Субстантивированные прилагательные 

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Субстантивированные прилагательные

1. ТНЕ + прилагательное = группа лиц

The young the old the elderly

The rich the poor the unemployed the homeless

The sick the disabled the injured the dead

2. ТНЕ + прилагательное = абстрактное понятие

The ridiculous is only one step from the sublime.

От великого до смешного – один шаг.


The Verb


Таблица 4. Видо-временные формы действительного залога. Active Voice

  Present Past Future Future in-the-Past
Simple (Indefinite) He writesletters every day He wrote a letter yesterday He will write a letter tomorrow (He said that) he would write a letter the next day
Continuous (Progressive) He is writing a letter now He was writing a letter at 5 o`clock yesterday He will be writing a letter at 5 o`clock tomorrow (He said that) he would be writinga letter at 5 o`clock the next day
Perfect He hasalready writtena letter He had written a letter by 5 o`clock yesterday He will have writtena letter by 5 o`clock tomorrow (He said that) he would have written a letter by 5 o`clock the next day
Perfect Continuous (Perfect Progressive) He has been writing a letter since morning He had been writing a letter for two hours when I came He will have been writinga letter for two hours when I come (He said that) he would have been writing a letter for two hours when I came



1.. Change the following sentences according to the model:

Pattern: I study social psychology.

He studies social psychology.

1. I want to achieve good results.

2. I deny his point of view.

3. I consider his theory to be true.

4. I make conclusions after each experiment.

5. I apply new methods of research.

6. I make testing at the laboratory.

7. I compare the results of the experiment.

8. I reject this hypothesis.


2. Change the following sentences into general questions:

Pattern: He makes testing at the laboratory.

Does he make testing at the laboratory?

1. He applies the new method for his investigation.

2. The psychologist rejects this idea.

3. The scientist applies new devices.

4. The investigator uses testing in his research.

5. He considers them to be right.

6. She gives instructions to the students.

7. He gradually achieves good progress in his studies.

8. She denies such hasty conclusions.


3. Make the following sentences negative:

Pattern: I consider him to be right.

I don't consider him to be right.

1. I reject his position.

2. I make proper conclusions.

3. I apply his method for my experiments.

4. I study the problem of group dynamics.

5. I compare the experimental data.

6. I use the latest data in my research.

7. I deny their approach.

8. I achieve good results on the basis of his method.


4. Ask your partner:

1. where he makes experiments;

2. what problem he investigates;

3. where he applies his method of research;

4. what latest data he uses;

5. whose position he considers to be right;

6. whose approach he denies;

7. what results he wants to achieve;

8. when he goes to the psychological laboratory




1. Answer the question: «What are you doing now?»

Pattern: I am answering the questions.

1. measure weight

2. perform a task

3. solve a problem

4. make testing

5. compare experimental results

6. make an inquiry

7. investigate the effects of environment

8. watch the conduct of the respondents


2. Complete the following sentences:
Pattern: He is.. (measure the length).

He is measuring the length now.

1. She is... (make an experiment).

2. She is... (watch the testing process).

3. He is... (solve a problem).

4. She is... (register the students' answers).

5. The student is... (copy the experimental data).

6. The subject is... (perform a task).

7. The scientist is... (compare the data).

8. He is …(investigate the data)


3. Change the following sentences into general questions:

Pattern: They are working in the laboratory now.

Are they working in the laboratory now?

1. They are reading the data of the device.

2. You are making an inquiry.

3. They are testing the students.

4. We are solving a complex problem.

5. You are watching their behaviour.

6. We are recording the data.

7. You are making an experiment.

8. They are comparing the data.


4. Change the following sentences by using the model «to be going to»:

Pattern: We intend to make an experiment.

We are going to make an experiment.

1.1 plan to watch his behaviour.

2. He intends to interview a group of students.

3. She wants to solve this problem by all means.

4. We intend to take part in his investigation.

5. They plan to apply a new method.

6. I want to use his analysis.

7. He intends to compare the new data.

8. She plans to finish the experiment soon.


5. Answer the following questions:

Pattern: What are you going to do tonight?

(to work at the library)

I am going to work at the library.

