The text book of close combat 

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The text book of close combat


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This page is a collection of illustrated training notes and articles on practical hand to hand combat. Critical comment and contributions are welcome on techniques, tactics, theories and principles. Areas of interest: Offensive Combat, Defensive Combat and finally, Control and Restraint. All copyrighted material on this site is reproduced with each individual authors permission


You must be over the age of 18 to view the Hand To Hand Combatives which are discussed and illustrated on this site. The author of this site has reviewed effective fighting systems for over 35 years and is still revising his operational techniques in the light of personal fighting experience. The techniques presented on this web site are for public information and research purposes only. This web site is presented, subject to the following condition:

  • The author will not be held responsible for either the physiological, psychological or material results of the application of any of the techniques either described or illustrated.

The techniques described and illustrated on this web site have evolved from both battle field and street fighting experience. Close combat, and also the training for close combat, is extremely brutalizing. Both sources can cause severe psychological and physiological damage, not only to the receiver but also to the operator. The application of close combat techniques off the battle field can be judged as criminal. This web site is intended for academic study and discussion only.


CHAPTER's 1 and 2

First Steps in Offensive and Defensive Close Combat

General Warfare Tactics. For Public Information and Research Only.

Public Domain Information.


The purpose of this text book is to present the reader with both offensive and defensive examples of close combat.
A very wide spectrum of techniques and tactics will be described in this text book. The original purpose of this approach was to allow the reader to select techniques that suit them personally and also meet their operational requirements.
The techniques described and illustrated in this text book have been used in general warfare by Western states from the early 1900's onwards. These armies have always used close combat training programmes for two main reasons;

  • First, close combat training promotes fighting spirit and ruthless efficiency.
  • Second, close combat training programmes are the solid foundations for self confidence on the battle field.



Self Defence. The amount of physical force used in self defence must be the minimum necessary to protect either you or others. This degree of force should allow you to either escape, ward off or neutralize an attack.

Close Combat. To fight and oppose with little regard paid to minimum force requirements. The amount of force used will depend on the operational aims. This may include neutralizing, disabling, capturing and killing the enemy.

First Steps

Whenever possible, text book and video studies must be complemented with "hands on training" from a competent instructor. First hand accounts from combat veterans will also give more credence to the training programme.

Standing Combat

Join a boxing, karate or kung fu club and gain valuable contact experience. This must include the practice of timing hits, judging distance, feinting, counter attacking and closing in for grappling techniques. Do not spend to long learning the one style. Focusing on the one style will create a mind set for that particular style. For example, focusing on boxing may cause you to miss the chance to either kick or throw your opponent when that opportunity arises.


Join a club that specializes in either judo, jujitsu, sombo or wrestling. Here you will learn the fundamentals of balance, break falling, strangling, choking, limb locking, the mount, the guard and escapes. A good substitute for sound practical hands on instruction in these areas does not exist.
When you are fighting more than one opponent, grappling must be avoided. You will limit your chances of survival if you allow yourself to be tied up by either applying or being caught in body holds or arm lock.

A competent ground fighter can be defeated by any of the following quick and lethal tactics; gripping the ear and chopping it off with the free hand, poking out eyes, chopping the front of the throat or eyes, biting off ears, noses and cheeks.

Technical proficiency in either boxing or wrestling or any sport combat is not a requirement for battle field combat. Half a brick or the edge of an entrenching tool to the nape of the neck will work much faster than many years of karate training. The application of these tactics requires nothing more than the will to survive.

Safety Rules

Close combat training will, at some stage, incur physical injury. This is a fact of life in all areas of combat training. Prior to any combat training, commanders are obliged to predict the expected loss rate from training accidents. This will ensure that the programme starts with sufficient personnel to offset the training losses.

Safety rules will help to reduce the accident rate in your training programme.

1. Basic training dress must include rubber soled boots, combat jacket and trousers and finally, protective body guards. Always use commercial protective equipment that meets your training requirements.

2. Prior to any training session, a thorough safety check must be made of all dress and equipment. Always check the soles of all footwear and all clothing to ensure that there are no illegal or foreign bodies attached. Also check that all pockets are empty and no one is wearing jewelry or badges.

3. When sparring, restrict all hand and foot attacks to well padded secondary pressure points. This procedure will help to reduce training injuries and teach individuals to focus and control their attacks.

4. Establish prearranged signals for stopping all activity on the training floor. The signals can be either verbal or non verbal. The most common signals in general use are either two taps on the training partner or the floor or the shout "Stop!"

5. Before practising any technique, always ensure that those involved have a clear understanding of their roles.

6. Practise all new techniques slowly until those involved can control that technique. Speed follows on from a mastery of accuracy and control.

7. Never allow new training partners to either train or spar in your group. Give all new partners a probation period that allows them to master the safety rules and basic techniques.

8. Competence in basic first aid is a necessary skill for all those taking part in close combat training. Transport must also be available to take injured personnel to the nearest hospital.

9. No one is allowed to leave the training area without the permission of the instructor.

10. Any additions to these safety rules may be dependent on the operational requirements.


All forms of combat have one common denominator, that is, balance. You must strive to maintain your own equilibrium and try to unbalance your opponent, both mentally as well as physically. This will make all your techniques much stronger and the opponents much weaker. The simple act of stepping out of line from their line of attack will unbalance the opponent. If the opponent has grabbed at your upper body, step back and out to the side to pull them off balance into a defensive mode. If the opponent grabs at your wrist, the act of palm heeling their opposite shoulder will force them to over reach. This can lead you to using a throwing technique.

