The Passive Voice (continuous tenses) 

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The Passive Voice (continuous tenses)

1. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative: Example: The new Prime Minister will be appointed tomorrow. The candidate is being discussed now. – Is the candidate being discussed now? No, the candidate is not being discussed now.

1. They were being questioned for half an hour in the morning. 2. Somebody is walking behind us. I think we are being followed! 3. The victim is being examined now. 4. An agreement is being worked out. 5. A new building is being built. 6. An expert examination is being made.


2. Write passive sentences:

Example: The police are making inquires now. – Inquires are being made by the police now.

1. The judge is announcing the sentence. 2. The investigator was examining clothes when the expert arrived. 3. The police are searching for a burglar. 4. The Parliament is passing the law. 5. The committee is discussing the matter. 6. The experts are studying the fingerprints


3. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb (Present/ Past Continuous): Example: He (to be questioned) at the moment I came in. – He was being questioned at the moment I came in.

1. Look at that strange man! We (to be followed). 2. The new Tax bill (to be discussed) all day yesterday. 3. I didn’t notice anything, but when I got a cassette I realized everything. Our conversation (to be recorded). 4. Don’t come in! The identi-kit of the maniac-murderer (to be created).5. The decision of the Constitutional Court (to be discussed) and we heard loud voices. 6. The plan of future changes in the system of courts (to be discussed) in the afternoon.


4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Зараз відбувається експертиза відбитків пальців. 2. Справу зараз слухають у суді. 3. Вашу інформацію щодо винності депутата зараз перевіряють. 4. Підозрюваного зараз допитують. 5. Будинок учора обшукували цілий день, але нічого не знайшли. 6. Зараз проводиться засідання Верховної Ради. 7. Зараз розробляють порядок денний засідання Кабінету Міністрів. 8. Зараз беруть інтерв’ю у Прем’єр-міністра України. 9. Чому їх арештовують? Вони невинні.



The Passive Voice (perfect tenses)


1. Make sentences interrogative and negative:

Example: The criminal has been caught at last. – Has the criminal been caught? The criminal hasn’t been caught.


1. Mrs. Jane’s evidence has been presented to the jury. 2. The investigation has been finished successfully.3. The burglar has been arrested. 4. Citizens have been selected to form the jury. 5. The juror has been exused. 6. The opening statements have been presented. 7. This complicated case has been settled out of court.


2. Imagine that a policeman has made a report and now tells his boss about the event of the day. Write sentences using Passive Perfect where necessary:

1) The famous deputy/ to kill. Two suspects / to catch near the place of murder. Witnesses / already to question. 2) Famous murderer Stivenson / to escape from federal prison. All areas / to search. All roads leading to the city / to take under control. All police headquarters / already to inform. His pictures / to show on TV.


3. Rewrite the following active sentences, using the passive form (Indefinite or Perfect):

Example: Special courts administer ecclesiastical law. – Ecclesiastical law is administered by special courts


1. The organizers will supply all relevant information about the meeting in advance. 2. The Act of Union united Great Britain with Ireland. 3. English Law has greatly influenced Scots law. 4. Roman law has influenced many modern European legal systems. 5. You have warned me about the danger. 6. A person who marries a second husband or wife while still legally married to the first one commits bigamy.


4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Кожному повнолітньому в нашій країні гарантується право голосувати. 2. Відомого злочинця нарешті заарештували. 3. Речі підозрюваного вже доставлено, їх відправляють експертам. 4. Необхідні свідчення про злочинця вже отримано: фоторобот складено і розіслано до всіх відділків поліції, відбитки з бокала знято, свідків допитано. 5. Жертву вже прооперували, вона прийшла до тями і хоче дати свідчення. 6. Її вже визнали винною у трьох інших крадіжках з магазинів. 7. Судові рішення ухвалюються судами і є обов’зковими до виконання.


Modals (with Simple Infinitive)



1. Make up sentences with can, can’t, could and it’s equivalent to be able to using the following words and word combinations:

Example: to write – Can your brother write? My brother can’t write, he is only five. My brother could write when he was four. He will be able to write soon.

To teach law, to explain the system of courts, to question the witness, speak to the chief investigator, to examine the evidence, to describe the political system of Ukraine.

2. Write what these people can do:

Example: An expert can examine collected evidence.

Judge, prosecutor, lawyer, lawmaker, investigator, criminologist, expert, criminal psychologist.