1. What is he going to do today?

(to perform a task)

2. What is she going to do next week?

(to make an experiment)

3. What are they going to do now?

(to observe this phenomenon)

4. What is he going to do tonight?

(to finish his work)

5. What is she going to do next year?

(to continue her investigation)

6. What are they going to do tomorrow?

(to copy experimental data)


1. Change the following sentences by using the verb in Past Simple instead of the model «used to»:

Pattern: I used to make inquiry in the laboratory.

I made inquiry in the laboratory.

1. He used to behave quite well.

2. We used to obtain good results.

3. They used to present the data in due time.

4. I used to settle such questions easily.

5. He used to pose interesting problems.

6. She used to apply various methods.

7. We used to introduce new factors.

8. They used to display good knowledge.


2. Change the following sentences into a negative form:

Pattern: He displayed good knowledge of this subject.

He didn't display good knowledge of this subject.

1. Last time he behaved well.

2. They obtained interesting data.

3. She applied a new approach.

4. We introduced new subjects.

5. I settled this question easily.

6. He made a great contribution to developing science.

7. She differentiated these factors by a new scheme.

8. They presented interesting conclusions.

9. We analyzed his behaviour.

10. I accepted their point of view.


3. Change the following sentences into an interrogative form:

Pattern: He rejected her point of view.

Did he reject her point of view?

1. I obtained certain conclusions.

2. He applied a new way of thinking.

3. She accepted his approach.

4. We presented our position.

5. She made a great contribution to this research.

6. He achieved new results.

7. They displayed good knowledge of this problem.

8. We described a new method in detail.


4. Ask questions starting with «when».

Pattern: He described this phenomenon last year.

When did he describe this phenomenon?

1. They applied the new approach last Monday.

2. He came to this conclusion yesterday.

3. She obtained interesting results after her investigation.

4. I settled this question in the evening.

5. He observed her behaviour after testing.

6. They interviewed agroup of students before the classes.

7. She achieved a certain step in her observation last week.

8. We studied their behaviour in the process of the experiment.


5. Ask questions starting with «where». Pattern:

Pattern: She introduced new elements into the experiment.

Where did she introduce new elements?

1. He obtained new data in the laboratory.

2. We got various results in the investigation.

3. She applied his approach to this problem in her inquiry.

4. They presented the new material in their paper.

5. He introduced new testing at the plant.

6. We asked a lot of questions at the office.

7. She made a great contribution to sociology.

8. He carried out a survey in this region.



1. Change the predicates in the sentences from Present Progressive into Present Perfect:

Pattern: I am not writing a report now.

I have written it already.

1. We are not analyzing the data now.

2. I am not making an experiment now.

3. I am not comparing the data now.

4. We are not recording the results now.

5. I am not observing his behaviour now.

6. We are not solving a problem now.

7. We are not discussing his approach now.

8. I am not reporting on my conclusions now.


2. Change the sentences from Present Progressive into Present Perfect negative:

Pattern: He is solving a problem now.

He hasn't solved the problem yet.

1. She is considering this hypothesis now.

2. He is making analyses now.

3. He is thinking the matter over now.

4. She is watching this phenomenon now.

5. He is describing his pictures now.

6. She is demonstrating some experiments now.

7. He is introducing a new device now.

8. She is performing atask now.


3. Change the following sentences into an interrogative form:

Pattern: We have finished this experiment.

Have you finished this experiment?

1. I have applied the new approach lately.

2. He has achieved good knowledge.

3. She has obtained productive results.

4. We have considered the issue already.

5. They have just spoken to the leading sociologist.

6. I have accepted his point of view.

7. He has rejected his hypothesis.

8. They have demonstrated their method recently.


4. Change the following indirect questions into direct ones:

Pattern: Ask your friend why he has finished his experiment.

Why have you finished your experiment?

