Item 14. 2. There is/ there are. (present simple. Negative sentences) 

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Item 14. 2. There is/ there are. (present simple. Negative sentences)

Exercise 1. Write ten sentences about your town (or a town that you know). Use There isn't/aren't.


Exercise 2. Put in there isn’t/ there aren’t


1. …… any big trees in the garden.

2. …… any good films on TV tonight.

3. …… any money in my wallet.

4. …… many accidents on this road.

5. …… any e-mails for you today.

6. …… many people in the restaurant.

7. …… any apples in the fridge.

8. …… many children in their family.

9. …… enough salt in my soup.

10. …… any fresh air in the room.


Exercise 3. Translate into English.


1. B этой комнате нет сломанных стульев.

2. В квартирах на первом и втором этажах нет балконов.

3. Не смотря на то, что в старых домах нет центрального отопления, они довольно теплые.

4. Эта книга не для детей – в ней совсем нет картинок.

5. Хотя в старом офисе нет кондиционера, там прохладно.

6. В школьной библиотеке нет интересных книг.

7. В этом году в наших группах нет новых студентов.

8. Я думаю, в этой статье нет полезной информации.

9. В твоей статье нет фактов необходимых для работы.

10. Мне кажется, в этой комнате недостаточно места для 10 человек.


Exercise 1. Ask questions on the sentences about Gerardmer (unit 14 item 1 exercise 1).

Exercise 2. Ask questions about the things in your classroom. Start your sentences with How many.


Exercise 3. Translate into English.


1. Есть ли новые сведения об этом ограблении?

2. Есть ли новые студенты в твоей группе?

3. Есть ли красивые сумки в новой коллекции Prada?

4. В этом журнале только скучные статьи?

5. Много ли новых слов в этом тексте?

6. В твоей комнате есть какие-нибудь растения?

7. В Москве много новых кинотеатров?

8. Есть ли дикие животные в этом лесу?

9. Есть ли сахар в чае?

10. В этом блюде есть рыба или мясо?


Exercise 1. Read the first sentence and then write a sentence beginning There....


1. The roads were busy today. There was a lot of traffic.

2. This soup was very salty. There……in the soup.

3. The box was empty……in the box.

4. The film was very violent……

5. The shops were very crowded……

6. I liked this town - …… to see.


Exercise 2. The room is empty now but there were a lot of things in it last week. What was there?


A. Write sentences with There was/ There were using the following information.


1. Three armchairs

2. A sofa

3. Two lamps near the sofa

4. A TV

5. Nice pictures on the walls

6. Curtains

7. A table in the middle of the room

8. A flower on the table

9. A carpet


B. Write sentences with There wasn’t/ There weren’t using the following information.


1) A clock

2) A shelf

3) Some books

4) Three photos

5) A video on the TV

6) A lamp near the door

7) Some flowers on the window

8) Some toys on the floor

9) A wardrobe


Exercise 3. Ask questions on the sentences from the previous exercise (unit 14 item 4 exercise 2 (A, B))


Exercise 1. The room is empty now but there will be a lot of things in it next week. What will be there?


A. Write sentences with There will be using the information from the exercise 2 (A) (unit 14 item 4)

B. Write sentences with There will not be using the information from the exercise 2 (B) (unit 14 item 4)


Exercise 2. Ask questions on the sentences from the previous exercise (unit 14 item 5 exercise 1 (A, B))

Exercise 3. Put in there will be. Some sentences are questions (will there be...?) and some are negative (there won’t be).


1) Do you think …… a lot of people at the party on Sunday?

2) The manager of the company is leaving, so …… a new manager soon.

3) I’m going away tomorrow. I’ll do my packing today because ……time tomorrow.

4) The weatherman says …… some rain tomorrow afternoon.

5) …… any interesting people at the exhibition?

6) If your parents come late …… free chairs for them – we are expecting a lot of people.

7) I think …… a lot of interesting films at the festival.

8) If they put a traffic light on the road …… less accidents.

9) …… a lot of new students in our group next year?

10) The teacher says …… a lot of new subjects next year.


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