3. Translate the following sentences into English using can:

1. Експерти можуть використовувати різноманітні технології для проведення досліджень. 2. Чи міг я тоді покластися на це свідчення? 3. Ми не зможемо повязати цього підозрюваного з місцем злочину. 4. Ви можете ідентифікувати жертву? 5. Злочинець може полегшити вирок, зробивши зізнання. 6. Вони всі вважали, що він невинний, але ніхто не міг довести його невинність.



1. Make up sentences with may using the following words and word combinations:

Example: to touch the gun – May I touch the gun? Anyway, its inadmissible evidence.


To come into the courtroom, to open the door to the unknown, to read the report, to take part in the investigation, to watch the questioning of the accused, to use one’s evidence, to speak to the prisoner, to read the report of the decision of the Constitutional Court.


2. Translate the following sentences into English using may (might):


1. Можна ввійти? 2. Слідчий говорить, що я вже вільний. 3. Відбитки пальців та аналіз ДНК могли допомогти ідентифікувати потенційного підозрюваного. 4. Інколи детективи можуть покластися на мережу інформаторів. 5. Речовий доказ може довести, що злочин було скоєно. 6. Вивчення біологічних доказів могло допомогти у розкритті цього злочину 3 роки тому.



1. Make up sentences with must, to have to using the following words and word combinations:

Example: to inspect the place of murder – We must inspect the place of murder immediately! Did they have to inspect the place of murder so late at night? The policeman won’t have to inspect the place of murder, we have already done it.

To perform urgent actions not to be late, watch the criminal properly, to examine all details thoroughly, to follow the doctor’s prescription as for the victim, to consider the circumstances of the theft.


Write about your duties. Write 5 sentences what you must do and 5 sentences what you mustn’t do.

3. Translate the following sentences into English using must or to have to:

1. Вищий суд повинен розгладати всі апеляції. 2. Ви повинні наполегливо вчитися щоб стати спеціалістом в галузі права. 3. Вона повинна бути вдома зараз. 4. Я повинен був чекати на неї у прокуратурі. 5. Експерти криміналістичної лабораторії – це науковці, які повинні проводити дослідження доказів. 6. Після другого огляду місця злочину слідчі були вимушені відпустити підозрюваного.


4. Fill in the gaps with can, may, must or to have to:


1. … you speak Spanish? – No, I … 3. At what time … you come to the Academy? 4. … I come in, sir? 5. You … not smoke here. 6. … take your lawbook? – I am afraid not. I need it. 7. I … to help my friends with this report in Criminal Investigation, so I cannot go with you. 8. A formal law…prohibit what is morally unacceptable.


5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Чи треба мені тобі допомогати? 2. Ви можете не ходити туди, там нема нічого цікавого. 3. Ви можете не брати пістолет: там буде безпечно. 4. Чи треба повідомити поліцію про крадіжку, яку ми бачили? 5. Ви можете не ходити туди, там жахлива картина вбивства. 6. Чи потрібно буде проводити повторний допит свідка? 7. Можна мені взяти участь у розслідуванні? 8. Ви повинні були ретельно проаналізувати всі обставини справи! 9. Я не міг бути присутнім на засіданні Верховної Ради вчора.


Reported Speech

1. Commands. Rewrite sentences as in the example:

Example: Work hard! – He told (asked) me to work hard.

1. Stop talking on the phone! I am waiting for an important call! 2. Put hands on your neck! 3. Have a break for a moment! 4. Don’t speak so loud! I can’t hear the Speaker. 5. Don’t make so many mistakes! 6. Tell him the truth! 7. Follow that car!


2. Change the following sentences into reported speech as in the example: Example: Are you busy? She asked if I was busy.

Where are you going? She asked where I was going.

When do you get up? She asked when I got up.

1. Do you work as a defendant or a prosecutor? 2. Where is our expert? 3. Has he presented the evidence? 4. Did he have a personal interest in the case? 5. 4. What does the legislative process involve? 5. What will she do in case of her accusation?


3. Turn these into reported speech, beginning I didn’t know:

Example: He is searching for a burglar. – I didn’t know he was searching for a burglar.

1. They have taken his fingerprints. 2. He was released from prison. 3. They will commit a terrible crime. 4. Tomorrow he will appear before the court. 5. This famous advocate will defend James in court. 6. They have arrested the well-known escaped criminal at last.


4. Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech:

Example: The officer said, ‘I held that criminal in my arms for the second time!’ – The officer said he had held that criminal in his arms for the second time.

1. The judge said, ‘I have never faced such an awful mistake’. 2. The students said, ‘The professor explained the legal and political system of Great Britain properly’. 3. The policeman said, ‘I saw them at the station’. 4. Mary said, ‘I studied Criminology at the Academy’. 5. His aunt said, ‘Something terrible happened’. 6. The advocate said, ‘I’ll do all I can’.