1. Ask your friend where she has made measurements.

2. Ask your friend why he hasn't taken part in the interview.

3. Ask your friend what conclusion he has made.

4. Ask your friend what results they have achieved.

5. Ask your friend what she has obtained under new conditions.

6. Ask your friend where they have applied this technique.

7. Ask your friend why she hasn't reported on her data.

8. Ask your friend why he has rejected his hypothesis.


Таблица 5. Видо-временные формы английского глагола в страдательном залоге. (PASSIVE VOICE)

  Present Past Future Future in-the-Past
Simple (Indefinite) Books are written every day. Книги пишутся каждый день The book was writtenyesterday. Книга была написана вчера The book will be written tomorrow. Книга будет написана завтра (He said that) the book would be written the next day. (Он сказал что), книга будет написана завтра
Continuous (Progressive) The book is being written now. Книга пишется сейчас The book was being written at 2 o`clock yesterday. Книга писалась вчера в 2 часа Не используется Не используется
Perfect The book hasjustbeen written. Книга только что была написана The book had been written by 2 o`clock yesterday. Книга была написана вчера к 2 часам The book will have been writtenby 2 o`clock tomorrow. Книга будет написана завтра к 2 часам (He said that) the book would have been written by 2 o`clock the next day. (Он сказал, что) книга будет написана к 2 часам завтра

Translate the following sentences:

1. In ancient times science was treated simply as a system of statements.

2. This simple rule is followed by the majority of authors.

3. This problem has been approached by many scholars on various grounds in different countries.

4. The method I have been describing in the text is, of course, one that is followed by all of us.

5. Men are distinguished from other forms of life on earth
by their social production of the material means of life.

6. Sensations are not merely passively received, but are obtained in the course of human activity.

7. Two answers have been given to this question, neither of

8. them satisfactory.

9. The investigations of living organisms showed how all forms of life are developed from cells.

10. Special attention is being given to this phenomenon.

11. The problem cannot be finally solved.

12. Hypotheses have to be tested by all means.

13. A person's roles are to be understood in the light of his own pattern of hereditary and environmental influences.

14. There are circumstances which cannot be avoided.

15. Nearly all people in the world are being used, with or without their knowledge, in the struggle between ideologies.

Conditional sentences

Условные предложения

Таблица 6.

Тип Придаточное предложение Главное предложение Пример Перевод
Реальное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени Present Simple Future Simple If I have money I will buy a car Если у меня будут деньги, я куплю машину
Нереальное условие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени Past Simple Future Simple-in-the Past If I were a princes I would live in a palace Если бы я была принцессой, я бы жила во дворце
Нереальное условие, относящееся к прошлому времени Past Perfect Future Simple-in-the Past If I had had money last year I would have bought a car Если бы у меня были деньги в прошлом году, я бы купил машину
Смешанный тип условных предложений Past Simple Future Simple-in-the Past If you knew English you would have got good job last year Если бы ты знал английский (вообще) ты бы получил хорошую работу в прошлом году


1. Tr anslate the sentences:

1. The problem would be very simple if that solution were possible.

2. If we had analyzed the results of the experiment in time we should have taken another course in our studies.

3. Provided we had at least two experimental groups we should start the investigation at once.

4. If the subjects were given all the necessary instructions they would respond in a right way.

5. If he had chosen a definite aim he would have succeeded in research.

6. Unless the poll were carried out on a national level the data would not be true.

7. If he had been more careful he would have received more concrete results.

8. If I were you I should never accept his offer.

9. I could have agreed with you if you had been right.

10. But for the circumstances they would not have taken such a decision.

11. They would be only glad if you participated in the work at this project.

12. In case of his success he would be invited to take that office.

13. If he had more time at his disposal he would do this job with pleasure.

14. If the ecological problems had been solved in due time we should not have spoken too much of the pollution.

15. If his story had been told about beforehand some urgent measures would have been taken.


2 .Ttranslate the sentences:

1. She speaks as if she were an expert in this particular field of psychology.

2. They look as if they were working at this problem all night long.

3. His survey was so accurate and detailed as if he had been investigating this subject all his life.

4. They are discussing this matter as if they were engaged in this project for a long time.

5. His business turned out to be a success as if he had had a great experience in such affairs before.

6. He speaks English so fluently as though he had lived in England since his childhood.

7. He was reasonable jn his offer as though he had been taught to communicate effectively.

8. 8. The situation at the labour market is so drastic as though nothing could be done to relieve it.



The Modal verbs

Модальные глаголы

Таблица 7.

