Specimen of Complaint letter 

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Specimen of Complaint letter

7th December.

The Customer Relations Dept

Exotic Destinations

Pacific House

Randolph Way

London W1Y 8QT

Dear Sir,

My husband and I have recently returned from one of your Golden Group holidays in Tunisia. We chose this holiday in preference to many others as we were assured both in the brochure and by your agency staff that this particular package catered for retired couples like ourselves. We understood that our specially organized activities would be run by mature friendly hostesses. However on arrival at our destination we were met by a very youthful rep who very curtly told us that there were only two other people on the golden group package and that, as a result, we could join in the activities organized for other groups or fend for ourselves. Since our tastes do not include hard rock or late-night pub crawls we asked to be moved to another hotel. We were told that if we did this it would have to be at our expense. As a result we decided to stay where we were and to organize our own entertainment.

Now that we have returned home we feel obliged to draw your attention to our deep dissatisfaction with the service we received. Not only were we deceived by the information in your brochure but we were not properly treated by your staff in the resort.

We hope that this matter will be rectified to our satisfaction in the near future and look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Yours faithfully

Katherine Hopper

RECOVERY LETTER The letter written by the seller for collection of money for the goods supplied to the buyer is called recovery letter. The aim of recovery letter is to collect money without annoying the customers. The letter should include information regarding the amount of arrears argument for payment, and last date for payment. The language of recovery letter should be polite, so that the customer is not offended and future transactions with him are not adversely affected.



Specimen of Recovery letter


Tel. 508632-35 M/s Bharat Fans E-mail: bh@fan.vsnl.net.in

Fax. 508600 Bharat Complex Website: http://www.bhfan.com


Hyderabad Industrial Estate

Hyderabad - 500032



Ref.-SL/F/2002/12 Dated: December 10,2002


M/s Acron Electricals

22/c, Main Road

Darya Ganj, New Delhi-2


Subject: Recovery of dues



Dear Sir,


We believe that the payment of our bill No. 1713 dated September 2, 2002 must have escaped your attention. As the payment is due since long, we would appreciate if you send us your cheque immediately. Please let us know whether payment is being withheld for some special reasons.


Thanking you,



Yours faithfully,

For M/s Bharat Fans


(Des Gupta)

Sales Manager


Task 14. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(i) On receipt of defective goods, the buyer writes __________ to the seller.

(ii) On finding that the goods have been damaged in transit, the buyer writes complaint letter to _______.

(iii) Aim of recovery letter is to ______________ from the buyer.

(iv) Complaint letter is written by ______________ to the ____________.

(v) Recovery letter draws the attention of the buyer towards the _____________.

Task 15. Answer the following questions.

1. What is meant by business correspondence?

2. How is personal correspondence different from business correspondence?

3. Explain the importance of writing a business letter.

4. Describe the inner and outer qualities of a good business letter.

5. What is meant by Enquiry letter? What are the points one should remember while writing an enquiry letter.

6. Explain the various parts of a business letter with the help of a specimen.

7. What is meant by Quotation letter? How does it different from enquiry letter?

8. What is meant by Recovery letter?

9. What is meant by Order letter? Give a specimen of an order letter.

10. What is meant by Complaint letter? Under which situations is a complaint letter written?

11. State the important points one should keep in mind while writing a complaint letter in business.


ADVERTISEMENTS Advertisement –announcement that something is for sale or is wanted. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)provides rules for companies advertising their products in Britain. Here are some of them: Ø No advertisement should cause fear or anxiety without good reason. Ø Advertisements should contain nothing that is likely to cause serious or widespread offence, particularly on the grounds of race, religion or sex. Ø Advertisements should not imply a link between smoking and social, romantic or business success. Ø Advertisers should not unfairly attack other businesses or their products. Ø Advertisements should not suggest that alcohol is the main reason for success of a party or event.

The following advertisements may illustrate this information:


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