Ground Fighting

Training programmes should be structured so that equal amounts of time are devoted to both standing and ground combat. There are three main reasons for this.
First, either you or your opponent may be punched, clubbed, swept or thrown to the ground.
Second, in some situations it may be more prudent to go down and attack the opponent's legs, knees, groin, testicles or bladder.
Third, there is always the chance that both you and your opponent will go to the ground together.
If your experience in ground fighting is limited, then your survival will also be limited. The grounded opponent is not necessarily overpowered or passive. This position can be used to launch many different forms of crippling and lethal attacks that are banned in sport combat.
When you are fighting more than one person, your survival will be limited. Should you end up in the grounded position, your survival is extremely limited. Offensive and defensive use of the group will be discussed in other chapters.

Lethal Techniques

Sport combat systems have excellent safety rules and safe contact techniques. Some of the techniques used in sport combat can form the basis of your close combat repertoire.
Despite these facts, rigid adherence to the safety rules will produce combatants with limited practical abilities. This is because the simplest and most lethal techniques in close combat remain unexplored and unrehearsed.
The only way lethal techniques can be incorporated into your training programme is to either use slow motion drills or direct the lethal strikes to well protected areas. Also, non-lethal pressure point attacks can be directed to various parts of the body. These pressure point attacks can be used for both self defence and for setting up lethal attacks. Strangle and choke holds, as well as limb locks can be applied to the submission stage. This procedure will give you a safe and much more realistic approach to practical close combat.

Fighting Distances

In this text book on close combat, three ranges to be considered.

  • Long range offensive and defensive styles are usually favored by the taller opponent. (See chapter 2)
  • Close range offensive and defensive styles are usually favored by the shorter opponent or wrestler. (See chapter 2 for a more detailed discussion.)
  • Ground fighting is favored by the wrestler. It is also the last option open to the downed opponent. (See chapter 13 for a more detailed discussion.)


In a combat situation, you will be dressed and carrying equipment essential to the operational task.
Unless you have trained in this equipment, you may not be prepared to deal with this situation.
After you have mastered a set of techniques in basic training dress, you must rehearse in full operational dress. This procedure will allow you to appreciate the limitations and restrictions that operational dress and equipment can impose upon specific techniques.
Consideration should also be given to the operational dress worn by the enemy.

Fear Control

Before any boxing match, boxers will experience the physical effects of their mental turmoil. The fear of physical pain, humiliation, or losing the fight can induce many physical side effects.
For example, bowel movements will increase in frequency. There can also be incidences of vomiting or trembling.
A detailed discussion on the physiological and psychological effects of battle field fear and its effects would require a chapter on its own. This knowledge would not enhance your ability to cope with the disruptive effects that fear can create.
Fear is much easier to deal with when it is accepted as mental and physical distress. This distress is created by thinking about the impending combat and all the perceived dangers. Mental and physical distress then creates a nervous energy that is very difficult to control. Paradoxically, this nervous energy is also an essential aid to individual survival. The total control of fear is neither necessary, nor desirable. The nervous energies created by fear will tense up the whole body and prepare it for either the fight or the escape. When the human body is slightly tense, it can respond much faster than a relaxed body.
Physical tension also prepares the body for the impact of the opponent's attack. Simultaneously, fear will increase the individual pain threshold. This allows the body to cope with more trauma than normal. Blood flow to the surface of the skin is reduced. Because of this, bleeding from body wounds is also reduced.

The stress of combat will also induce a mental tension. The opponent will be mentally focused on the source of the problem and will be operating with a limited level of consciousness. Their attention will be directed straight towards you. In this state, the opponent will be unable to hear or respond to advice from any source. They will also be unable to see any activity that takes place outside their direct view.

Psychological research has shown that individual fears will peak before and after a battle. During the battle, the majority of the combatants can focus on the operational task. Soldiers who are bonded together with a team spirit, well led, believe their cause is just and properly trained, will find it much easier to focus on the operational task.
Because of these factors, learning to cope with fear must form an integral part of basic combat training. The training programme outlined later in this chapter can be used to produce close combat fighters who can control their fears.
Your training programme must also include ways of coping with the limiting mind set of focused attention. Learn to expand your consciousness during training so that you can see and hear much more than the direct threat.

Distracting the Opponent

The ideal time to launch an attack is when the enemy is not prepared for it. Always try and hit first. When the enemy is either faster, stronger or prepared for your attack, distractions become necessary.
The following tacticss may be incorporated into your training programme. As your skill develops, you will appreciate the vital fractions of a second and control that these distractions allow you.

Throw the nearest object to hand. Make the opponent flinch, blink or stop. This form of distraction will give you a fraction of a second to make your own move.

Spitting can make the opponent either blink, vomit, draw back or lift their hands to expose the lower targets.
Spit out anything that happens to be in your mouth at the time of the confrontation.

Before carrying out a definite attack, such as a punch, either pretend to or actually use a kick. This tactic will make the opponent act in a predictable manner.
Develop your own personal set of combinations.

Shouting and screaming can be used in order to dispel your nervous energy and disorientate the enemy.
By shouting or screaming, you can make the opponent temporarily freeze. The shouting approach can also make your own attack much stronger.
As with all forms of distraction, the enemy may over react or panic. Because of this factor, the voice must be used in a controlled manner and immediately followed through.

Your breathing can also be used to strengthen your attack and confuse the opponent. This can be done by hissing or grunting as you move or attack.
Consider the boxer's mode of breath coordinated striking. Just before you strike, you tense up your stomach muscles. Before the strike lands, either grunt, hiss or blow out half your lung capacity.

