Answer the questions about you and your family. 

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Answer the questions about you and your family.

1) What can you tell a stranger about yourself?

2) What three things do you think are the most important about you?

3) What is better: to have a small family or a big family with a lot of children and other relatives?

4) What is your family like? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Are you good friends with them?

5) What are your family’s favourite pastimes? What do you like to do together?

6) What is an ideal family as you see it?

READING and writing

14. Read the description of Aunt Emily, identify the parts which describe: a) appearance; b) character; c) hobbies and interests.

Aunt Emily

Off all my relatives, I like my aunt Emily the best. She’s my mother’s younger sister. She has never married, and she lives alone in a small village near Bath. She’s in her late fifties, but she is still quite young in spirit. She has a fair complexion, thick brown hair which she wears in a bun, and dark brown eyes. She has a kind face, and when you meet her, the first thing you notice is her lovely, warm smile. Her face is a little wrinkled now, but I think she is still rather attractive. She is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem.

She likes reading and gardening, and she goes for long walks over the hills with her dog, Buster. She’s a very active person. Either she’s making something, or mending something, or doing something to help others. She does the shopping for some of the old people in the village. She’s extremely generous, but not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with her. I hope that I am as happy and contented as she is when I’m her age.

15. Find in the text sentences with the words ‘quite’, ‘a little’, ‘rather’, ‘very’, ‘extremely’. In what way do they change the meaning of the adjectives they correspond with?

16. Write a paragraph describing one of the members of your family. Don’t forget to include:

- your attitude to this person;

- appearance;

- character and interests.


Situation. You’ve invited your friend to the family dinner and want to tell him (her) about your family before the meeting.



18. Group these nouns into countable and uncountable.

Piano, computer, cheese, car, music, love, information, lady, idea, education, progress, doctor, milk, fact, butter, tomato, table, airport, money, bread, cat, camel, instrument, gold, spaghetti, coffee, bank, student, petrol, meat.

19. Give the plurals of the following nouns.

Hat, box, day, desk, clock, bus, list, toy, address, brush, face, family, puppy, book, wife, scarf, knife, video, tomato, tree, zoo, shop, man, woman, child, tooth, foot, goose, ox, sheep, deer, means, volcano, church.

20. Complete the following sentences with is or are.

1) Ladies and gentlemen. Here _____ the news.

2) Where _____ my jeans?

3) Further information _____ available in the office.

4) The stairs _____ over there, Sir.

5) The furniture in our classroom _____ uncomfortable.

6) The USA _____ a very nice country.

7) Your sunglasses _____ on the table.

8) Homework _____ boring.

9) The scissors on the table _____ mine.

10) Physics _____ not easy.

Write the correct form of the nouns in parentheses.

1) I met some interesting _____ at the meeting last night. (man)

2) I need some _____ to light the fire. (match)

3) The baby got two new _____. (tooth)

4) The farmer loaded his cart with _____ of fresh vegetables to take to market. His cart was pulled by two _____. (box, ox)

5) Alex saw some _____ running across the floor. (mouse)

6) The north side of the island has no _____. (beach)

7) If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower _____ turn yellow. (leaf)

8) On our trip in the mountainous countryside, we saw some _____, _____,_____ and wild ____. (wolf, fox, deer, sheep)

9) New scientific _____ are made every day in _____ throughout the world. (discovery, laboratory)

10) I caught several _____ in the lake. (fish)


Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns in parentheses.

1) (Mrs. Smith) Mrs. Smith’s husband often gives her flowers.

2) (boy) The _____ hat is red.

3) (boys) The _____ hats are red.

4) (children) The _____ toys are all over the floor.

5) (child) I fixed the _____ bicycle.

6) (baby) The _____ toys are in the box.

7) (babies) The _____ toys are on the shelves.

8) (wives) Tom and Bob are married. Their _____ names are Cindy and Judy, respectively.

9) (wife) That is my ______ coat.

10) (woman) This is a _____ purse.

11) (women) That store sells _____ clothes.

12) (boss) That's my _____ office.

13) (yesterday) Did you read _____ newspaper?