Verb Перевод Present Past Future
Can Умение, способность, возможность, разрешение, просьба в вежливой форме You can do it You could do it You will be able to do it
May Разрешение, при not – запрещение, предположение с сомнением We may go We might go We will be allowed to go
Must Обязанность, долженствование, твердая необходимость, логич. заключение We must do it. We need not do it We had to do it. We were no to come here We will have to do it
Shall Намерение, предположение I shall do it You shouldread it  
Will Желание, твердое намерение, воля, уверенность в будущем I willgo there I would go there  
Ought to Моральный долг, настоятельный совет, строгая рекомендация You ought you write this letter    
Need Отсутствие необходимости, необязательность Need he work so late? We need not have hurried    
Dare Сметь, посметь (в вопросе и отрицании - не сметь), дерзнуть, осмелиться How dare you speak to me? He dare not tell it to me    
Used to Бывало (обозначает повторявшееся в прошлом действие)   He used to live in Leeds. Usedhe?  
Should Обязанность (менее сильная, чем must), совет, рекомендация, упрек, порекание, сожаление He should not smoke so much. You should not cut your hair    
Would Желание (с глаг. like), вежливая просьба, прошлая привычка Would you like to come again? Would you mind coming again?    
Have to Вынужденность, обязанность I have to read this book I hadto read this book yesterday I will have to read this book tomorrow
Be to Долженствование в силу договоренности или плана I am to study English I was to study English I will be to study English

Translate the sentences:

1. Good research should help us to understand our social lives in a new way.

2. To achieve these aims, we must know the most useful research methods to apply in a given study and how best to analyze the results.

3. In sociology we need to look not only at existing societies in relation to one another, but also to compare their present and past.

4. We always need to interpret what facts mean, and to do so we must learn to pose theoretical questions.

5. To understand the nature of the modern world, we have to look at previous forms of society and analyze the main direction that processes of change have taken.

6. Thus we can investigate, for example, how the first prisons originated and what they are like today.

7. On the basis of her research with the flight attendants, Hochschild was able to add a new dimension to the way sociologists think about the world of work.

8. As liberal democracy is becoming so widespread, we might expect it to be working in a highly successful way.

9. The census data should also give a more accurate assessment of Britain’ Muslim population, which has been estimated at between 1 and 3 million people.

10. Secularization can be evaluated according to a number of aspects or dimensions.

11. Churches and temples have to be sold off, or are in a state of disrepair.

12. First, religion should not be identified with monotheism.

13. We need to recognize the diversity of religious beliefs and modes of conduct.

14. According to some observers, which women tend to perform – domestic work, childcare, professional responsibilities – may increase the stress on women and contribute to higher rates of illness.

15. The impact of science and technology on how we live may be largely driven by economic factors, but it also stretches beyond the economic sphere.

16. Like Marx, Max Weber cannot simply be labeled a sociologist; his interests and concerns ranged across many areas.

17. There are a large number of possible causes that could be invoked to explain any given correlation.

18. A sociologist carrying out ethnographic research might work or live with a group organization or community for a period of months or even years.

19. This was because it was believed that an ethnographer could present objective pictures of the things they studied.

20. Those who conduct the interviews and those who analyze the results could not do their work effectively if they constantly had to check with each other about ambiguities in the questions or answers.

The Gerund



Герундий – неличная форма глагола, обозначающая действие и имеющая свойства как глагола, так и имени существительного. Он образуется от основы неопределенной формы глагола прибавлением окончания –ing. Герундий переводится на русский язык при помощи отглагольного существительного, инфинитива или придаточного предложения


Таблица 8. Формы герундия:

залог вид Active Passive
Simple Не likes telling tales. рассказывать He likes being told tales. чтобы ему рассказывали
Perfect He is proud of having spoken to this person. что поговорил He is proud of having been spoken to. что с ним поговорили


Предлоги, после которых может употребляться герундий:

as a result of besides in spite of by

in favour of without despite for

against what about instead of after

as well as how about on before


Прилагательные, после которых употребляется герундий:

to be afraid of to be interested in
to be busy to be responsible for
to be engaged in to be tired of
to be fond of to be used to
to be good at to be worth



Глаголы, после которых употребляется герундий:

to avoid to keep
to admit to like
to burst out to mind (в вопросит. и отриц. предлож.)
cannot help to need
to consider to postpone
to deny to practise
to dislike to prefer
to excuse to put off
to forgive to regret
to give up to remember
to go on to stop
to involve to try


Глаголы и выражения, требующие после себя герундия с определенными предлогами:

to accuse of to insist on
to agree to to look forward to
to apologize for to object to
to approve of to persist in
to congratulate on to prevent from
to depend on to rely on
to dream of to succeed in
to feel like to suspect of
to give up the idea of to thank for
to inform of to think of


The Gerundive constructions

Обороты с герундием

His being tired after his hard work is quite natural.

