Task 5.Say whose point of view you disagree with? Why? 

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Task 5.Say whose point of view you disagree with? Why?

Task 6. Complete the dialogue with these words and expres­sions:

think, don't agree, my opinion, right, personally.

William: What do you... about zoos?

Linda: In..., they are a good thing. I’m for them.

William: Well, I.... I’m against them. I don’t like to see animals in cages.... I think zoos are bad for the animals and bad for us.

Linda: That’s not.... They aren’t bad for the animals. Animals are aggressive. We have to put them in cages.

William: I.... I... animals like chimps and elephants can’t live a happy life in a cage.

Linda: That’s not.... First, elephants don’t live in cages and, secondly, why don’t they escape all the time? In... that’s because they are happy in zoos.

Task 7. Match the words to the park symbol

Task 8. Complete the sentences with one of the words given in the box.

skin, hole, web, claws, flock, trap, hive,
lead, net, kennel

1. There were so many mice in the house that we bad to buy a mouse....

2. We collect honey from our bee....

3. There is a rabbit... in the corner of the field.

4. Martin was wearing imitation snake... boots.

5. Be careful! Our cat has very sharp...!

6. As my dog is very big and disobedient, I keep it on a....

7. Our dog never got used to sleeping inits....

8. We had to sleep under a... not to be bitten by mosquitoes.

9. A dirty black lamb was following the..., baaing quietly.

10. An enormous black spider was spinning its... across the window.

Task 9. Use the right preposition given in the box (you may use some prepositions more than once). Translate the sentences into Russian.

in, of, about, for, after, to

1. Cats are easy to look..., but also need a company of people.

2. If you really care... your pet, you must do as much as possible to make it happy.

3. What kind of pets are you interested...?

4. Don’t be afraid... the dog, he is rather kind.

5. What are you worried...? — My pet bird has fallen ill.

6. In some countries there are special hotels for dogs and cats where the pets are taken care.. by experts in veteri­nary medicine.

7. Do you believe... love at first sight?

8. This animal belongs... a very rare species, you should not kill it.

Task 10. Complete the text with one of the following words:

A. communication, language (2), sounds (2), meanings

Chimpanzees use different... to communicate with each other. These... have various... and chimps use these formed as a means of.... This is one similarity between chimps, whales and dolphins. There has been a great deal of scientific research into this recently. However this research has not proved that


language (2), system, signs (2), songs, information, sounds (2)

these animals really have a....A collection of sounds is not the same thing as a... which has some kind of grammatical structure.

Dolphins are not the only animals besides humans that use... in an intelligent manner. Whales also use a complex... of sounds that is similar in many ways to a human.... One type of whale even sings. After analysing these..., Carl Sagan said it contained a million “bits” of....

Chimps use a system of... to communicate with one another. Chimps can even learn sign.... One chimp called Washoe learned to make about 160 separate... meaning such things as “give me a drink” and “banana”. Washoe even learned to swear. She had a teacher called Jack who once refused to give her a drink. Washoe got very angry and used several... that meant “dirty Jack”.


C sound, faces, animal, together, communicate (2), roar, noises, meow.


Lions... with their whole bodies, but especially with their.... Their facial expressions change when they are angry, frightened or calm.

Lions also make different... that mean different things. They snarl when they’re attacking another — and when they’re on the defensive. Cubs will... when they are lost. But the roar is the lion’s most characteristic.... Lionesses, looking for their cubs, will give a soft.... A full roar means that lions are trying to... over longer distances. The roar can help them find each other. It can help mark territory. Or, when members of a pride roar at the same time, it can help bring them... as a group.

kennel, travel, vaccination, pet, quarantine, identification, owners, disorientated, collar

11. Complete the text with the words from the box.



If you often travel abroad for your holidays, what do you do with your beloved... dog? Do you put in a... or leave him with friends?

track, hide, cat, mate, cubs, den, hunt

One thing is certain, you don’t take him with you, because if you did, he would have to spend six months in... when you return. But this is going to change soon, and your dog will be able to... with you if he has had rabies and is wearing a... chip. But pet... should remember that there are other considerations when taking animals abroad. Your animal might become... and might run away, so ensure that he is wearing a... with your holiday address at all times.


Mark Rawlings and his team are still in the Andes where they are filming Penny, a puma. They have managed to get quite close to the big... and gain her trust. In his video diary Mark describes how Penny is spending a lot of time with a..., so Mark is sure that she is going to have... in spring. So they are unlikely to see much of her until the winter is over, as pumas, like most of the large cats, usual­ly... away when the weather is bad. As Mark thinks, Penny will have had cubs by early March and they will leave the... about three months later. Although Mark doubts whether she will come out to... in the next few months, he is going to stay until she reappears. When the teams have finished filming Penny, they are going to North America to... down the grizzly bear.

Task 12. In the following sentences, pay attention to the use of modal verbs. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. You should serve your pet’s meals in a special place in the house, for example in a corner of the kitchen.

2. You must give your cat only fresh food and water; the main rule for feeding a cat is to give small amounts frequently.

3. If your pet rejects fresh food for more than half a day, it may be unwell.

4. If your pet has refused food for more than 24 hours, you should take it to the vet.

5. Meat diets should contain high levels of water as well as of protein.

6. If you give your cat chicken, you ought to remove all the bones.

7. Many different foods can be fed to a cat. Cereal can be used with milk. Tinned fish in tomato or oil can be given.

8. If your cat is old, you are to check its claws regularly as they may grow too long and hurt its paw.

9. If your cat’s claws are dirty, you can clean them quite easily using damp cotton wool.

10. Before you begin brushing and combing your cat, you ought to check its ears, eyes, mouth and claws for any signs of potential health problems

Task 13. Use the right modal verbs.

