VIII. Make up the plan of the text and retell it. 

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VIII. Make up the plan of the text and retell it.

IX. Read and translate text B:

Yellowstone National Park.

A national park is large piece of land. In the park animals are free to come and go. Tress and plants grow everywhere. People go to a national park to enjoy nature. Many people stay in campgrounds in national parks. They sleep in tents and cook their food over campfires. They also walk on trails or paths in the parks. On a gate at the entrance of Yellowstone, a sign says, "For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People".

Yellowstone is the world's oldest national park. It became a national park in 1872. It is also the world's largest park. It covers parts of the states of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Yellowstone is two- and – half times the size of the smallest state, Rhode Island.

Yellowstone is famous for its geysers. These holes in the ground shoot hot water into the air. There are about seventy geysers in the park. The most famous is Old Faithful. About every hour Old Faithful shoots hot water hundreds of feet into the air:

Two- and – a half million people visit this beautiful park each year. Park rangers give information to visitors. Park rangers give information to visitors. They also take care of the park. They tell them not to feed or hunt the animals.



X. Insert appropriate words:

1. People go to a national park to enjoy ________.

a. people b. nature c. animals

2. There is a sign on a ________.

a. visitor b. gate c. house

3. The sign says, "For the _______ and Enjoyment of the People".

a. Benefit b. Information c. Security

4. Yellowstone is famous for its _________.

a. visitors b. geysers c. bears

5. Park rangers ______ of the park..

A feed b. take care c. are afraid

6. Visitors cannot _________ the animals.

a. hunt b. pick c. catch


XI. Complete the sentences:

1. Yellowstone covers parts of __________.

a. Wyoming and Montana

b. Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho

c. Rhode Island

2. Yellowstone is two-and-a-half times the size of ________.

a. Montana b. seventy geysers c. about seventy geysers

3. Yellowstone has ___________.

a. twenty geysers b. seventy geysers c. about seventy geysers

4. Geysers shoot hot water into the _________.

a. ground b. air c. tree

5. The most famous geyser is ________.

a. Old Faithful b. Old Hundred c. Old Chap

6. Park rangers give ____ to visitors.




Грамматикалық материал: Passive Voice Лексикалық материал: Мамандық бойынша мәтін. Text 3. Environmental pollution. Idiom:3.change one`s tune- change one`s opinion, attitude or way of thinking about something; e.g. Tom suggested that we should modernize the house, but he soon changed his tune when he realized how much it would cost. Phrasal verb: 3) Carry out – to perform, to conduct: e.g.The scientists have been carrying out the research into causes of cancer for 10 years.



I. Read and translate the following words and word- combinations:


pollution, to refer (to), to pollute, to dirty, smoke, to poison, chemicals, substance, to damage, fertilizers, vehicle, to disturb, noise, to cause, to face, to harm, illness, death, to kill, to reduce, amount, available, to grow, to bring, ugliness, to complicate, to benefit, to discharge, job, goods, to ruin, crop, aid, to lessen, to enforce, to require, to persuade, major, rural, pollutants, to scatter.


II. Arrange the following words in pairs of a) synonyms, b) antonyms:

a) to ruin, to pollute, substance, vehicle, to require, to dirty, matter, pollution, to destroy, amount, labor, to trouble, to convince, contamination, to disturb, job, to enforce, to lessen, to persuade, automobile, major, to reduce, quantity, general, to claim, to encourage.

b) death, urban, to collect, silence, life, health, to reduce, to discharge, rural, illness, to charge, to benefit, noise, to scatter, to do smb. harm, to increase.



III. Read and translate the text A:

Environmental pollution.

Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and damage the soil with too many fertilizers in various other ways. They operate machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. Nearly everyone causes environmental pollution in some way.

Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity today. Air, water, and soil – all harmed by pollution- are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food. In addition, environmental pollution also brings ugliness to our naturally beautiful world.

Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is as complicated as it is serious. It is complicated because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But the automobile provides transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of the material that pollutes air and water, but factories provide jobs for people and produce goods that people want. Too much fertilizer or pesticide can ruin soil, but fertilizers and pesticides are important aids to the growing of crops.

Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them. Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop, or cut down on, certain polluting activities. And – perhaps most importantly – individuals and groups of people can work to persuade their representatives in government, and also persuade businesses, to take action toward reducing pollution.

People have always polluted their surroundings. But throughout much of history, pollution was not a major problem. Most people lived in uncrowded rural areas, and the pollutants (waste products) they produce were widely scattered.


IV. Answer the following questions:

1) What is environmental pollution?

2) What is the most serious problem facing humanity today?

3) What does polluted water kill?

4) What can badly polluted air cause?

5) Who can pass and enforce laws reducing polluting activities?

6) Name all kinds of environmental pollution.


V. Make up sentences with the help of the words from right and left columns:


1. People also pollute 1. is one of the most serious problems

2. Everyone wants facing humanity

3. Pollution of soil 2. reduces the amount of land

4. Environmental pollution 3. to reduce pollution

5. Too much fertilizer 4. their surroundings in various other

6. All parts of the environment ways

7. Badly polluted air 5. Are closely related to one another

6. can ruin soil

7. can cause illness


VI. Give definitions to the following words:

Smoke, poison, fertilizer, crop, pollute.

1) agricultural plants in the fields;

2) make dirty;

3) chemical plant food; artificial manure;

4) visible vapour with particles of carbon, etc. Coming from a burning substance;

5) substance causing death or harm if absorbed by a living thing (animal, or plant)



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