То, что он устал после тяжелой работы, вполне естественно.

His having been absent at the meeting is easily explained.

То, что он отсутствовал на собрании, легко объяснимо.

I heard of the bridge being built.

Я слышал, что мост строится.

I heard of the bridge having been built.

Я слышал, что мост уже построен.

We understood the importance of this problem being solved practically.

Мы поняли важность того, чтобы эта проблема была решена практически.

By listening attentively we at last understood everything.

Слушая внимательно, мы наконец поняли все.


Translate the sentences:

1. He couldn’t leave without receiving necessary information.

2. They couldn’t come to an agreement without hearing his opinion.

3. Sleeping rough is a dangerous business.

4. They found out the reason rather easily without making any efforts.

5. They couldn’t help hurrying with this project.

6. Deciding how far informal procedures generally help or hinder the effectiveness of organizations is not a simple matter.

7. Their having violated this taboo may lead to tense relationships.

8. His having misinterpreted their nonverbal behaviour led to complete misunderstanding.

9. The subjects will be tested individually by being given simple problems to solve.

10. Without trying to determine the direction of the discussion we shall mention the problems touched upon in the papers presented.

11. There are two ways of studying social mobility.

12. His having been invited to participate in the international conference on the problems of violating human rights is an evident fact.

13. They are surprised at their having obtained such unexpected results after having tried a great number of different methods.

14. There is no special need in using a trial-and-error method.

15. They succeeded in having achieved the desired conclusions.

16. His being an expert in this particular field of science is known to everybody.

17. She insisted on his having been included into the working group.

18. By making experiments in compliance with new demands you will obtain necessary data.

19. He is greatly interested in collecting and analyzing the data.

20. One of the results of more women entering paid work is that certain traditional family patterns are being renegotiated.


The Participle


Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, которая соответствует в русском языке причастию и деепричастию. Причастие подразделяется на причастие I (причастие настоящего времени) и причастие II (причастие прошедшего времени). Причастие I образуется прибавлением к инфинитиву окончания –ing, и имеет время, вид и залог.


Таблица 9. Формы причастия I

залог вид Active Passive
Simple reading читающий; читая being read читаемый; будучи читаемым
Perfect having read прочитав (уже, до чего-то) having been read будучи прочитанным (уже; до чего-то)


Причастие II – это 3 форма глагола. Оно имеет страдательное значение, его форма неизменяема, то есть не имеет ни временных, ни залоговых, ни видовых различий.

read - прочитанный

done - сделанный

founded – основанный

Participial constructions

Обороты с причастиями

Working at this problem, the scientists have made interesting discoveries.

Работая над этой проблемой, ученые сделали интересные открытия.

Being built in a modern style, the house looked very beautiful.

Будучи построенным в современном стиле, этот дом выглядел очень красивым.

Having been subjected to all the tests, the machine was accepted.

Будучи подвергнут всем испытаниям, станок был принят.

The professor spoke of the achievements in our economy, his lecture being illustrated by diagrams.

Профессор говорил о достижениях в нашей экономике, и его лекция иллюстрировалась диаграммами.

The professor having finished his lecture, we began to discuss it.

После того, как профессор закончил свою лекцию, мы начали обсуждать ее.

It being dark, we could see nothing.

Так как было темно, мы ничего не могли увидеть.


Translate the sentences:

1. Investigating the given problem he came to rather interesting conclusions.

2. It was a great forum, scientists of many countries participating in its work.

3. This achievement founded on empirical principles was the elaboration of a new kind.

4. Having established interaction between these phenomena, they started to describe it.

5. He received interesting results, his speculation being based on logical analysis.

6. Religion based on ignorance is an unscientific world outlook.

7. Having received the necessary data, he published the results of his work.

8. The four methods discussed here are all expressions of the logic of science.

9. Two commonly used techniques are questionnaires and interviews.

10. Being open to change, these two men have adapted to the turbulent times and have become affluent as a result.

11. The experiments being made now are very important.

12. Taking a historical approach, Marshall traced the evolution of citizenship in Britain and identified three key stages.