1. If you want to be fit, you... not eat cakes, but you certainly... walk a lot.

2. Dolphins... imitate words, laughter and even the tones of different voices.

3. Many pet owners think that their pets understand them, because animals... easily feel anger and sorrow.

4. Dogs... be easily trained due to their obedience and de­sire to please.

5. Before you bring a new cat or kitten home, you... think carefully about potential dangers it... meet with.

6. Every cat... have its own sleeping place.

7. All kittens... be vaccinated against feline enteritis and feline influenza.

8. You... clean your pet’s bed regularly.

9. Studies have shown that genetically modified products... kill beneficial insects.

10. Giant pandas... live for up to 20 years, and a big male... weigh 150 kilos. Although very slow moving and peace­ful, the panda... be dangerous when angry.

Task 14 Fill in “since” or “for”.

Animals have been a source of help and comfort to hu­mans... history began, and we have known... years that animals make people gentler and more relaxed.... a long time the question has been exactly how animals can change people. Some researchers believe that stroking a pet helps to relieve anxiety and tension[2] and,... the 1960’s, therapists have believed that animals have remarkable powers[3] can be used to heal our bodies and minds[4]. This belief has actually been confirmed... the discovery that seriously ill people live long­er if they have a pet to care for.

Task 15 Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.


If you (decide) to buy a pet, you should find out as much as possible about the pet you (choose). Cats (be) easy to look after and (seem) to be independent, but also (need) the com­pany of people. If your cat (find) someone, who (care) for it more than you do it (change) owners!

A small puppy may (look) like a suitable pet, but don’t forget that it (grow) up. You may (be) very happy with a very large dog that (be) too big for its kennel and which (like) to sleep on your bed! Unless you (train) it, it may (attack) people or (bark) loudly day and night. Nobody (love) a disobedient pet. Perhaps, this (be) why so many people (keep) birds or fish as pets.

Whatever you (decide) in the end, think carefully before you (make) a decision.



From early childhood Jane always (want) a pet parrot. Her parents (tell) her that a parrot (be) an unsuitable pet, but Jane (insist). She (be) worried about the destruction of the rainforests where parrots (live), and she (think) that parrots (need) more protection. Her father (say) that a par­rot (suffer) from loneliness if it (live) in a house. He also (explain) that pet parrots are caught by hunters, who (need) money and (not care) about protecting species. “They (catch) the parrots and (send) them to Europe in wooden boxes,” he (tell) her. “And in any case, parrots (be) very disobedient and (not make) good pets.” Jane soon (make) an interesting discovery, however. She (find) a pet shop which (breed) parrots instead of importing them. So she (take) all the money which she (save) and (buy) a small American parrot, which she (call) “Pixie”.

[1] to relieve anxiety and tension — успокоить и расслабить

[1] remarkable powers — необыкновенные способности

8 to heal our bodies and minds — лечить тело и душу


Task 1 Read the text

The basic meaning of «pet» is an animal we keep for emotional rather than economic reasons. A pet animal is kept as a companion, and we all need companions to keep us feeling happy. Many owners feel, their pets understand them, for animals are quick to sense anger and sorrow. Often a cat or dog can comfort us at times when human words don't help. We feel loved too by the way pets depend on us for a home, for food and drink. Dogs especially look up to their owners, make them feel important and needed. Another baby to the mother, a sister or brother to an only child, a grandchild to the elderly, but for all of us pets provides pleasure and companionship. It has even been suggested that tiny pets should be sent as companions to astronauts on spaceships, to help reduce the stress and loneliness of space flights.

In this Plastic Age, when most of us live in large cities, pets are particularly important for children. Seeing an animal give birth brings understanding of the naturalness of childbirth. Learning to care for a pet helps a child to grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible towards those de­pendent on him. They should learn, too, that pets are good for us human beings.

Task 2. Прочтите нижеследующий текст и ответьте на вопросы

a) what kind of pets English people have;

b) whether pets have a better life in Britain than in other countries. (Why?)

English people like animals very much. Pet dogs, cats, horses, ducks, chickens, canaries and other friends of man have a much better life in Britain than anywhere else. In Britain they have special dog shops selling food, clothes and other things for dogs. There are dog hair-dressing saloons and dog cemeteries. The English arrange dogs' shows and organize dogs' supper parties for winners of dogs' competitions. They do all they can to make animals feel well in their homes, and outside their homes too.

There were photographs in English newspapers of a mother-duck and her young family crossing slowly the road from Hyde Park lake to the waters of Kensington Gardens. All traffic around was stopped to let Mamma Duck and her little ones walk quietly from one park to another.

In recent years the English began to show love for more "exotic" animals such as crocodiles, elephants, tigers, cobras, camels.

You will not be surprised, we think, when we tell you that London Airport has a special animal "hotel". Every year thousands of animals arrive at London Airport. Some stay the night there; others stay several weeks. In one month, the "hotel" looked after 47,000 creatures: birds, insects, fish, elephants, monkeys and other animals.

There are about 4 million dogs, 6 million cats, 8 million caged birds and lots of other animals in Britain.

The English people believe that they are the only nation on the earth that is really kind to its animals.



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