Different Categories of Water as for Habitats of Aquaculture 

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Different Categories of Water as for Habitats of Aquaculture

(Speaking-Reading –Speaking Writing)

1.1. Read and pronounce correctly the following words:

Habitats, brackish, estuaries, tidal, negligible, through, thrive, magnitude, species, mullet, salmon, augment, fertilization, acceptable.

1.2. Read and translate the following words:

Ocean, characteristics, fauna, lagoon, naturally, regime, phase, polyculture, specific, artificial, major, Israel.


Exercise 1.3. Translate the following words, pay attention to the word-building affixes:

Exercise – to exercise

Nature – natural – naturally

To vary – variant – various – variable

Intense – intensity – intensive

To accept – accepted – acceptable

Character – characterize – characteristic – characteristics

Depend – dependent - dependence



1.4. Words for the text comprehension:

Fresh прісний
Brackish солонуватий
Back water затока, лиман
Inland територія віддалена від моря
Salt солоний
Content зміст, склад
Selective відбірний
Estuary естуарій, дельта річки
Tide приплив
Negligible неважливий, незначний
Notwithstanding хоча, незважаючи на…
Magnitude розмір, магнитуда
Fin плавець
Mullet кефаль
Salmon лосось
Shrimp креветка


Read and translate text A, support your viewpoint by appropriate information found in the text, considering the question: Different categories of water as for habitats of aquaculture.

Text A. Different categories of water as for habitats of Aquaculture

As habitats of aquaculture, there are three categories of waters: fresh, salt and brackish.

Fresh waters generally abound in the inland areas of a country.

Salt waters of the seas and oceans are characterized by a wide difference in their salinities ranging from nil in the former to nearly 35 ppt in the latter. The difference in salinity within each category of water, fresh and sea is restricted to rather narrow limits. The salt content of fresh and sea water exercises a very selective influence on the fauna and flora that live in each type of water.

Brackish waters normally naturally occur in estuaries, deltas of rivers, lagoons and backwaters, which everywhere in the world are under tidal regime. In such habitats the salinity of the water fluctuates widely between negligible to 35 ppt, depending on the phase of the tide and volume of fresh water discharged through the river into the sea.

Apart from salinity of the water, its temperature exercises a selective influence on fish that thrive there e.g. warm-water fish as contrasted with temperate or coldwater fish. A river may have and usually does have a coldwater section in its upper reaches and a warm-water section in its middle and lower reaches.

Comprehension check-up

1.6. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the English words:

Habitat, fresh, salt, brackish, inland, salinity, limit, content, influence, backwater, tide, magnitude, intensity.


1.7. Give English equivalents to the following Ukrainian words:

Лиман, місце життя, солонувата, склад, внутрішній район країни, приплив, інтенсивність, вплив, обмеження.

1.8. Match the words from the left box with those in the right:

Fresh Limits
Salt Regime
Narrow Water
Tidal Water
Selective Enterprise
Commercial Influence
Coldwater Section
Warmwater Fish


1.9. Tell whether the following statements are true or false:

1. As habitats of aquaculture there are two categories of water.

2. Brackish water occurs in oceans.

3. Temperature exercises a selective influence of fish.

4. A coldwater section is in the middle rich of the river.

5. A warm-water section is in the low reaches of the river.


1.10.Write questions to the following answers:

1. As habitats of aquaculture there are three categories of waters.

2. Fresh waters are characterized by a wide difference in their salinities.

3. The difference in salinities is restricted to rather narrow limits.

4. Brackish water occurs in estuaries.

5. Backwaters are under tidal regime

6. Temperature exercises a selective influence on fish.

7. A river may have a coldwater section.

8. A river does have a warm-water section.

9. Aquasystems are of several kinds.

10. Most of the systems are highly variable.


1.11. Make sentences using the words below:

1. As … of aquaculture there are three categories of waters.

2. Fresh waters abound in the ….

3. The difference in … is restricted to rather narrow limits.

4. … water occurs in estuaries.

5. The … content of fresh water exercises a very selective influence on the fauna.

6. … exercises a selective influence on fish.

7. A river may have a … section.

8. A river does have a … section.

9. A warmwater section is in the … of the river..

10. … systems are of several kinds.



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