How do Americans and Russians come across during job interviews? What is the reason behind it? 

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How do Americans and Russians come across during job interviews? What is the reason behind it?

“Positive thinking about yourself” is part of “positive thinking” that is a relentlessly positive attitude towards life and other people, the belief that though there may be setbacks, in the long run things will work out.

From a very young age Americas are lectured in school about the importance of good posture. Looking healthy and energetic, standing up straight is part of the “positive look”.

This is particularly important at job interviews where Americans think you should present yourself in a positive light. However, the idea of “tooting your horn” is somewhat alien to the Russian mentality. Self-praise and touting one’s good qualities is considered to be boasting as shown by the old saying, a play on words “Я – последняя буква алфавита” (I am the last letter of the alphabet). More than one Russian has failed to obtain a position in the US companies due to excessive modesty during job interviews. In the USA an individual who doesn’t stress his positive self-image and aggressive self-presentation will come across as passive and uninterested in the job.



What is the purpose of a personal statement? Comment on some of the intercultural and linguistic challenges that a Russian-speaking applicant could encounter.

Personal statement is necessary when you are applying for a University. You have to write about yourself and the interest in the course. It is an opportunity to show that you are better than anyone else applying for the same course, that you stand out in a good way and that you perfectly fit the course.


Be excited – how you got excited about the course (an interesting article, a fascinating lecture, inspired by a person)

Be positive (Don’t write: I’ve always wanted to be a dentist because it’s so much easier than being a doctor”)


What to write about

1) Why you are applying – your ambitions and what interests you about the subject, course providers and higher education.

2) What makes you suitable – any relevant skills, personal qualities, experience or achievements gained from education, work or other activities.



1) Intercultural - As the idea of “tooting your horn” is somewhat alien to the Russian mentality, Russian-speaking applicants may find it difficult to write about personal achievements and qualities that make them suitable for the course.

2) Linguistic - Russian-speaking applicants may find it difficult to stick to one and the same register. Sometimes their personal statements suddenly switch from a formal to an informal register.



17) Comment on some of the rules of English politeness. Provide examples. // If you were to develop a lesson plan on English politeness for adult learners what would be your main focus?

‘Please’ or ‘excuse me’, ‘would’ or ‘might’ are necessary since in English the interrogative constructions does not ensure courtesy. + ‘Excuse me, would you have a pen?’ or ‘Would you happen to have a pen?’.

The main trouble a language learner may face while making a request is the transformation of the Russian ‘negative’ question into a polite positive request in English. It should be highlighted that to sound authentic one should use such constructions as ‘Could you please/kindly’, ‘Could/May I bother/trouble you to’ (do whatever) or a ‘word of politeness’.

For example,

Could you please give me/Could I please have some coffee?

Could you please pass (me) the milk?



Comment on some of the cultural similarities and differences between English and Russian classified ads. Provide examples. //If you were to develop a lesson plan on this topic for adult learners what would be your main focus?

Classified adds, sometimes known as small adds, are short advertisements in newspapers and magazines. They are also known as Classifieds because they are typically grouped together with other adverts of a similar type under category classifications, e.g. Accommodation, Events, and Lonely Hearts



They are often printed in the publication’s normal typeface and don’t usually have sophisticated photos or wordings.

They are usually charged by words, so people placing ads try to use as few words as possible. Abbreviations are very common:



Pcm – per calendar month

Pw – per week

Exd – excluding household bills

Inc – including household bills

f/f – fully furnished

n/s prof – a non-smoking personal in a professional job (solvent)

ch – central heating

d/g – double garage

pppn- per person per night

Lonely Hearts:

Wlt – would like to meet

Ltr – long term relations

Gsohe – good sense of humor essential




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