13. In this respect, the rights associated with social citizenship greatly advanced the idea of equality for all.

14. Taken over a woman’s lifetime, the wage gap produces striking differences in overall earnings.

15. Among young graduates currently entering the labour market, occupational segregation by gender is less pronounced.

16. In our current information age, social movements around the globe are able to join together in huge regional and international networks comprising non-governmental organizations, religious and humanitarian groups, human rights associations, consumer protection advocates, environmental activists and others who campaign in the public interest.

17. In some situations, a nation-state may accept the cultural differences found among its minority or minorities and allow them a certain amount of active development.

18. Any piece of information, including pictures, moving images and sounds, can be translated into “bits”.

19. For several years, the internet remained confined to universities.

20. The internet is transforming the contours of daily life – blurring the boundaries between the global and local, presenting new channels for communication and interaction, and allowing more and more everyday tasks to be carried out online.


The Infinitive


Инфинитив является одной из неличных форм глагола. Он соответствует в русском языке неопределенной форме глагола; по значению отвечает на вопросы: что делать? что сделать? Формальным признаком инфинитива является частица to.


Таблица 10. Формы инфинитива

залог вид Active Passive
Simple 1 am glad to tell you this news. Я рад рассказать вам... I am glad to be told the news.   Рад, когда мне рассказывают.
Continuous I am glad to be telling you... Рад, что рассказываю вам...  
Perfect I am glad to have told you...   Рад, что рассказал вам... I am glad to have been told the news. Рад, что мне рассказали.
Perfect-Continuous I am glad to have been telling you. Рад, что рассказываю вам (все это время)...  

Translate the sentences:

1. In order to explain this we have to study the facts of the case.

2. So as to understand development we must understand the distinction between quantitative change and qualitative change.

3. To think dialectically is to think concretely.

4. The purpose of this book is to provide a clear understanding of his theory.

5. The only evidence to be accepted is that to be tested by experience.

6. Research to be carried out now is of great importance.

7. The problem to be solved is under discussion now.

8. The aim of this lecture is to determine the ties of sociology with other disciplines.

9. The sociologists try to find stable principles of man’s behavior.

10. To understand this method one must know something about its specific principles.

11. He proceeded to carry out careful experiments.

12. The function of scientific theories is to explain empirical laws and to predict new ones.

13. The work has not progressed far enough to give a complete survey of the poll.

14. It should be noted that his first research was on a more scientific basis.

15. For science to move forward there must be a constant interchange between observation and theory.

16. Yet at the same time as it provides exciting new opportunities to explore the social world,

17. the internet also threatens to undermine human relationships and communities.

18. Many factories employed Taylorist techniques in order to maximize industrial output and to raise the level of worker productivity.

19. There is little consensus among sociologists about how to understand changes in organizational structures.

20. Welfare services have to be funded through taxation.

21. They see the welfare state as expensive, ineffective and too bureaucratic and call for it to be reduced.

The Complex object

Cложное дополнение


Сложное дополнение состоит из двух частей: первая часть – существительное в общем падеже (или местоимение в объектном падеже), обозначающее лицо или предмет, вторая часть – инфинитив, который выражает действие, производимое этим лицом. Сложное дополнение употребляется лишь после некоторых глаголов и часто переводится на русский язык с помощью дополнительного придаточного предложения.

Глаголы, после которых инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения употребляется с частицей to: to want, to expect, to wish, to desire, would like, to mean, to find, to consider, to believe, to think, to suppose, to assume, to prove, to know, to understand, to order, to tell, to ask, to allow, to permit, to like, to hate, и некоторые другие.


a) He wants you to help him.

Он хочет, чтобы вы помогли ему.

b) She asked him to finish this work tomorrow.

Она попросила его закончить эту работу завтра..

c) I don't expect them to get back before next Monday.

Я полагаю, что они не вернутся раньше понедельника. (Я не жду, что они вернутся).

d) We believed him to have been sent to the conference as out representative.

Мы полагали, что его послали на конференцию в качестве нашего представителя.

e) I' d like you to be responsible for the whole project.