In many fights, the opponent will be operating with a limited level of consciousness. The opponent will both "telegraph" and persist in using the same technique. The simple act of either kicking or using a straight arm strangle will induce the opponent to copy you. Both these situations can be used to your advantage.
Combatants are usually motivated by fear or blind hatred. It is not normal for them to think tactically and respond positively to their opponents attack. Attacks are usually focused on the position of the opponent. The simple act of stepping out of this direct line of attack can confuse the attacker.
Try to remain mobile during a confrontation. This will disrupt the opponents timing and concentration. If your opponent is circling around you, disrupt their timing by either stepping in or out with a side step of your own.
If your opponent is right handed, move round them in an anticlockwise direction. This will keep you away from the much stronger right side of their body.
At other times encourage the opponent to move forward. Their momentum will add more impetus to the force of your attack.
Chapter 2 will contain much more detail on this factor.

Talk to the opponent and find out what they want from you. Talking may help to reduce the tension of the situation. It will also leave the opponent more open to attack.
Vary the volume and speed of your speech, this will force the opponent to focus on your voice.

Leave the enemy an obvious opening in your defences. Once their anticipated attack is initiated, you can counterattack.

Pretend to be afraid, injured, dead, competent, brave, stunned or mad. Do anything to disrupt the thinking processes of the opponent. Create a mental block in the opposition and then use the opportunity this creates to either attack or escape.


Every individual varies in the degree of speed they can generate in either offensive or defensive techniques. This fact is based on the normal physiological differences.
Other factors can affect individual speed and reaction times. These include, mental alertness, physical well being and the quality of individual combat training.
In sport combat, reactions can be sharpened up with a warming up session before a contest. An opportunity for this procedure never presents itself close combat. In this situation, optimum reaction times and positive responses will be dependent on the quality of the training programme.
Not all fights will be lost because the opponent is much faster than you. Slow reactions can be compensated for in many ways. For example, attack first whenever possible, after that, use distractions or combination attacks.


Initiative can be defined, in the military sense, as making the first move. This behaviour will force the enemy to conform to your movements.
Taking the initiative away from the enemy places them in a more vulnerable position. Not only have you taken control of the situation physically, you have also taken a more dominant position at the mental level. All distractions are examples of initiative.
Initiative is not just the prerogative of the team leader. It must be fostered in all members of the team. Individual initiative can be fostered through the employment of a structured training programme. Such a programme must be based on the team mission. It can have built-in problem scenarios that simulate the expected operation.
Individual passive or active behaviour in these scenarios should become more innovative rather than indecisive or inappropriate. This training should produce individually motivated, self-reliant soldiers who are always thinking one move ahead.


Improvisation involves the adaptation of basic techniques, principles and readily available objects to achieve the team mission. The principles of improvisation and initiative are closely related. Both demand a high degree of flexibility and originality from the thinking processes.
The mind set required for initiating action and improvising on the on the battle field can be enhanced by using a combat orientated training programme.


Once you are engaged in combat, there is no time to think about specific forms of attack or defence. Your behaviour must be impulsive and more instinctive. This can only be achieved through contact training with an active training partner.
In many sport combat systems, you will receive a grading by displaying standard responses to standard attacks. In close combat, there are too many variables involved to use such a dogmatic mind set. Your response to an attack must break all the rules, the opponents in particular.
After you establish a basic competence in any technique, you must go on to develop variations. This will make your style much more unpredictable, impulsive and instinctive.
Do not waste valuable training time by practising in the sterile mode of bag work. Punch bags are useful for developing combination attacks, timing, distance, impact effect and power.
It is imperative that you go on to sparring sessions. Here you can apply combat techniques on a living, moving opponent who is retaliating and exploiting all of your weaknesses. Your techniques will never be perfect, in this situation, but your impulse to act positively will be much keener. This form of training will also make your reactions much more instinctive.

Impact Effect

Some forms of sport combat award points for perfect strikes. Because no full contact takes place, the effects of these strikes are very speculative. In combat situations you will be faced with someone who moves and even retaliates. Perfect technique is either impractical or may not have the desired effect.
At times, the enemy may absorb a punishing attack without registering any pain. This may be due to either fear, knowledge of impending death, shock, drugs or fighting spirit. It may take four or five strikes to create the desired effect. One strike text book kills must be abandoned for a more flexible and sustained assault.
Impact effect on your own body must also be explored from two perspectives.
First, you must experience the opponents attack in order to assess your ability to absorb the impact and react positively.
Second, when you either hit or miss an opponent, the effect will be entirely different from the experience gained on the punch bag. For example, a side kick to the opponent's midsection can throw them at least eight feet away from you. You may also be propelled back several feet. At this stage, the opponent may be temporarily winded without serious injury. They are now at a safe distance from you with time to recover. If you have not experienced this form of incident, you are in a very vulnerable position. The opponent is down but far from being out of the fight. This is particularly true for a ground fighter who will no longer offer you the chance to use your superior kicking.
Practice all techniques on an active partner and learn to follow up on everything you do.

Direct Attacks

For economy of space, the techniques illustrated in this text book are all direct attacks. Single technique direct attacks are not always successful.
Your initial attack can be used as a feint. The feint will allow you to observe how the opponent reacts. Feints can also be used to create an opening. This will be discussed later.


Combat Appreciation (S.W.A.T.)
The experience of fear, on the battle field, can disrupt you tactical thinking. In combat appreciation, you must learn to focus your attention on four basic factors.
The practical consideration of these factors will help you to assess both your situation and the appropriate course of action. These four factors are:

S trength

W eapons

A im

T errain.

