Task 5. Circle T (true) or F (false) for the statements below. 

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Task 5. Circle T (true) or F (false) for the statements below.

1. T. F. The history of veterinary medicine is closely tied to the development of wildlife medicine.

2. T. F. Rudimentary medical skills existed as early as 19 000 BC.

3. T. F. The evidence proves the idea that people obtaining medicals skills lived in Middle Eastern countries.

4. T. F. Archaeologists have discovered papyrus fragments from an Egyptian medical textbook from around two thousand years ago.

5. T. F. Early medical manuals describe diseases of cattle, dogs, birds, and fish.

6. T. F. Ancient Bushmen understood veterinary anatomy, recognized signs indicating certain diseases, and practiced specific methods of treatment.

7. T. F. Ancient civilizations include the Hindus, Babylonians, Arabs, Greeks, and Romans.

8. T. F. The first veterinary school was founded in Lyons, France, in 1661 when the first underground was built in Great Britain.

9. T. F. The first American veterinary institution, the Veterinary College of Philadelphia was established in 1852 and was known as the Royal Veterinary School.

10. T. F. The School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest accredited veterinary school currently operating in the United States.

Task 6. Translate into English.

1. История ветеринарной медицины тесно связана с медициной человека. 2. Археологи считают, что представители древних цивилизаций владели медицинскими знаниями и умением еще 9000 до нашей эры. 3. Дальнейшее развитие эти умения приобрели в Египте. 4. В Египте были найдены фрагменты медицинских книг, в которых описано болезни домашних и диких животных, рыб, птиц. 5. Древние врачи могли распознавать симптомы определенных болезней и применять известные методы лечения. 6. Известны свидетельства о существовании медицины животных в других древних цивилизациях, таких как Индия, Вавилон, Греция, Рим и другие. 7. Первая школа ветеринарной медицины появилась во Франции (Леон) в 1861 году. 8. Позже эта школа была известна как Королевская школа ветеринарной медицины. 9. Цель школы - обеспечить изучение анатомии и болезней у лошадей, фермерских
животных и овец. 10. Первая школа ветеринарной медицина в Америке была основана в Филадельфии в 1852 году. Она просуществовала всего 14 лет. 11. В 1883 году в университете Пенсильвания была основана школа ветеринарной медицины. 12. Это первая действующая аккредитованная школа ветеринарной медицины в США.

Task 7. Use the verbs in brackets in correct form and complete the sentences given below.

1. The history of veterinary medicine (to be closely tied) to the development of human medicine. 2. Rudimentary medical skills (to be thought) to have existed as early as 9000 BC. 3. These skills (to be improved) by many scientists. 4. Papyrus fragments from an Egyptian medical textbook (to be discovered) by archaeologists. 5. Diseases of cattle, dogs, birds, and fish (to be described) in mentioned textbook. 6. Signs indicating certain diseases, and practiced specific methods of treatment (to be recognized) by ancient Egyptians. 7. The fragments show that Evidence of animal medicine (to be found) in other ancient civilizations. 8. The first veterinary school (to be founded) in Lyons, France, in 1761. 9. This school (to be later known) as the Royal Veterinary School. 10. Study in the anatomy and diseases of horses, cattle, and sheep (to be provided) there. 11. The first American veterinary institution the Veterinary College of Philadelphia (to be established) in 1852 and operated till 1866. 12. The School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania established in 1883, (to be accredited) at the end of X1X-th century.

Task 8. Find synonyms.


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