Text A Higher Education in Great Britain 

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Text A Higher Education in Great Britain

The UK has a variety of higher education opportunities for students. There are over 100 universities which offer various degree programs. About one-third of all UK school graduates go on to some form of higher education. Students normally enter university from age 18, and study for an academic degree.

The typical first degree offered at English universities is the bachelor's degree, and usually lasts for three years. Many institutions now offer an undergraduate master's degree as a first degree, which typically lasts for four years. During a first degree students are known as undergraduates. Students who have completed a first degree are eligible to undertake a postgraduate degree, which might be a: Master's degree (typically taken in one year, though research-based master's degrees may last for two) and Doctorate (typically taken in three years).

Choosing the right school depends on a large number of factors such as: location of the school, tuition fees, size of the school, access to home comforts, place of worship, home food, courses available.

Historically, all undergraduate education outside the private University of Buckingham was largely state-financed. Most undergraduates paid fees that were set at a maximum of £3,375 per year. It is stated that from October 2012 fees of up to £9,000 per year will be charged. These fees are repayable after graduation, at a certain level of income. The state pays all fees for students from the poorest families. UK students are generally entitled to student loans for maintenance. The fees for international students can be up to £18,000 per year or more.
Postgraduate fees vary but are generally more than undergraduate fees, depending on the degree and university. However, full scholarships are available for postgraduates.

There is a distinct hierarchy among universities, with the Russell Group containing most of the country's more prestigious, research-led and research-focused universities. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. These date from the Middle Ages. England had no other universities until the 19-th century. The universities which were founded between 1850 and 1930 are known as ‘Red Brick universities’. They were called so because that was the favourable building material of the time. These universities were build to provide a liberal education for the poorer boys and to give technological training. The universities which were founded after the Second World War are called ‘the new universities’. The most interesting innovation is Open University.

The state does not control university syllabuses, but it does influence admission procedures. It still has control over teacher training courses, and uses its inspectors to maintain standards.


4. Find English equivalents to the following word-combinations: степень бакалавра, учиться для получения академической степени, степень магистра, четкая иерархия, университеты, где проводятся и сосредоточены исследования, излюбленный строительный материал, курсы подготовки учителей, разнообразие возможностей, средние века, процедура приема, студентам дают право на получение ссуды.

5. Read the text and answer the following questions. Mind the Present Indefinite Tense!

How many universities are there in Great Britain?

How many of UK school graduates enter universities?

How do they choose a university to enter?

What degrees do English universities offer?

How long does the Bachelor’s (Master’s, Doctorate) degree last for?

How much are the undergraduate tuition fees?

How does the state support the students?

How does the state control universities?

Is there any ranking among UK universities?

What are the oldest English universities?

What universities are called “Red Brick” and the new universities?


6. What information have you learnt about higher education in Great Britain?

7. Assignment for a curious student

Look for additional information about Russell Group and “Red Brick Universities” in Internet. What universities are these?



8. Look through the text BThe Russell Group Universitiesand

a) find as many international words as you can;

b) check the pronunciation of proper names in the dictionary;

c) read the text and be ready to report onRussell Group.


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