ваші витрати перевищують ваші прибутки.

9. Шкода, що ви не попередили його заздалегідь. Він би вирішив вашу проблему.

10. Шкода, що ці фактори впливають на фінансовий стан нашої компанії.

11. Шкода, що наш бухгалтер звільнився.

12. Шкода, що ми не в змозі повністю задовольнити потреби наших клієнтів.

13. Шкода, що попит на цей товар перевищує пропозицію.

14. Шкода, що ви витратили так багато грошей на рекламу цієї послуги.


Unit 13. Complex Object

The Complex Object has the following forms:
Active voice Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
to 1 f.v. to be v+ing to have +3f.v./ed to have+ been+ v+ing
Passive voice to be 3f.v./ed   to have +been+3f.v./ed ________

We use Complex Object:

- after verbs denoting perceptions of senses;

- after verbs denoting wish, intention, emotions;

- after verbs denoting mental activity;

- after verbs denting order, request, permission, advice, compulsion;

verbs followed by an object + Infinitive without «to»:

advice, allow, ask, expect, forbid, force, get, hate, intend, invite, permit, order, prefer, recommend, remind, tell, want, persuade, like, warn, wish, would like;

e.g. My boss always ask me to work as hard as I could;

verbs followed by an object + Infinitive without «to»:

let, make, feel, see, hear, watch, notice, and sometimes know and help, had better;

e. g. Let me explain the rule.


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