14) (today) There are many problems in _____ world.

15) (month) It would cost me a _____ salary to buy that refrigerator.

Pronouns (personal and possessive)

Use corresponding pronouns instead of the underlined nouns.

Model: Peter told Ann to speak to producers on Monday.

He told her to speak to producers on Monday.

1) My mother is an engineer-technologist.

2) Evans and Mary are tired.

3) Mr.Seek says that he is fond of cooking.

4) Nancy gives her brother a piece of advice.

5) My friend and I usually arrive at the university in time.

6) The girls are playing tennis.

7) I saw the girls in the park.

8) Put the books on the shelf.

9) The books are on the shelf.

10) The film is very interesting.

11) We have seen the film.

12) Do you know Nick and his parents?

13) Many of our friends study at different faculties.

14) My parents and I often have dinner together.

15) We listened to the officer with great interest.

Finish the following sentences. Use the correct pronouns.

1) I saw him yesterday but _____ didn't see _____.

2) They want to see us but _____ don't want to see _____.

3) I wanted to speak to her but _____ didn't want to speak to _____.

4) He decided to meet with her, but _____ didn't want to meet _____.

5) We wanted to help them, but _____ didn't want to talk to _____.

6) We were able to help her, but _____ didn't want to tell _____ the truth.

7) They saw me at the office yesterday, but _____ was too busy to talk to _____.

8) I tried to give you some advice, but _____ didn't listen to _____.

9) They didn't want to meet with me, but _____ wanted to see _____ and to tell the truth.

10) He was watching us carefully, but _____ didn't see _____.

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the pronouns.

1) I’m a worker. _____ name’s Ivanov.

2) Ted is a schoolboy. _____ marks are good.

3) Ann and Jane are engineers. _____ sons are students.

4) Ann gives me _____ book.

5) Vira and Nina live with _____ parents.

6) We are at the lecture. _____ friends are at the lecture too.

7) ”What are _____ names?”- “_____ name’s Nick and _____ name’s Jack.”

8) Please give me _____ exercise-book, Peter.

9) I’m at home now. _____ room is small, but it’s light and clean. These are _____ sisters. _____ names are Mary and Ann.

10) We are students. This is _____ university.

26. Write sentences with the correct form of possessive pronouns.

1) I like _____ flat but _____ is nicer. (we/you)

2) _____ friends came to the party and _____ two sisters were there too. (they/she)

3) I enjoy _____ job but he doesn't. He wants to change _____. (I/he)

4) _____ new TV-set is better than _____. (you/I)

5) _____ parents live in Brighton but _____ live in London. (he/she)

6) I want to change _____ computer. I'd like to buy one like _____. (I/you)

7) Is it _____ book? — No, it's _____. (he/I)

8) They know _____ address, but I don't know _____. (I/they)

9) _____ flat is larger than _____ (we/they)

10) It's _____ dictionary, but not _____ (I/he)


Unit 3 Working Day
  Vocabulary in Use My Working Day Daily Routine Language Focus Present Simple Tense

Vocabulary In Use

1. Complete the table with the activities given below:


Morning University Free time / sports / hobbies Sleep
wake up around 7 a.m. ..... ..... ..... .....
ü wake up around 7 a.m. ü study accounting ü leave at 7.30 ü attend lectures and seminars ü read in bed before going to sleep ü collect sea shells ü get dressed ü classes start at 8 ü go to the university; ü take a shower ü have practical classes ü listen to music ü eat two boiled eggs and a ham sandwich for breakfast ü do a set of morning exercises ü eat lunch at the cafeteria ü go for a walk ü be a student ü sleep well ü go in for sports ü go out with the friends ü set the alarm clock for 7 a.m. ü have breakfast ü play football ü go to sleep at once ü go to a disco ü go to bed at 11 p.m.

What do you do first in the day? What do you do next? Number the activities in the correct order for you.

___ have lunch ___ have classes ___ get up
___ have a shower ___ arrive home ___ read a book
___ do homework ___ get dressed ___ go to bed
___ go to university ___ cook dinner ___ have a rest
___ have breakfast ___ watch television ___ leave home



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