5. Translate the following sentences into English:


1. Слідчий департамент повідомив, що злочинця спіймали. 2. Адвокат сказав, що арештований має право на консультацію юриста. 3. Газета повідомила, що певні зусилля докладаються, щоб покращити зв’язок з молоддю щодо попередження злочинності. 4. Злочинець признав, що викрав гроші. 5. Вона казала, що при поліцейському не було зброї тієї ночи. 6. Він запитав, які докази будуть представлені на суді.


The Infinitive

1. Find the Infinitives, translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. His duty is to make sure that the place of work is safe. 2. He has just finished his speech to read the text on family law. 3. I expect him to be always fair in fixing price for goods. 4. I would like to see the witness again. 5. I beg to inform me of the details of the case. 6. We asked to be given convincing evidence.


2. Make sentences using the words from the table:

It takes took will take me you him them her us less than a minute half an hour five days a fortnight three weeks two years to get there



3. Make sentences using the infinitives as a subject after It’s important/ dangerous/ interesting/ hard/ unfair… as in the example:

Example: to become a good specialist – It’s important to become a good specialist.

To learn foreign languages; to study Criminology; to have practice in court; to regulate copyrights and trademarks; to learn about other criminal codes; to consider his state of mind; to examine all evidence; to know the definition of tort; to revoke an offer.



4. Write what the officer made your friend do when he was apprehended:

Example: The officer made him show his pockets. (Pay attention to using the infinitive without to )

1) to show my pockets;

2) to sit by the wall;

3) to answer the officer’s questions;

4) to call mother;

5) to tell about the circumstances;

6) to tell the truth;

7) to put signature.


5. Encourage your friends to do something and make up short dialogues:

Example: to walk to the Academy – Let’s walk to the Academy.

To call the notary today (to put it off till tomorrow); to go to the meeting (to go to the Prosecutor’s Office); to finish the law report tonight (to leave it till tomorrow); to make our own expert examination (to employ a specialist); to write out some unknown words denoting civil wrongs (to read them).


6. Respond to the statements by giving advice or making recommendation:

Example: I’ve got much work to do before the meeting. – You’d better go to the hostel and prepare for the meeting.

1. We’ll take an exam in Criminal Law soon (to study the major factors in determining of criminal intent). 2. We may be late with this information (to prove the necessity of using force). 3. You have little time to prepare for the seminar on English Court System. (go to the reading hall now). 4. You have no right to blame him; he performed his legal dity (to justify him). 5. You don’t have enough evidence (to settle the dispute out of court).


7. Fill in the gaps with the particle to if necessary:

1. Let him … help you with your work at the case. 2. He would rather die than … betray his friends. 3. Have you ever heard him … break the law? 4. She seems … know a great deal about public law. 5. Let them... come as soon as possible. 6. Have you enough information … to sue for compensation?


8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Objective and Subjective Infinitive Constructions:

A. 1. I heard the door of the court hall open. 2. Do you expect the jury to believe that you are innocent? 3. Everybody expected this crime to be justifiable. 4. I saw the public meet that verdict with satisfaction 5. He is believed to be the fairest judge in our town. 6. They want him to be charged for the second time, but it’s prohibited by the law.

B. 1. The information proved to be wrong. 2. The girl is considered to be in need of protection. 3. The young offender was seen to be working very hard. 4. He is expected to be honest during the trial. 5. The court is unlikely to give a severe sentence. 6. Three people are reported to have been injured in the accident.

9. Complete these sentences with used to + infinitive:

1. He (to travel) a lot because his job was connected with commerce among the states. 2. They (to be) the members of the House of Representatives presenting California and Vermont. 3. She (to work) much as she was a legal advisor; now she is retired and has a plenty of time. 4. We (to live) in a small village but now we live in New York. 5. There (to be) the Prosecutor’s Office opposite the station but it moved to another building long time ago. 6. I (to know) a lot of people from the government and I don’t know any these days.


10. Translate the following sentences into English:


1. Президент США має право відхилити проект. 2. Я почув, як суддя говорив латиною. 3. Ви сподіваєтеся, присяжні повірять, що ви невинний? 4. Він вимагав, щоб йому надали можливість відшкодувати збитки. 5. Вважали, що дівчині потрібна допомога. 6. Вона сподівалася, що другий свідок підтвердить її версію. 7. Здається, вона багато знає про цивільне право. 8. Ви колись чули, щоб він порушував закон?


The Gerund

1. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:

Example: It is important to have good friends. – Having good friends is very important.