Aim (Purpose and Attitude)

a) YOU: Your aim, at all times, will be survival at any cost. How you achieve this depends on your appreciation of all the other factors.

b) THE ENEMY: Your opponents aim can include detaining, crippling, raping or killing you. It is up to you to find out fast, by arguing, observing, moving, listening, talking, cooperating, thinking and distracting.


In a boxing match, when your opponent falls, you immediately go to a neutral corner.
This scenario does not occur in close combat. When your opponent falls, this simply indicates the next phase of the fight. Always continue the fight until your survival is guaranteed.
Never give the opponent the opportunity to recover. Never expect quarter and never give it until your operational aim has been achieved.

Nerve Points

The illustrations in chapter 2 show 32 frontal and 17 rear targets on the human body. Not very many people will have the clarity of mind, in the heat of the fight, to remember these precise points.
Just remember that the maximum damage pressure points lie down the centre line of the body from between the eyes to the pubic area. This centre line is usually well defended with body armour or the opponents forearms. The best way to get to the vulnerable areas of the body is to attack either side of the centre line to open up the opponents defence, then attack the centre.
You can also work your way around the opponent and attack the rear areas.
In the heat of the fight, there is a low probability of striking the vulnerable areas with accurate and powerful strikes. Consider using combination attacks to weaken the opponent and break down their defences.

Hand Techniques

The bones of the hand are very delicate and easily damaged. Most people have a natural tendency to clench their fists in violent situations. Because of this fact, some closed fist techniques have been described in this textbook. The fist must only be used when it is protected by heavy duty gloves or knuckle dusters. This will be discussed in much more detail in Chapter 3.

Defensive Stances

Think about this point. If you have the time to adopt a defensive stance, it means that an attack on your person has been either unsuccessful or you have time to perceive an attack on your person and time to adopt a stance.
On many occasions your perception of an attack will be preceded by a feeling of semi-consciousness after a surprise attack or else your body hurtling to the ground after a rear attack.
Stances are secondary to learning how to run from, duck, dodge and parry attacks as they occur. Stances are also secondary to learning how to break your fall and carry out a defence from the ground.
If you have time to perceive an attack, that time would be better spent either escaping or else attacking, rather than presenting a static target and the static mind set that stances can encourage.
Use stances as part of your distracting techniques. For example, adopt a boxers stance and use your feet.
Despite these points, stances for stick, knife and unarmed situations will be discussed further in Chapter 2.

Foot Techniques

In sport combat, many foot attacks are directed at difficult to reach areas. For safety reasons, kicks are never allowed to the most vulnerable areas. These areas include the ankles and sides of the knee cap.
Try and keep your kick and sweeps low where they are at their most powerful. This approach will keep you away from the opponent's hand and grappling techniques.
The terrain you are fighting on will restrict the type of foot techniques you can use. Try to revise foot techniques on a wide variety of terrain.

Body Movement

Text book illustrations always fail to convey the degree of body movement involved in any technique. The figures used in illustrations can only represent a single phase of a physical action. Do not slavishly follow the illustrations. It is important that you modify the techniques illustrated in order to suit your height, dress and situation.
In close combat, you must move continually. Keep stepping both in and out of the opponent's line of attack. This will disrupt their timing. Also sway, bob and weave in order to avoid strikes. Body movement is the priority in avoiding attacks. This is because ducking and dodging is much more instinctive than blocking techniques.

Holding the Opponent

Grabbing or holding the opponent will place you at a disadvantage. With your hands employed, your defences are restricted. This is particularly true when you may have to fight with more than one person. Always weaken or distract the opponent before trying to apply a hold. When you go for a hold, try to apply it to the hair, ears, testicles, throat or fingers. Also use pincer grips, arm and leg locks, chokes and strangles.
The application of holds depends on the successful use of distractions and combinations.

Holding a Weapon

Holding a weapon can place you at a disadvantage, if you are focused on looking for an opening to use that particular weapon.
The weapon can also be used as a distraction by you. While the opponent is focused on the weapon, attack by any other means.

Unconventional Techniques

Survival in combat can be attributed to many factors other than numerical and technological superiority. History has shown us that many a battle has been won by a weaker opponent who can disrupt the enemy with an sudden or unconventional attack.
If you pull an opponent's hair it will cause a great deal of distracting pain. It will also make their eye's water. With a good grip on someone's hair it is possible to slam their head into the wall, the ground, your knee or head butt. When you claw at someone's face or throat, their natural reaction is to either copy the action or at least lift their hands in defence.
This can be used to apply another technique in response to the opponent's behaviour.
A strong grip can be broken by sinking your teeth into the opponent's hand, wrist, cheek, throat, nose, eye brows or the lower part of the leg.
If you know the opponent's style, unbalance them mentally by breaking all their rules of engagement.

Emergency Techniques

In some standing or grounded situations you may become either blinded, stunned, shocked or surprised.
Do have a set of well rehearsed techniques that do not rely on visual contact. They will occupy the opponent and give you time to recover.

  • Trap their arms in a bear hug. This will allow you to stamp on their insteps, use head butts, or bite their throat and face.
  • Grab a handful of hair and move back, pulling their head into a knee lift or slamming their head into the ground.
  • Push the palms of your hands up the opponent's cheeks. Your thumbs will fall naturally into the eye sockets. At this stage use one hand to palmheel the lower body targets.
  • If the opponent has their back to an obstruction, you can palm heel the chest area. This will whip lash their head into the wall and back into your head butt.
  • Grab at their throat and attack the groin area with the free hand.
  • Grab the groin area and attack the face area with your elbows or head butts.

Training Sessions

For combat efficiency, the training requirement is twice weekly for one year. There are two main reasons for embarking on a training programme.

