Task 8. Переведите на английский язык слова, заключенные в скобки, и прочтите все предложения. 

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Task 8. Переведите на английский язык слова, заключенные в скобки, и прочтите все предложения.

1. I am а (первокурсник). 2. I study at the (Санкт-Петербургской государственной академии ветеринарной медицины). 3. The Academy trains (ветеринарных хирургов и инспекторов). 4. I (учусь) at the day department. 5. To enter the Academy I (сдал вступительные экзамены по биологии, химии и русскому языку). 6. I entered the Academy because (моя мама работает в клинике ветеринарным врачом) and I want to follow her. 7. (Я не из Санкт-Петербурга) I am from Bryansk. 8. Now I (живу в общежитии). 9. There are (три студента в комнате). 10. We are very friendly and (часто проводим свободное время вместе). 11. I like (читать книги), listen to music and (смотреть телевизор). 12. I (занимаюсь спортом). I (играю в волейбол).

Task 9. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

This year I entered... the Higher Veterinary School. 2. I study... the Academy. 3. I am a first-year student... this Academy. 4. I am not... St.Petersburg. 5. I live... the hostel. 6. My hostel is...Novo-Izmaylovsky prospect. 7.... 2010 I finished... secondary school. 8. I studied... school №177. 9. I was born... Petrozavodsk. 10. I came... St.Petersburg to enter... the Veterinary Academy.11.... many years ago my mother studied... this Academy too. 12. I live... the hostel. 13. The hostel is not far... the Academy. 14. There are three departments... the Academy. 15. I want to help sick animals suffering... different diseases. 16. There is no higher medical veterinary school... my native town. 17.1 live... my relatives.


Task 10. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выучите выделенные слова:

This is a farm. This is a dairy farm. It is large. It has 500 (five hundred) animals. In summer the animals (cows, bulls, calves) usually graze in the fields. In autumn and winter the animals stay in the barns. The farm has a large clinic. Two veterinarians work at the clinic. The vets have four assistants. In summer the animals are seldom sick, they're usually in good health. But in autumn and winter the number of sick animals is sometimes high. And then the vets and their assistants have much work to do.

Task 11. Составьте рассказ л себе, ответив на следующие вопросы:

1. What is your name? 2. How old are you? 3. Where are you from? (What is your native town?) 4. What are your parents? 8. Where do they work? 6 What are you now? 7. When did you finish secondary school? 8. What secondary school did you study at? 9. What did you do after school? 10. Why did you enter the Veterinary Academy? 11. Is it interesting for you to study at the Academy? 12. What do you usually do in your free time?





My name is Linda Jackson. I am twenty years old. I am a medical student at Oxford University. I am from England.

My native village is called Jimpley Stroke. It is in the Avon Valley, ten miles away from Bath. The countryside is really beautiful there. There are vast green lands and green hills covered in beautiful wild flowers.

My family is not very large. We are five: my parents, my elder brother Robert, my younger sister Ann and myself. My parents come from quite large families (my mother is one of six children and my father is one of four), so my brother, my sister and myself have many aunts, uncles and cousins.

My father is a farmer. My elder brother is a veterinarian; he helps father with the animals. There is a horse, a cow, two pigs and four sheep on our farm.

Ann, my younger sister, is a schoolgirl. She is eight. She helps mother about the house and in the garden. She is a lover of outdoor life. There are some apple trees and a lot of flowers in our garden. Ann is interested in farming and wants to study agriculture at University. We are great pet lovers. We have three dogs, two cats and a parrot. We are fond of them all. We are a very happy family.


Many people have pets (domestic animals that live with people). The most common are dogs, cats, birds, fish, mice and rabbits. Some people have more exotic animals like frogs, snakes, turtles, lizards, etc.

I have got a pet dog. His name is Max. He is two years old. He is black and white. His ears are long but his tail is short. He is very clever and friendly. I like to walk with my dog in the evening. We often play with him. He is very funny! I love my dog and, I think, he loves me too.


Elephants are big wild animals. They live in the jungle. An elephant has got large ears, a trunk and two tusks under its trunk. Elephant's trunks are very heavy. The elephant's teeth are its tusks.

Elephants have got families of 6 to 12 members. They are very clever animals.


There are seventeen different kinds of penguins in the world. Some live near the Antarctic, others live on some islands near South America, Southern Africa, Australia and New Zealand. They all belong to the bird family. They can swim very well, but they can't fly.

The Galapagos penguin is very small. It is about 45 cm tall, and weight about 2.5 kg. Its body is black and white with black wings or flippers. On its black head there is a thin white line. Its beak is black, pink and yellow. The penguin's legs are very short.

There are now only about 1,000 pairs of Galapagos penguins in the world.


be/come from — быть родом из, происходить we are five — нас пятеро (в семье)

countryside — сельская местность greenland — лугопастбищное угодье

She is a lover of outdoor life — она любит проводить время на открытом воздухе (вне дома)

domestic animals — домашние животные wild animals — дикие животные

parrot п, с — попугай turtle п, с — морская черепаха

lizard п, с — ящерица frog п, с — лягушка

tooth п, teeth pl — зуб mouse п, mice pl — мышь

trunk п, с — хобот tusk п, с — бивень

heavy adj — тяжелый flipper п, с — ласт

wing п, с — крыло pair п, с — пара

ear п, с — ухо tail п, с — хвост

long adj — длинный short adj — короткий

What do they do? — Чем они занимаются? (Кем работают?)

to be allergic to — испытывать аллергию к чему-л.

to take a picture of — сделать фотографию кого-л., чего-л



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