Exercise 4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Continuous. 

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Exercise 4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. I (to work) on this problem for two months. 2. She (to sleep) all this time. 3. You (to talk) this nonsense all day long. 4. How long you (to lie) in the sun today? 5. You (to work) too hard lately. 6. How long you (to stand) in this cold? 7. I (to think) of your aunt’s proposal since we last met. 8. Ann (to look) for a job for three months already. 9. How long you (to live) in this city? 10. My brother (to work) in this firm since 2003.



THE PAST TENSES. - Прошедшие времена


V2ф ; did … V 1Ф was/were+ V-ing had + V3ф(-ed) had been + V-ing
1. Для выражения действий в прошлом, когда указано время. (yesterday, last week, a week ago, in 2010.) e.g. I met him yesterday.   2.Когда о времени спрашивается. e.g. When did you see him?   3..Для регулярно повторяющихся действий в прошлом. e.g. He made an entry in his diary every day. 1. для выражения действия в прошлом, которое продолжалось в течение определенного периода времени e.g. He was watching TV the whole evening. 2. 2.для выражения действия, протекающего в течение определенного момента времени в прошлом. e.g. At 8 o`clock he was having a breakfast. 3.момент времени определяется другим действием в прошлом, выраженном глаголом в past simple или обстоятельственными словами the whole evening, all summer, etc. e.g. When I returned she was sleeping.   1. для выражения действия, закончившегося к определенному моменту времени в прошлом. e.g. By that time I had already written the letter. Момент времени может быть выражен обстоятельством времени: by the end of the year, by that time, by 5 o`clock, by Saturday.   2. для выражения действия, которое предшествовало другому действию, выраженному глаголом в past indefinite e.g. We had finished our work when he came. He told me he had had his dinner at 6 o`clock that day.   1.для выражения длительного действия, которое началось давно и продолжалось до какого-то момента времени в прошлом. Можно заменить past perfect. e.g. It was now 6 and he was tired because he had been working (had worked) since dawn. She had been preparing a report for an hour when she found very important information.

Exercise 1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Past Simple. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.

1. Mrs. Sunbury (to cut) the cake. 2. He (to look) at her with surprise. 3. She (to smile) when she (to see) him. 4. On the way home she usually (to buy) a slice of honey cake at the backer’s. 5. A little before nine o’clock I (to descend) to the ground floor. 6. A quarter of an hour later he (to hear) voices. 7. They (to leave) London at 4 p.m. 8. I (to be) here many years ago.

Exercise 2. Откройте скобки употребив Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Nobody (to know) where Smith (to go). 2. A girl who (to stand) under the tree (to come) up to us. 3. Mary (to speak) to Mr. Boxwell when I (to see) her in the corridor. 4. He again (to come) to the town where he (to live) in his childhood. 5. While we (to talk), there (to come) a loud knock at the door. 6. When their visitors (to leave), John and his mother (to stand) near the window. 7. When he (to come) back to the conference he (to see) that the situation (to change). 8. She (to sit) at the table only five minutes when the car (to come).





Будущие времена


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