First, the ability to fight in either armed or unarmed combat is not a skill that can be learned from either books or videos.

Second, some individuals do not posses the ability to fight and find it impossible to be totally aggressive.

For these reasons, a training programme must be employed in order to assess the fighting ability of individual soldiers. There is no point in learning technique from books or videos unless you can apply it to a living, retaliating opponent. Knowledge is the reserve of the instructor who may or may not be able to fight. Fighting experience is the reserve of those who can survive.

The length of the training programme also depends on the operational role of the troops involved. This may vary from a short but intensive programme to instill self confidence, to a longer programme for training future instructors.

Each training session should last for two hours. An all round training approach can be tailored to cater for the units operational requirements. A basic training session would contain the following elements. These elements will be discussed in more detail at the end of this chapter:

10 min - Safety checks

20 min - Basic sparring drill

20 min - Bag work revision

20 min - Ground work revision

20 min - New material

10 min - Free sparring

10 min - Match fighting

10 min - Bag work revision

10 min - Ground work revision

20 min - Yoga and Visualization

Revision Sessions

To promote speed, self confidence, and fighting skill, the revision sessions must contain as many variables as possible, for example;

1. The attack can be structured as a rush attack, rear attack, side attack, group attack, ground attack or combination attack.

2. The defence can incorporate withdrawal, ground fighting, friendly support or weapons.

3. The opponent can be either tall, short, fat, thin, drunk, crazed or armed.

4. The conditions must also be varied. Train within a crowd of people, in a cramped room, in darkness, your hands may be tied or you may be blindfolded or stunned.

The stunned condition may be simulated as follows:

1. Place the end of a brush shaft on the ground.

2. Place both your hands over the other end and then rest one of your ears on top of your hands.

3. Run round the broom shaft without lifting the shaft off the ground or lifting your ear from your hands.

4. After 30 seconds of this exercise, try to either adopt a fighting stance or use a punch bag.

Close Combat Training

There should be at least four phases to close combat training. Furthermore, these phases must be broken down into stages. This will help to ensure that your training programme has a progressive structure.

Phase 1 - Basic Techniques.

Stage 1 - The Basics.

Practise single offensive techniques from all sections of the text book. Make maximum use of the training aids, including punch bags, static and active partners. Practise until you have a thorough knowledge of the basic techniques at the different fighting ranges.

Stage 2 - Defence.

Practise different defences against the same offensive technique. Learn how to counter attack as well as defend. Keep the physical contact under control so that undefended strikes do not have a serious impact. Move around the training floor using stepping drills and distractions.

Stage 3 - Combination Attacks.

Combine two techniques from one discipline only. One partner remains passive and simply observes the line of the attack. Use this procedure until you are proficient in using combinations.
Both combatants must be continually moving round the training floor. This will teach you how to judge distances and time your hits. By acting as an observer you will also learn how the combination is set up. Pay attention to the way most moves can be "telegraphed" by the attacker, long before they materialize.

Stage 4 - Defence.

Practise several defences against the same combination attack. Use light contact only at this stage. Again, you must make maximum use of the floor space.

Phase 2 - Free Sparring

Before this phase, sensitivity training and sparring drills may be introduced. The aim of free sparring is to develop your spontaneity in attack and defence. In this phase, there is no collusion between the combatants. The techniques used in free sparring are personally selected and tested out by each individual. You are now learning to use offensive and defensive techniques on an opponent who has the same intentions.
Free sparring is a vital phase in your training programme. It will bridge the gap between basic technique and match fighting. Free sparring is used to develop your fighting ability. It is the practical application of the former four stages you have just progressed through.

Lethal tactics are not permitted at this stage and all strikes are directed to full body armour.

Always work in teams of four. The teams are made up from two combatants with one observer each.
Spar for one minute and then allow the observers to discuss both combatant's strengths and weaknesses. The observers are also expected to control dangerous play.

Two sparring sessions, with a total of two minutes, will be quite sufficient in the early stages of your training.

Constantly change your training partners. Fresh partners will demand a fresh approach on your part.

Phase 3 - Match Fighting.

A match fight is a knock down contest to establish the superiority of a particular fighter. There is no time limit to a fight. A fighter will lose the fight when:

  • They fall down and remain open to lethal attack.
  • They are knocked out.
  • They are caught in a strangle or choke hold.
  • They have to submit on account of a lock.
  • The observers decide who has lost.

The judgement of the observers is necessary because protective clothing will nullify some of the lethal attacks.
The observers are also necessary because either of the fighters may become stunned and incapable of responding to submission holds.

Phase 4 - Close Combat Drills

Close combat drills will allow you to advance your practical knowledge of close combat without the requirement of lethal contact.
Your knowledge has already been advanced as far as practically possible. You must now use that practical experience to formulate individual drills. The complexity, duration and practicality of these drills will depend entirely upon the effort you put into the preceding three phases.
Combat drill is the prearranged form developed by the combatants. It is used to practise the application of lethal tactics. At the critical stage, all the strikes are controlled with minimal contact.

The subject areas to cover include:

  • Attacks, either front or rear.
  • Attacks and counters.
  • Combination attacks.
  • Weapon drills.

Training Practice

Keep changing the training partners over. This will stop students from becoming too familiar with each other and thus developing a complacent attitude.

Durind a training session, have a Team Leader detailed to control the class. The Team Leaders role is to formulate a specific training and stick to that programme. The team Leader must be capable of stopping dangerous practices and also motivating the students to maintain a high work rate.

