Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations. 

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Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

Перевозка товаров, значительная роль, не сразу заметный, в зависимости от используемых материалов, нагрузка от транспортных средств, портландцементный бетон, высокая степень эластичности, требовать определенного содержания дороги, район с интенсивным транспортным движением, высокая прочность при изгибе.


9. Describe advantages and disadvantages of each pavement type.


1. Before you start. · What pavement type can asphalt be referred to? · Is asphalt pavement popular in your country?

Read the words and learn them by heart.

1. volume – интенсивность движения

2. rural road – сельская дорога

3. primary highway – магистральная автомобильная дорога

4. traffic load – интенсивность движения

5. perceived – очевидный

6. durability – срок службы

7. tensile strength – предел прочности при растяжении

8. slick – гладкий, скользкий, ровный

9. amount – количество

10. hydrocarbon – углеводородный

11. pollution – загрязнение


Read and translate the text to learn more about asphalt pavement.


Asphalt (specifically, asphalt concrete) has been widely used since the 1920s. Most asphalt surfaces are laid on a gravel base, which is generally at least as thick as the asphalt layer, although some asphalt surfaces are laid directly on the native subgrade.
Depending on the temperature at which it is applied, asphalt is categorized as hot mix, warm mix and cold mix. Cold mix asphalt is often used on lower volume rural roads, where hot mix asphalt would cool too much on the long trip from the asphalt plant to the construction site.

An asphalt concrete surface will generally be constructed for high volume primary highways having an average annual daily traffic load greater than 1200 vehicles per day. Advantages of asphalt roadways include relatively low noise, relatively low cost compared with other paving methods, and perceived ease of repair. Disadvantages include less durability than other paving methods, less tensile strength than concrete, the tendency to become slick and soft in hot weather and a certain amount of hydrocarbon pollution to soil and groundwater.


Answer the following questions.

1. Where are most asphalt surfaces laid?

2. What types of asphalt are distinguished depending on the temperature?

3. Which type of asphalt is used on rural roads?

4. What highways is asphalt pavement constructed for?

5. When did road builders start to use asphalt?

6. Are there more advantages or disadvantages of asphalt pavement?

Say if the sentences concerning Text 3B are true or false.

1. Asphalt has not been widely used until the 1920s.

2. Gravel base is as thick as subgrade layer.

3. Asphalt roadways have less tensile strength than gravel.

4. One of the main disadvantages of asphalt roadways is low noise.

5. Depending on the temperature at which asphalt is applied, it can be hot mix, warm mix and cold mix.

6. Asphalt causes pollution to groundwater.

7. Generally asphalt surfaces are laid on gravel base, however, sometimes some asphalt surfaces are laid directly on the native subgrade.

6. Put the following words in the right column:

use, surface, long-term, directly, depend, hot, site, rural, volume, categorize, generally, annual, include, soft, low, greater, average, highway, relatively, groundwater, durability, load, vehicle, thick, widely, native.


Give English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.

Ежедневная интенсивность движения, загрязнение почвы и грунтовых вод, сельские дороги с меньшей интенсивностью движения, в зависимости от температуры, широко используемый, асфальтовый завод, относительно низкая цена, очевидная легкость ремонта, меньший срок службы, в жаркую погоду, преимущества, определенное количество, бетон, скользкий, хотя, строительная площадка.


8. Tell all the information that you learnt about asphalt pavement.



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