Кондиционер – это устройство, которое удаляет теплоту из комнаты в жаркие дни. 

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Кондиционер – это устройство, которое удаляет теплоту из комнаты в жаркие дни.

1. Аппарату для кондиционирования воздуха необходим доступ к пространству, которое он охлаждает, и теплоотвод.

2. Кондиционеры устанавливаются в окнах либо в отверстиях в стенах.

3. В оконных устройствах есть отверстия на внутренней и внешней сторонах.

4. В каждой комнате может быть свой собственный кондиционер.

5. Центральная система кондиционирования воздуха использует воздуховоды для распространения охлажденного воздуха.

6. В обычной раздельной системе вентиляции конденсор и компрессор находятся во внешней части аппарата, а испаритель во внутренней.

7. Воздух проходит через фильтр, который удаляет частицы пыли.

8. У центрльной системы кондиционирования воздуха уровень шума в помещении ниже, чем у автономных аппаратов.

9. Существуют передвижные устройства кондиционирования воздуха.


VII. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is an air conditioner? For what is it used?

2. What does it use to extract heat from an area?

3. What does the refrigeration cycle consists of?

4. What does an air conditioner use to pump a refrigerant around?

5. What happens with a refrigerant in the evaporator coil / the condenser?

6. Where is an air conditioner placed?

7. What do air conditioner units need to cool the space?

8. How can inside and outside air be blown in the unit?

9. May a large house have several air conditioner units?

10. What is central air condotioning? What does it use to work?

11. What is the difference between a split system and a package system?

12. For what are filters used?


VIII. a) Read the text. Write questions to the answers.



Thermostats control the operation of HVAC systems, turning on the heating or cooling systems to bring the building to the set temperature. Typically the heating and cooling systems have separate control systems (even though they may share a thermostat) so that the temperature is only controlled "one-way". That is, in winter, a building that is too hot will not be cooled by the thermostat. Thermostats may also be incorporated into facility energy management systems in which the power utility customer may control the overall energy expenditure. In addition, a growing number of power utilities have made available a device which, when professionally installed, will control or limit the power to an HVAC system during peak use times in order to avoid necessitating the use of rolling blackouts. The customer is given a credit of some sort in exchange.


1. _______________________________?

the operation of HVAC systems.

2. _______________________________?


3. _______________________________?

separate control systems.

4. _______________________________?

into facility energy management systems.

5. _______________________________?

to control the overall energy expenditure.

6. _______________________________?

to avoid necessitating the use of rolling blackouts.


b) Scan the text for details. Tell some sentences about a thermostat.


IX. Tell about the air conditioner.




absolute temperature - another name for thermodynamic temperature

absorbent - a substance that absorbs

absorber - 1) a person or thing that absorbs

2) physics a material that absorbs radiation or causes it to lose energy

adiabatic - (of a thermodynamic process) taking place without loss or gain of heat

air conditioning - a system or process for controlling the temperature and sometimes the humidity and purity of the air in a house, etc

boiling point - the temperature at which a liquid boils at a given pressure, usually atmospheric pressure at sea level; the temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid equals the external pressure

capillary tube - a glass tube with a fine bore and thick walls, used in thermometers, etc

chlorofluorocarbon - any of various gaseous compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, used as refrigerants, aerosol propellants, solvents, and in foam: some cause a breakdown of ozone in the earth's atmosphere

compressor - any reciprocating or rotating device that compresses a gas

coolant - 1) a fluid used to cool a system or to transfer heat from one part of it to another 2) a liquid, such as an emulsion of oil, water, and soft soap, used to lubricate and cool the workpiece and cutting tool during machining

dehumidifier - a device for reducing the moisture content of the atmosphere

dew point - the temperature at which water vapour in the air becomes saturated and water droplets begin to form

dichlorodifluoromethane - a colourless nonflammable gas easily liquefied by pressure: used as a propellant in aerosols and fire extinguishers and as a refrigerant.

dry ice - solid carbon dioxide, which sublimes at -78.5°C: used as a refrigerant, and to create billows of smoke in stage shows Also called: carbon dioxide snow

Du Pont - "Дюпон" (английский филиал американской корпорации "Дюпон де Немур энд К°" [Du Pont de Nemours & Co]; производит различную химическую продукцию, синтетическое волокно орлон [Orlon] и дакрон [Dacron]) Du Pont Company (United Kingdom) Ltd

enthalpy - a thermodynamic property of a system equal to the sum of its internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume Symbol: H Also called: heat content, total heat


entropy, -pies - a thermodynamic quantity that changes in a reversible process by an amount equal to the heat absorbed or emitted divided by the thermodynamic temperature. It is measured in joules per kelvin Symbol: S

gas turbine - an internal-combustion engine in which the expanding gases emerging from one or more combustion chambers drive a turbine. A rotary compressor driven by the turbine compresses the air used for combustion, power being taken either as torque from the turbine or thrust from the expanding gases

heat capacity - the heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by unit temperature interval under specified conditions, usually measured in joules per kelvin. Symbol: Cp (for constant pressure) or Cv (for constant volume)

heat engine - an engine that converts heat energy into mechanical energy

heat exchanger - a device for transferring heat from one fluid to another without allowing them to mix

heat pump - a device, as used in a refrigerator, for extracting heat from a source and delivering it elsewhere at a much higher temperature

heat sink - a metal plate specially designed to conduct and radiate heat from an electrical component

