Grammar: The Sequence of Tenses. The Present Perfect Tense. 

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Grammar: The Sequence of Tenses. The Present Perfect Tense.

The Usage of Articles with Geographical Names.

Ex.1.Warm up. Explain the meaning of the proverb” When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

Ex.2.Topical vocabulary recognize- узнать show (showed, shown)- показывать

3.welcome- добро пожаловать drive (drove, driven)- ехать, везти карта (географическая) - 1)гид2)путеводитель admire- восхищаться of interest- достопримечательность финансовый

10.political- политический

11.all over the world- во всем мире advise- советовать

13.unfortunately - к сожалению

14.reasonable - разумный

15.Europe - Европа

16.famous (for) - знаменитый чем-либо

17.the Tower of London - Лондонский Тауэр

18.the National Gallery - Национальная Галерея

19.Buckingham Palace - Бэкингемский Дворец - столица

21.treasure - сокровище

22.the Thames - р.Темза

23.ancient - древний

24.century - век

25.population - население

26.the West End -Уэст-энд (районЛондона)

27.the East End - Ист- Енд

28.Westminster Abbey- Весминстерское Аббатство crown- короновать

30.the Houses of Parliament- Парламент

31.St. Paul’s Cathedral- Собор св. Павла bury- хоронить divide- делить

34. the House of Commons- Палата Общин

35.the House of Lords- Палата Лордов get used to- привыкать be tired- уставать forget (forgot, forgotten)- забыть seem-казаться

40.unusual- необычный

41.Heathrow- аэропорт Хитроу

42 to book- заказать заранее

42.accomodation- условия проживания

43. expensive-дорогостоящий

44. to get used to-привыкать go sightseeing-осматривать достопримечательности

Ex.3.Pre-reading task

1.Have you ever been to London?

2.Do you have a friend who has already been to London?

3.What do you think is unusual for foreign tourists there?

Ex.4.Read the dialogue and try to understand it without a dictionary.

Brian Smith, Rich’s British friend, is meeting Marat at Heathrow.

--- Hello, Brian..I recognized you at once. Rich showed me your picture.

--- Hello, Marat. Welcome to London. Nice to see you.

--- Nice to see you too.

--- Did you have a good flight?

--- Yes, I did. Thank you. Rich is sending you this letter and his regards.

--- Oh, thank you.. How is he getting on?

--- He’s quite well. Though busy, of course. Working a lot.

--- Very much like him.

--- Where are we going to?

--- To my car. I’ll drive you to the hotel.

--- I’ve booked you a room in Central London.

It’s a bed- and- breakfast accomodation.

----Thank you, Brian. That’s just what I need. I hope it’s not too expensive.

--- Staying in London needn’t be expensive. It’s reasonable.

And I live very near your hotel.

--- That’s great.

--- But unfortunately I can’t join you at day time.

I’m only free in the evening.

--- That’s OK. Is there a regular tour of the city?

--- Oh yes, lot’s of them. I advise you to buy a special ticket “London


--- Is it a one-day ticket?

--- It’s a three- day ticket. It’s for the red buses and the “tube.”

--- And I’ll need a map and a guidebook.

--- You can buy it at the Tourist Information Centre near Victoria


--- I’d love to see the Houses of Parliament and the Tower of London.

Look where you’re going. Sorry, I’ve forgotten they drive on

the left side of the road. It seems so unusual..

--- Right, I felt very much the same at the Continent. But you’ll get used to it

very quickly.

Ex.5.Read the dialogue again to find if the following statements are true or false.

a) Marat recognized Brian at once.

b) Richard didn’t send any letter to Brian.

c) Rich is very busy, he works a lot.

d) Brian has booked a room for Marat in Central London.

e)There aren’t any regular tours around London.

F)Brian advised Marat to buy a one-day ticket.

G)Marat would like to see only the Tower of London.

h) Left side driving is usual for Brian.

Ex.6.Do you remember the rule of Sequence of Tenses? Follow the pattern, use this rule in practice.

Pattern: Rich is sending you this letter. (was)

He told Brian that Rich was sending him this letter.

---I’ve booked you a room (had)

He said that he had booked a room for Marat.

---I recognized you at once. (had)


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