Medical Education in Russia. 

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Medical Education in Russia.

Medical Education in Russia.

Medical education in Russia is very competitive
There is a great number of medical schools in Russia. Applicants have to pass 3 entrance exams to get into medical school. Usually they are chemistry, biology and Russian literature.
Medical education takes 6 years in Russia. The first two years are pre-clinical – students study anatomy, physiology, physics, histology and also philosophy.
The third year is a transitional year between the pre-clinical and clinical years. Students learn pathology, pharmacology, general surgery and general medicine.
The fourth and the fifth years are clinical. Students have tutorials in the mornings, then see patients and have lectures in the afternoons.
In the sixth year students work on chosen specialization almost as real doctors under the supervision of specialists. Upon completion of the sixth year, having passed state exams, graduates get a diploma. After one year internship they receive a certificate of specialization.

Saratov State Medical University

Our medical university is old. It was founded in 1909. It was the 10th university in Russia. At that time the university had only one medical faculty. The founder and the first rector was professor V. Razumovsky, an outstanding surgeon.

The first 93 students admitted to the university were men. Women were not allowed to study at the university till 1914. Several departments in the basic sciences were opened at that time: Physiology, Chemistry, General and Operative Surgery, Histology, Forensic Medicine and others.

In 1930 the university was reorganized. An independent medical institute was formed. There were 3 faculties at the institute: Medical, Sanitary-Prophylactic and Care of Mother and Child. Many talented scientists worked at the institute at that time. They were Mirotvortsev, Bogomolets, Spasokukotsky and many others.
Since 1993 the institute is the university again. Now there are 6 faculties. They are faculty of medicine, faculty of pediatrics, faculty of dentistry, faculty of nursing, faculty of preventive medicine and pharmaceutical faculty.

I am a student of the pediatric faculty. At our faculty the course of studies lasts for 6 years and consists of pre-clinical, transitional and clinical periods. The general theoretic and practical training ends in the 5th year. During the 6th year students study at the sub-internship. There they take the primary specialization as pediatricians, surgeons and infectionists. At the end of the 6th year students have state exams, receive their diploma and apply for internship.


Famous people in Medicine.

N.I. Pirogov.

The development of surgery began in the 19th century. The founder of modern surgery was the greatest Russian scientist N.I. Pirogov.

Pirogov was born in Moscow on November 13, 1810. At the age of 14 he entered Medical faculty of Moscow University. At the age of 18 graduated from the University. At the age of 26 he defended the dissertation under the title “Ligation of Arterial Vessels”, and became a professor of surgery. He wrote 24 major works, the most famous of which are “Topographic Anatomy”, General Field Surgery”, “On the Section of Achilles Tendon” and others.

Pirogov opened new possibilities in surgery. He was the first to perform osteo-plastic operation (now known as “Pirogov’s operation”). It brought him world fame.
At the age of 51 Pirogov retired and settled in the village Vishnya, where he opened a small hospital. He died on November 23, 1881 at the age of 71.



History of Medicine.

Medicine is among the most ancient of human occupations. There are 3 main stages in medicine development: Medicine of Ancient civilizations, Medicine of Middle Ages and Modern Medicine.

Early man practiced magic to help people who are ill or had a wound.
New civilizations began to study the human body, its anatomic composition. Magic still played an important part in treating but new practical methods were also developing.

The next stage of medicine’s development was the Middle Ages. A very important achievement of that time was the hospital. Another advance of the Middle Ages was the foundation of universities during 13th –14th centuries. During the 18th century new discoveries were made in chemistry, anatomy, biology, other sciences. The advances of that time were invention of the stethoscope, vaccination, discovery of anaesthetics and development of immunology and scientific surgery.
The next century is the rise of bacteriology. Important discoveries were made by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. The development of scientific bacteriology made possible advances in surgery: using antiseptics and control of wound infection.

Medicine in the 20th century made enormous contributions in the basic medical sciences. These are discovery of blood groups and vitamins, invention of insulin and penicillin, practice of plastic surgery and transplantation


At the Chemist’s.

There are 2 departments at the chemist’s: chemist’s department and prescription department.
At the chemist’s department we buy ready-made drugs. At the prescription department we order the drugs.
All drugs are kept in spetial drug kabinets. All drugs have labeles on them. The labels indicate the names of the drugs, the dose and the way of use. White label indicate drugs for internal use. Yellow labels indecate drugs for external use. Blue labels indicate drugs for injections.
There are different forms of drugs: pills, ampules, capsules, drops and so on.
All the drugs must be taken carefully and in the proper dose. The overdosage of drugs may cause unfavourable reaction.