1. It’s easy to learn how to read. 2. It’s important to become computer literate. 3. Is it difficult to study Criminal Law? 4. It’s important to have professional awareness. 5. It is interesting to learn about Contract Law. 6. It’s important to maintain legality. 7. It’s necessary to obtain team work skills.


2. Answer the questions using the Gerund:

1.What is the best way for training investigator skills? 2. What is the best way for gaining as much knowledge as possible in Criminal Law? 3. Maintaining public order is the task of law-enforcement bodies, isn’t it? 4. Which is more comfortable: to write or to type? 5. Which is more interesting: to play a role of an investigator or to take a role of an offender? 6. Which is more important: to know much and do nothing or to know less but try to find a way out.


3. Make a polite request using the construction stop/ start + Gerund:

Example: to make that terrible noise – Would you please stop making that terrible noise?

1. To examine the evidence; 2. to discuss the case with a judge; 3. to prepare the case for the hearing; 4. to search the place of the crime; 5. to tell about the accident. 6. to answer the inspector’s questions.


4. Express your attitude to the following using the structure to be worth + Gerund:

Example: to read the book – The book is (not) worth reading.

1. To discuss his speech at the meeting; 2. to study to become a lawyer; 3. to repeat an investigatory experiment; 4. to interrupt the speaker. 5. to follow his advice; 6. to consider the complexity of the case; 7. to change your guilty plea; 8. to tell me all the truth now.


5. Make up sentences using the structure need + Gerund:

Example: to paint the window – The window needs painting.


1. My jacket, to clean. 2. This difficult problem, to think about carefully. 3. The door, to repair. 4. The information, to check. 5. The documents, to analyze. 6. The evidence, to examine. 7. The report, to rewrite.


6. Make up sentences as in the example (use the verb to excuse ):

Example: to interrupt – Excuse my interrupting.

to come late; to tell all the story to mother; to give so much trouble; to call you on Sunday; to remind of your debt; not to be present at the court hearing; to forget our arrangements to meet.


7. Complete the following sentences:

1. He is accused of… 2. I insist on telling … 3. He didn’t succeed in finding … 4. Passing a sentence must be … 5. Without considering the evidence of the accused the jury can’t … 6. After explaining the rules to the accused the judge began … 7. I am looking forward to… 8. We depend on…


8. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Нарешті вони почали ретельно вивчати питання інтелектуальної власності. 2. Проблему інформаційних технологій треба розглянути дуже ретельно. 3. З цим не слід сперечатись: клієнти шукають високо-якісних спеціалістів у галузі права. 4. Перестаньте звинувачувати усіх! 5. Вони з нетерпінням чекають на підвищення якості послуг. 6. Пробачте, що я втручаюся в розмову. 7. Вона заперечувала, що крала гроші. 8. Ці відбитки треба проаналізувати.



The Participle I


1. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:

A. Example: The men who work in the Procurator’s Office are my colleagues. – The men working in the Procurator’s Office are my colleagues.

1. The man who steals from pockets is a pickpocket. 2. The lawyer who is announcing the sentence is a judge. 3. The criminal who was escaping from Winston prison was rather dangerous. 4. The burglar who broke into their house at night was not alone, somebody helped him. 5. The unknown man who is following us looks like a criminal. 6. The plaintiff is a party which brings an action to win compensation.


B. Example: When she heard the strange noise, she turned around. – Hearing the strange noise she turned around.

1. When an aggrived party starts criminal proceedings it usually sues for compensation. 2. When he questioned the witness he thought about his own family. 3. When they recognized his voice on the cassette, they became suspicious. 4. When they pass a law they always think if it violates the Constitution. 5. When I realized what had happened, I called the police.


C. Example: I read the article and made notes. – I read the article making notes.

1. The inspector looked at me and smiled. 2. The victim spoke and trembled. 3. The suspect spoke about his youth and showed old pictures with blood on them. 4. He turned over the pages of the criminal case and looked at the photos. 5. The man ran about and shouted.


2. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. Point out Participles:

1. Numerous administrative agencies now make rules that deal with all kinds of activity, including licensing and protection of health. 2. Recently there have been continuous debates regarding the legitimacy of government intervention in matters of birth control. 3. All criminal trials in Britain are held before a judge and a jury consisting of 12 ordinary people. 4. Looking back over English legal history it is plain to see that the old local customs at and around the time of the Norman Conquest are the historical source of the common law. 5. Being the most serious offences, these cases are always tried by federal court judges. 6. The police investigating the case are looking for 3 men. 7. The suspect using the services of a famous lawyer could prove his alibi. 8. Being accused of a burglary, Mr Brown was sentences to 3 years of imprisonment.