Я хотел бы, чтобы вы были ответственным за весь проектю

f) Не found the book (to be) too difficult for him.

Он нашел, что книга слишком трудна для него.

g) I considered her (to be) an intelligent girl.

Я считала ее умной девушкой.

Глаголы, после которых инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения употребляется без частицы to: to see, to hear, to watch, to notice, to observe, to feel, to make, to let.


a) Не watched children play in the yard.

Он наблюдал, как дети играют.

b) See them dance.

Смотри, как они танцуют.

c) What made him give up smoking?

Что заставило его бросить курить?

d) Will you let me give this book to Peter?

Разреши мне дать эту книгу Питеру.


Инфинитив в составе сложного дополнения может стоять в страдательном залоге:


a) Mr.Jones asked for the letter to be typed at once.

М-р Джоунз попросил, чтобы письмо было напечатано немедленно.

b) The captain ordered the vessel to be discharged.

Капитан приказал, чтобы судно было разгружено.


I want the work to be done-I want the work done.

В составе сложного дополнения вместо инфинитива может употребляться причастиеI, которое выражает действие в процессе его совершения:


They saw Mr. Jones crossing the street. Они видели, как м-р Джоунз переходил улицу. They saw Mr. Jones cross the street.   Они видели, как м-р Джоунз перешел улицу.

Translate the sentences:

1. Analysts of the Russian Research Center maintain the proportion of the middle class to have reached 10 percent.

2. They would like the public opinion poll to be carried out as soon as possible.

3. They want the problems of juvenile delinquency to be discussed at the coming session.

4. The sociologists made the polled respond to the questions spontaneously.

5. She has heard him occupy a leading position in the research center.

6. They saw her prepare for the experiment under new conditions.

7. They consider brain drain to be a social phenomenon as well as a psychological one.

8. They say the term diaspora to have been historically used for characterizing people who are drawn to one another across a distance.

9. They expect medical and social assistance to be provided for those who are in need.

10. The Code of Professional Ethics expects sociologists to disclose all funding sources.



The Complex Subject

Сложное подлежащее

Сложное подлежащее представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже (или местоимения в именительном падеже) с инфинитивом. Этот оборот употребляется, когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге: to say, to report, to consider, to believe, to know, to think, to understand, to suppose, to find. Перевод предложения нужно начинать со сказуемого, переводя его на русский язык неопределенно-личным оборотом:


a) He is expected to come back tonight.

Ожидают, что он вернется сегодня вечером.

b) She is said to have gone.

Говорят, что она уже уехала.

c) He is known to be preparing for the exams.

Известно, что он готовится к экзаменам.

d) She is supposed to be slimming.

Предполагают, что она худеет.

Следующие глаголы употребляются в предложениях со сложным подлежащим не в страдательном, а действительном залоге: to happen, to seem, to chance, to prove, to turn out, to appear.


a) Не seems to have been speaking for quite a while.

Кажется, он уже довольно долго говорит.

b) Do you happen to know his name?

Вы случайно не знаете, как его зовут?

c) The girl turned out to be a good dancer.

Оказалось, что девушка хорошо танцует.

Нередко сложное подлежащее употребляется со сказуемым, выраженным прилагательными likely, unlikely, sure, certain и глаголом связкой to be.


a) He is sure to come.

Он точно придет.

b) Their plans are likely to change.

Их планы, похоже, изменятся.


Translate the sentences:

1. He proves to be a leading scientist in this field of sociology.

2. His poll proved to be conducted on the basis of the latest questionnaire.

3. Discovering the cause of social phenomena is said to be the task of sociology.

4. The problem of science and religion is known to have been the subject of long discussions.

5. A social group is said to have been defined as a group of people with common interests and duties.

6. Sociology as a science is known to be concerned with social groups and institutions.

7. All of these statistics are widely believed to underestimate the true situation by 10 percent.

8. Less attractive personalities are likely to experience less rewards in the social situations.

9. Auguste Comte is considered to be the father of the sociological studies.

10. 10.Water and air pollution is recognized to have caused dramatic changes in the environment.

11. Religious skeptics seem to have been found in most cultures? Particularly in the larger traditional societies.

12. Smokers are more likely to contract lung cancer than non-smokers, and very heavy smokers are more likely to do so than light smokers.




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