Ex. 1. Read the words and find Russian equivalents. 

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Ex. 1. Read the words and find Russian equivalents.

Criminal, physical, information, criminals, investigator, instrumentation, proportion, interview, company, agency, logic, method, microscopy, photography, analyses, criminalistics.

Ex. 2. Derive nouns from the following verbs.


To apply, to identify, to divide, to punish, to imprison, to develop, to locate, to prevent, to define, to present, to report, to investigate, to interrogate.


Ex. 3. Define the part of the speech of the following words paying attention to the suffixes.


Investigator, guilty, physical, properly, interrogation, bartender, clearly, acquaintance, possession, conscientious, division, comprehensively, successful, regular.


Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. Interrogation includes the skilful questioning of witnesses as well as suspects.

2. We could find him neither at the institute nor at home.

3. Both my colleague and I have already gathered all facts relevant to the case.

4. He wanted to know more about that case but there was no any information.

5. We will either go to the library or prepare to the exams at home.


Ex. 5. Translate the following sentences and define the kinds of adverbial clauses.


1. Many errors in a trial are considered minor as long as they do not affect the outcome of the trial.

2. She spoke as if she was in a dream.

3. She turned over so that the light from the other room did not fall on her eyes.

4. I was just curious, though it wasn’t any of my business.

5. Years have passed since we began this life.

6. If witness is able to identify the suspect accurately, a positive identification has been made.

7. She held out the telegram so that I might see it.

8. Since there is no help, let us try and bear it as best we can.

9. The investigation will be considered successful if the available physical evidence was completely handled and the witnesses intelligently interviewed.

10. A large crowd is standing where the crime was committed.

11. The air is not so cold now as it was in the early morning.


Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences and define the types of subordinate clauses.


1. Students are expected to take action as if they were on normal duty.

2. As soon as I heard of her death, I felt convicted that she had told him everything before she died.

3. The Constitution requires that any accused person must have every opportunity to demonstrate his or her innocence.

4. A criminal investigator is a person who collects facts to identify and locate the guilty party and to prove evidence of his guilty.

5. The Senate does not approve an appointment until its members are satisfied that the candidate is qualified.

6. It is important to understand that not all persons who break rules are criminals.


Ex. 7. Answer the following questions.


1. Who is a criminal investigator?

2. What does the investigation process include?

3. When will the investigation be considered successful?

4. What types of information do you know?

5. What is interrogation?

6. What does instrumentation include?

7. What physical sciences are important for crime detection?

8. How many phases may the investigation be divided into? What are they?




Замените существительные соответствующими формами личных местоимений.

1. You can take this book in the library.

2. They sent many telegrams last month.

3. Police officers have the same rates of pay.

4. My friend is a part-time student.

5. Call this young lady.


Выберите нужную форму местоимений.

1. The house of (his, him) parents is in a small village.

2. The woman put the money into (her, hers) bag.

3. Give (them, their, theirs) a book.

4. Is it (me, my, mine) document or (you, your, yours)?

5. (Our, ours, us) Institute has three faculties.



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