Obstructive Practice

During practice sessions, it is possible to develop an obstructive mind set. This is where you start to anticipate the training partners movements and you apply counter moves. This will slow down your partners development. Allow your partner to practice a move until they are proficient at that technique. Remember that all techniques are usually set up with distracting punches or kicks. Your ability to anticipate your training partners moves will be properly tested during match fighting.

Perfect or Practical

Spend at least two minutes on each technique. Work fast to develop power, speed, recovery, accuracy and tactical movement. Get away from the mind set of doing 200 kicks or 200 punches.. Practice each technique for at least two minutes, even if you only manage 50 repititions. You must try to incorporate the technique into a fighting framework. The aim is to make the technique part of a defence and attack strategy rather than a sterile exercise in technique.

Bag Training

The punch bag is a passive training aid. Spend too much time on it and you will neglect your defence and ability to react positively to an attacker.

Kick Training

Keep your kick training as realistic as possible. Move back and forward, left and right, counter and use combinations. Close combat is both dynamic and demanding, you must keep moving an remain difficult to predict. Kicks are powerful techniques, they will have an effect, not only on the opponent, but also on the applier. Anticipate these effects through a rigorous training procredure that involves an active training partner.

Yoga Exercises

The following Yoga exercises will help you to relax mentally and physically:

  • Salamba Sirasana - Head Stand
  • Salamba Sarvangasana - Neck Stand
  • Uddiyana Bandha - Stomach Isolation
  • Savasana - Corpse Pose

Total relaxation is neither desirable nor a prerequisite to fighting success.

There is an ideal level of relaxation to be aimed at. The ideal level that allows you to cope with battle field stress and continue to think tactically.

To Blitzkrieg or to Hammer

In a fighting situation, you have two avenues of attack. First, you can Blitzkrieg the opponent by hitting from every angle.

Second, you can Hammer away at the same spot until the enemy is defeated.

For the untrained, the Blitzkrieg is more difficult to activate and is also less instinctive. This is because it demands an active, analytical form of thinking.

Combat is always performed at a very base level of intellectual consciousness. Thinking, seeing and hearing are usually focused directly on the immediate threat. For this reason, the Hammer approach is a better tactic for the inexperienced fighter. The Hammer is more instinctive, single minded and can be used to break down the opponents covering up tactics.

The physical strength required to defeat an opponent is a limited commodity that evaporates after 5 - 10 seconds of hard combat. The flow of adrenalin, that occurs at the start of a stressful encounter, will sap your strength if it is not controlled.

Using the Hammer tactic will sap your strength if the opponents defence is good. Why persist in using valuable energy on an opponent who can cover up and bide their time until your energy level drops? Against an aggressive opponent, hammering away with a single technique will give the opponent time to switch tactics and counterattack. For example, why try to head butt an opponent who is pushing away at your chest. You may try the head butt several times before realizing there is no connection taking place. Meanwhile your strength is sapped, the initiative has gone and the mind set of a single tactic will leave you in an impasse, open to counterattack.

Blitzkrieg or Hammer? It all depends on the opponents approach and responses to your attack.


The mental practice of visualization can be used to enhance your fighting skills.
This is a process where mental and physical feed back can accelerate your practical fighting ability.
If you can hold a mental image of a technique, your practical performance will improve.
When you can perform a technique properly, enhance your image of it through visualization.
Visualization can also be used as a form of battle field inoculation. Consider a specific set of techniques required for an approaching operation. By visualizing these techniques, your fears and stress levels will be reduced.

General Principles

In combat, it is difficult to think in terms of specific responses to specific attacks. Your mind must remain uncluttered from this baggage.

  • Fight without thinking, hit first, react second.
  • Reduce the targets to the center line.
  • Defend the center line, angle it away from the opponents.
  • Never fight the opponents fight, do the opposite.
  • Keep changing your tactics.
  • Dogged determination and flexibility beat perfect technique every time.


Chapter 2 - Intro

This second section will describe in more detail the fundamental techniques outlined earlier. The subject matter will include:

· Pressure points and appropriate mode of attack

· Stances

· Body movement

· Footwork

· Kick defences

· Punch defences

· Basic sparring drills

· Coping with the different fighting ranges and styles

The Pressure Points

Pressure points are areas of the human body that are vulnerable to damage when attacked with the appropriate weapon. The effects of strikes to pressure points will also depend upon a combination of the following five factors:

· The weight behind the delivery.

· The speed of the delivery.

· The accuracy of the strike.

· The type of weapon used.

· The opponent's physical and mental state.

Operational dress and equipment will directly influence technique as well as the effect of any strikes. Specific pressure points are difficult to reach, especially when the opponent is moving and attacking you at the same time. The exact pressure points can only be attacked when the opponent's defence has been broken down with strong attacks to general areas. Real combat will never be a display of perfect form. It will always be a display of quick opportunities. There will always be a high rate of low power strikes, forced throws and imperfect techniques. Because of this factor, consider the principle of overkill by using combinations in your attack and defence.

Primary Pressure Points



1. The top front of the head can be attacked with:

  • Hammer fist
  • Palm heel
  • Heel stamp

2. The temples lie between the tops of the ears and the eyes. Attack the temples with:

  • Palm heel
  • Hooking palm heel
  • Head butt
  • Toe kick
  • Knife hand
  • Elbow
  • Knee
  • Heel stamp

3. Attack the area between the eyes with:

  • Knife hand
  • Palm heel

4. Attack the ears by grabbing or clapping:

  • Grab and rip up or down
  • Grab and chop with knife hand
  • Clap with cupped hands to damage the ear drums

5. The eyes can be attacked with any weapon. Minimum force is required to create maximum damage. The only danger to the attacker is the rigid bone that surrounds the eye socket. Remove the eye by pushing the fingers or thumb in at the top middle of the socket.