Icebox - 1) a compartment in a refrigerator for storing or making ice 2) an insulated cabinet packed with ice for storing food

ice house - a building for storing ice

internal energy - the thermodynamic property of a system that changes by an amount equal to the work done on the system when it suffers an adiabatic change. It is the sum of the kinetic and potential energies of its constituent atoms, molecules, etc Symbol: U or E

latent heat - (no longer in technical usage) the heat evolved or absorbed by unit mass (specific latent heat) or unit amount of substance (molar latent heat) when it changes phase without change of temperature;

melting point - the temperature at which a solid turns into a liquid. It is equal to the freezing point

mole - the basic SI unit of amount of substance; the amount that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of carbon-12. The entity must be specified and may be an atom, a molecule, an ion, a radical, an electron, a photon, etc Symbol: mol

nuclear energy - energy released during a nuclear reaction as a result of fission or fusion Also called: atomic energy

Otto cycle - an engine cycle used on four-stroke petrol engines (Otto engines) in which, ideally, combustion and rejection of heat both take place at constant volume

ozone layer - the region of the stratosphere with the highest concentration of ozone molecules, which by absorbing high-energy solar ultraviolet radiation protects organisms on earth Also called: ozonosphere

partial pressure - the pressure that a gas, in a mixture of gases, would exert if it alone occupied the whole volume occupied by the mixture

Peltier effect - the production of heat at one junction (связывание, соединение, объединение) and the absorption of heat at the other junction of a thermocouple (термоэлемент, термопара; термостолбик) when a current is passed around the thermocouple circuit. The heat produced is additional to the heat arising from the resistance of the wires

phonon - a quantum of vibrational energy in the acoustic vibrations of a crystal lattice

Rankine cycle - the thermodynamic cycle in steam engines by which water is pumped into a boiler at one end and the steam is condensed at the other Etymology: named after W. J. M. Rankine (1820-72), Scottish physicist

refrigerant - 1) a fluid capable of changes of phase at low temperatures: used as the working fluid of a refrigerator 2) a cooling substance, such as ice or solid carbon dioxide 3) causing cooling or freezing

rhenium - a dense silvery-white metallic element that has a high melting point. It occurs principally in gadolinite and molybdenite and is used, alloyed with tungsten or molybdenum, in high-temperature thermocouples. Symbol: Re; atomic no.: 75; atomic wt.: 186.207; valency: -1 or 1-7; relative density: 21.02; melting pt.: 3186°C; boiling pt.: 5596°C (est.)

sodium chloride - common table salt; a soluble colourless crystalline compound occurring naturally as halite and in sea water: widely used as a seasoning and preservative for food and in the manufacture of chemicals, glass, and soap. Formula: NaCl Also called: salt

Sodium nitrate - white crystalline soluble solid compound occurring naturally as Chile saltpetre and caliche and used in matches, explosives, and rocket propellants, as a fertilizer, and as a curing salt for preserving food such as bacon, ham, and cheese (E251). Formula: NaNO3

stroke - a single complete movement or one of a series of complete movements

temperature gradient - the rate of change in temperature in a given direction, esp in altitude

toxicity - 1) the degree of strength of a poison 2) the state or quality of being poisonous

tungsten - a hard malleable ductile greyish-white element. It occurs principally in wolframite and scheelite and is used in lamp filaments, electrical contact points, X-ray targets, and, alloyed with steel, in high-speed cutting tools. Symbol: W; atomic no.: 74; atomic wt.: 183.85; valency: 2-6; relative density: 19.3; melting pt.: 3422±20°C; boiling pt.: 5555°C Also called: wolfram

working substance - the fluid, esp water, steam, or compressed air, that operates an engine, refrigerator, etc.



[1] Du Pont Company (United Kingdom) Ltd – "Дюпон" (английский филиал американской корпорации "Дюпон де Немур энд К°" [Du Pont de Nemours & Co]; производит различную химическую продукцию, синтетическое волокно орлон [Orlon] и дакрон [Dacron])

[2] ASHRAE от American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers Американское общество инженеров по отоплению, охлаждению и кондиционированию воздуха

[3] См. глоссарий

[4] См. глоссарий

[5] Anhydrous means there is no water in the ammonia, which is critical for exploiting its sub-zero boiling point.

[6] коэффициент полезного действия, кпд

[7] двигатель внутреннего сгорания

[8] коэффициент эффективности использования энергии

[9] "чистая комната" – в электронной промышленности - производственные помещения с высочайшей степенью защиты от пыли и других загрязнений


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