3. Translate the following word combinations into English:

Кабінет, що складається з міністрів; люди, що голосують на виборах; партія, що керує країною; закон, що захищає права громадян; законотворчий орган; партія, що перемагає на виборах; інтелектуальна власність, яка відрізняється від інших форм власності; сторона, яка сплачує збитки позивачеві.


4. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Судовий округ – це термін, що визначає територію, де повинно бути розглянуте правопорушення. 2. Визначення покарання в кримінальному праві є дуже складним питанням. 3. При порушенні особою публічного порядку вона повинна сплатити штраф, якщо її поведінка не мала серйозних наслідків. 4. Будь-яка особа може звернутися до суду, вимагаючи сплати збитків. 5. Три категорії суддів, які працюють у Королевському суді, розглядають справи залежно від їх складності. 6. Поліція, що контролюється Центральним урядом, відповідає за підтримання публічного порядку. 7. До складу суддів, що займаються справами неповнолітніх, входять судді-спеціалісти, які знають дитячу психологію.


The Participle II


1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian, find Past Participles and explain the use:

1. In modern societies some authorized body such as a legislature or court makes the law. 2. Ukraine’s declaration of independence, approved by a popular vote in 1991, has become a general rule. 3. The Constitutional Court charged with protecting and interpreting the constitution is the highest court in Ukraine. 4. Civil law used in many countries is based on ancient Roman law. 5. Precedents set by previous cases can be used to adjudicate new disputes. 6. At the annual opening of Parliament the Queen reads out a speech drawn up by the Prime Minister.


2. Rewrite the following sentences as in the example:

Example: We live in the city which was founded more than 1,500 years ago. – We live in the city founded more than 1,500 years ago.

1. Money bills which are concerned with taxation are always introduced by the Commons. 2. The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the USA which are known as the Bill of Rights were adopted in 1791. 3. English medieval law which is administered by courts reflected the “common” traditions and customs of the USA. 4. The civil law which is found in continental Europe can be contrasted to the common-law system. 5. The jury which is selected from local citizens applies the law to reach a verdict. 6. The interpretation of law which is made by appellate courts forms the precedents that govern future cases7. The evidence that was already fixed on the paper proved his innocence. 8. Financial losses which were covered by the defendant were considerably high.


3. Translate the following word combinations into Ukrainian paying attention to the use of Participle II:


A. a solved problem; a retired judge; the proposed action; the highly-qualified lawyers; the given powers; the required qualifications; unwritten law; the alleged right; an undefended divorce; a prescribed law;

B. any accused person; any imprisoned citizen; any elected representative; any detailed rule; any examined witness; any revealed crime; any charged fine; any imprisoned citizen;

C. the individual involved; the area concerned; the terminology used; the courts organized; the decision taken; the recommendations made;

D. the courts organized by the local landowners; an action based on principles; the meaning dictated by Parliament; the members selected by the Prime Minister.


4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian:

1. The fine paid amounted to three hundred dollars. 2. The executor is the person appointed to ‘execute’ the will. 3. There are several wishes expressed in the will. 4. Unfortunatuly, the stolen money has never been found. 5. The document corrected cannot be accepted. 6. The mentioned questions were of no importance. 7. Physical damage suffered by the plaintiff was terrible.


5. Choose the correct word:

1. The Congressman was satisfying/ satisfied with the results of the election.

2. Are you interesting/ interested in politics?

3. They were/ disappointing/ disappointed with the Justice’s decision.

4. It’s sometimes embarrassed/ embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

5. Why does he always look so boring/ bored? Is his work really so bored/ boring?

6. Most of the policemen have a really impressive/ impressed experience in searching for criminals.

7. Our aim is to create a law- governing/ law-governed state.

8. It was not surprised/ surprising that he did not want to take part in the planned crime.



6. Translate the following sentences into English using Participle II:


1. Кожен заарештований чи затриманий повинен бути поінформований щодо причини його арешту чи затримання 2. Кожен затриманий має право оскаржити (to challenge)в суді своє затримання. 3. Родичі заарештованої чи затриманої особи повинні бути поінформовані негайно про його чи її арешт. 4. Затримана чи арештована особа повинна бути звільнена відразу, якщо не було відповідного рішення суду. 5. Акти президента України, видані в межах його повноважень, підписуються також прем’єр-міністром України. 6. Письмові статути, складені (to draft) законодавчими органами, є основою для вирішення справ за системою цивільного права.



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