6. The jaw line can be attacked with:

  • Palm heels to the point to cause knock outs
  • Palm heels to the side in order to break the jaw or cause knock outs
  • Knife hand
  • Elbow
  • Kick

7. The throat area targets cover the wind pipe, Adam's apple and the hollow of the throat:

  • Fingers and thumbs
  • Palm heel hook
  • Elbow
  • Knife hand
  • Pincer grip
  • Heel stamp

8. The heart can be attacked with:

  • Palm heel
  • Side kick
  • Roundhouse kick
  • Roundhouse shin kick
  • Knee

9. The solar plexus area is usually well protected. Any attacks to this area are usually part of a combination that opens up the opponent's defences. Attack this area with:

  • Palm heel
  • Knee
  • Toe
  • Elbow
  • Back elbow
  • Head butt

10. The ribs are usually protected by the elbows. They can be attacked with:

  • Forward and rear elbow strikes
  • Palm heel hook
  • Roundhouse knee
  • Roundhouse shin

11. The spleen can be attacked with:

  • Palm heel
  • Toes
  • Elbow

12. The bladder and groin area can be attacked with:

  • Palm heel hook
  • Palm heel
  • Elbow
  • Back knuckle

13. The genital area is usually well protected. Direct attacks to this area can be used to draw the opponent's defence down and leave other targets exposed. Attack this area with:

  • Pincer grip
  • Grab and twist
  • Knife hand
  • Knee
  • Shin
  • Forearm

14. The knee caps are best attacked when the opponent has most of their weight on them. Attack with:

  • Side kicks when the opponent is side on to you
  • Roundhouse shin kick
  • Roundhouse heel kick

15. The insteps have a very delicate bone structure. Attack this area with heel stamps.

Secondary Pressure Points

When these points are attacked, the following effects can be expected:

  • Sharp pain
  • Stunning pain
  • Unconsciousness

The secondary chart excludes those areas susceptible to maximum damage. This will not guarantee that attacks to these areas will not be either crippling or fatal.


Fig. 2

1. The ridges of bone around the eyes can be attacked with:

· Head butt

· Palm heel

· Feet

· Teeth

2. The cheeks can be attacked with:

· Teeth

· Nails

· Slaps with the cupped hand

3. The nose can be attacked with:

· Palm heel

· Head butt

· Knife hand

· Knee

· Elbow

· Teeth

4. The upper lip area and below the nose can be attacked with:

· Palm heel

· Knife hand

5. The mouth can be attacked with the feet. Do not attack the mouth with your bare hands. This principle will protect you from damaging your hands and serious infections

6. The point of the jaw can be attacked with palm heel jabs. The sides of the jaw can be attacked by inserting your fingers or thumbs up below the jaw.

7. The muscle ridges to each side of the neck can be attacked with either palm heels or the knife hand.

8. Attack the shoulder muscle with the knife hand.

9. The soft inner side of the upper arm can be attacked with:

· Teeth

· Pincer grips

· Single knuckle punch

10. The arm pit can be attacked with thumb pressure directed up to the arm socket.

11. The ribs can be attacked with light palm heel attacks.

12. The solar plexus can be attacked with light palm heel strikes.

13. Attack the wrist area with: Knife edge Pincer grip Teeth

14. The back of the hand can be attacked with single knuckle punches or bites.

15. The full length of the thigh as well as the inner parts of the thigh can be attacked with:

· Roundhouse shin kick

· Roundhouse knee kick

· Teeth

16. The shins can be attacked with:

· Scraping the side of the shoe downwards

· Direct toe kick

· Heel kick

17. Distractions can be achieved by stamping in the direction of the toes.

Secondary Pressure Points


1. The ears can be attacked from the rear by:

· Palm heel

· Thumb pressure upwards at the hollow of the jaw line that lies behind the ear lobes.

· The upper jaw area, directly behind the ear lobe, is very susceptible to thumb pressure

2. The muscles at the side of the spine at the base of the skull can be attacked with the knife hand.

3. The areas below the shoulder blades can be attacked with:

· Palm heel

· Elbow

4. The centre rear of the upper arm can be attacked with:

· Palm heel

· Pincer grip

· Knife edge

5. The elbow joint can be attacked with steady pressure to force the whole arm out straight. This is possible after stopping a punch. A grip is retained on the attacker's wrist and the pressure is applied with your chest.

6. The back of the thigh from the buttocks to the knee joint can be attacked with toe kicks or pincer grips.

7. The back of the knee joint can be stamped to affect a take down. This can also be achieved with thumb pressure.

8. The calf muscle can be attacked with:

· Thumb pressure

· Toe kick

· Side kick

9. The Achilles' tendon can be attacked with toe kicks or forearm pressure to affect a leg lock.

10. The ankle bones can be attacked with toe kicks.

The Stances


There are no superior stances. The value of any stance depends on your fighting knowledge of its weaknesses and strengths. This also has to be coupled with your reactions to the opponent.

One of the best all round stances for quick response remains the wrestling stance. In this stance both your feet are about shoulder width apart. The knees are slightly bent and your body weight should be equally balanced on both feet.

The Basic Stance

The aim of explaining and illustrating this basic stance is not to promote it as a superior stance. This stance has been used to explain the theoretical use of stances. With the working knowledge gained from using the basic stance, you can go on to adapt it to suit your personal situation.