At the doctor.

When a person falls ill, he goes to the local policlinic or calls in a doctor. The doctor asked the patient about his complains, examines him. Makes up the diagnosis and administers treatment.
There are 4 main methods of medical examination:
-history taken
-physical examination (includes visual examination, palpation and so on)
-instrumental studies (X-ray, electrocardiography, bronchoscopy)
-laboratory studies (analyses of blood, urine, gastric juice)
Simptoms are the main signs of clinical manifectation of the deseases. Symptoms may be objective (f.e. hemmorage, vomiting, edema and so on) and subjective (pain, headache, nausea, loss of appetite)

Doctors Without Borders.


It’s already known that a nuclear war will be the human and environmental disaster. It would immediately become global, total and final. After it almost all medical service, staff and facilities would be destroyed.

For these reasons, professional and human duty of physicians and health organizations is to prevent the nuclear war and the nuclear arms race.

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) is a global physician’s organization. It was founded in 1980. The initiators of this movement are Academician Euvgeny Chazov (Russia) and Professor Bernard Lown (USA). The contributors are Professor John Boag (Britain), Doctor Naomi Shono (Japan) and others.

The aim of this organization is to bring together physicians and apply their medical knowledge to the cause of preventing the nuclear war and controlling the nuclear arms race. Participants of the IPPNW Congresses focused on the physiological, psychological and biological effects of nuclear war. In 1985 this organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of the movement’s activities.

Another organization has become more significant nowadays. It is Doctors Without Borders, a private, nonprofit, international organization. It aims to provide medical relief to populations in crisis. Doctors Without Borders was founded in 1971 by a group of physicians. It offers emergency assistance wherever wars and man-made disasters occur. The organization operates independently of all political, economic, or religious influences. It depends on volunteer health professionals. Doctors Without Borders volunteers worked in Yugoslavia during the war, after earthquake in Armenia and during epidemic in African countries. In 1999 Doctors Without Borders was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its humane activities.



Health and Environment



Environment is the complex of physical, chemical and biotic factors that act upon an organism or an ecological community and determine its form and survival.

All of us undergo direct or indirect influence by environmental factors such as air, water, soil and food. It is a fact that since his early day on the earth man has been interesting with nature, and it is this interference that is at the root of the present day global crisis.

The problem of environment was first recognized only in the midforties. Man changes nature; builds cities, creates channels, uses natural resources. As a result of this our planet becomes insuitable for humanity.

Pollution is a global problem.

Air is the most immediately vital resource. Air pollution results from introduction of harmful materials into the atmosphere (chemical, radioactive and biological). There is a definite correlation between the degree of air pollution and rates of incidence and death from bronchitis, pneumonia and lung cancer.

Water pollution means contamination of water supplies by industrial, domestic, agriculture wastes. Water pollution becomes not only an esthetic problem for man; but an economic and medical one as well. Bacterial and viral contamination is a threat for the spread of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, cholera and hepatitis. The processes used to control water pollution include sedimentation, coagulation, filtration of the organic matter.

Medical science has shown that excessive noise can cause irritability, fatigue and emotional stress. Prolonged noise can also cause hearing loss, changes in heart rate, blood pressure and metabolism. Generally speaking noise is a serious threat to the quality of our lives.

The Earth is our home and we must take care of it, for ourselves and for the future generations. This


means keeping our Environment clean. World is interdependent and actions for environment protection must be the result of international cooperation. United we survive. However, each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean.

The Greens refuse to identify progress. Their principle is “ act here and now ” and they try to act without delay



Medical Education in Russia.

Medical education in Russia is very competitive
There is a great number of medical schools in Russia. Applicants have to pass 3 entrance exams to get into medical school. Usually they are chemistry, biology and Russian literature.
Medical education takes 6 years in Russia. The first two years are pre-clinical – students study anatomy, physiology, physics, histology and also philosophy.
The third year is a transitional year between the pre-clinical and clinical years. Students learn pathology, pharmacology, general surgery and general medicine.
The fourth and the fifth years are clinical. Students have tutorials in the mornings, then see patients and have lectures in the afternoons.
In the sixth year students work on chosen specialization almost as real doctors under the supervision of specialists. Upon completion of the sixth year, having passed state exams, graduates get a diploma. After one year internship they receive a certificate of specialization.


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