The basic stance illustrated in Figure 3 can be used either defensively or offensively. In the defensive mode, 75% of your body weight is on the rear foot. In the offensive mode, your body weight is equally distributed on both feet. In both cases, the most vulnerable areas of your body are turned away from the attackers direct line of attack.


Leg Position. To use the basic stance, point the toes of the leading leg at the opponent. Ideally, the toes and the heel of the leading leg should be in line with the heel of the rear foot. The knee caps are easily damaged in combat. To protect the leading knee cap, transfer your body weight to the rear leg. The leading leg can also be used to protect the rear leg.

Upper Body Position. In the left leading stance, the left leg is in front. The left hand is raised to a point six inches in front of the chin. This hand is used to protect the face. The left elbow is positioned in front of the body in order to protect the rib cage. As a counter against low punches and kicks, your right forearm lies across the lower torso with the hand covering the left groin. Tuck your chin into your left shoulder and look at the opponents chest. This will give you a good view of their arms and legs. When you look at the opponents face, it is impossible to notice the subtle hip and leg actions that telegraph their intentions.

Keep your mouth closed. This will protect your teeth and tongue to a much better degree.

After two months sparring practice, you will learn to relax thix exaggerated stance. At this stage you will know what openings you have left in your defence. You must also spend as much time using the right leading stance. The right side of right handed people is much stronger than the left side. Attacks and defences from the right leading stance will also confuse the opponent. This procedure can also be used by left handed individuals.

The Boxing Stance The boxing stance is not ideal for close combat. This is because it leaves the lower torso exposed to attack. The boxing stance in Figure 4 is not ideal for close combat. This is because it leaves the stomach area uncovered. If an opponent presents this stance, do not use hand techniques. Instead, concentrate on kicks (Fig 5), grappling and ground fighting.

Fig.4 & 5

The Karate Stance The wide stance shown in Figure 6 is not very practical outside the karate hall.


Blocking and Parrying

Blocks and parries are useless exercises, on their own. They must form part of a fluid reflex action that involves a counter attack. A block or a parry should interrupt the path of a strike and deflect it, rather than stop it. The deflection of a strike will reduce its impact and also allow you to retaliate. The end product of your block and parry training must be a fast and fluid style as opposed to a jerky and mechanistic sequence (block, pause, punch, pause).

All blocking actions are very vulnerable to counter-attack. The opponent may trap your blocking arm and use a follow-up strike. Your basic training in blocking and parrying should go through four stages.

· Stage 1 For a six minute period allow your partner to throw 300 punches at either your face or body guard. These punches must be controlled so that there is no hard contact. The first 50 punches are done in slow time or until the partner can control the technique. With the development of control, the punches can be speeded up. Your partner must concentrate on developing speed, focus and recovery. Your role in this exercise is to watch your partner's arms, feet, shoulders and the attacking limb. Build up a thorough knowledge of the mechanics of that particular technique. Learn about it's path into your defensive zone. In the final 50 repetitions try to add more power to the punches. Power punches are not just generated through arm action alone. Learn to triple the speed, and the power, of the technique by using the full shoulder and hip extension as well as a shooting forward action. These three actions will be explained in more detail later on in this chapter.

· Stage 2 Practice the blocking action in slow motion. Also learn to duck, dodge and parry the punch.

· Stage 3 Speed up the technique. Learn to use more hip and shoulder extension in both your partner's attack and your defence. At this stage, retaliation is not considered. There are other skills to be developed before you try counter attacks. Practice all the other skills that keep you from being an easy target. These include; Ducking, Weaving, Stepping out of line, Turning, Shooting forward and back, Bobbing and Crouching.

· Stage 4 At this stage you can apply your counter attack. The first three stages will have given you a thorough working knowledge of a specific technique. You have not wasted your time watching the opponent's actions in feinting, stepping and attacking. By studying the path of the strike into your defensive zone, you have a broader concept of the potential follow ups you can use. When you can predict the opponent's actions, you can also attack first and upset their timing.

The Basic Block When you are in the fighting stance, your arms are always directly between your centre line and the opponents. From this fighting stance deflect the striking arm or leg by striking it with the outside of your forearm (Figures 7a & b)


Fig.7a & 7b

When blocking a kick, keep your fist closed to protect your fingers. Try and parry or scoop the kick rather than stop it.

Smothering Block Cushion the effects of kicks and punches to the upper body by holding both arms in front of your body. The forearms are at least six inches away from your body (Figures 8a & b).

Fig.8a & 8b

Elbow Block Snap your elbow up and deflect the punch with your forearm (Figure 9). If you use this block from the fighting stance, the motion is reduced to a reflex jerk of the elbow. In this block, both your hands are free to grab the attacking arm.

Fig, 9

Palm Heel Block The palm heels can be used to parry and block hand attacks. In Figure 10 the opponent's biceps muscles were palm heeled and the elbows were then grabbed. This can be followed up with head butts or palm heels to the face.


Fig. 10

Out Parry Keep the palm of your left hand facing the ground. With the palm still facing the ground, raise this hand until it reaches chin level (Figure 11a). At this point, snap the palm out to face the opponent. The opponents punch is parried with the outside of your forearm (Figure 11b).

Fig. 11a & 11b

At all times, keep the elbow of the parrying arm down to cover your ribs. The parry should not extend further than your left shoulder width. In the execution of this parry you can also step in and counter attack.

In Parry Keep the upper part of your left arm close to your body. Move your left palm out to the side in a circular motion. At the same time, step back with the right foot and turn your shoulders clockwise (Figures 12a & b).

Fig. 12a, 12b & 12c

In a successful parry, the little finger edge of your forearm should parry the opponents attacking forearm (Figure 12b). Add power to this parry by moving


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