Vocabulary and pronunciation 

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Vocabulary and pronunciation

1. A list of new words and word-combinations: Look through the words given below, remember their pronunciation and learn them:




2. Translate the following sentences using the words given above:

1. England, Scotland, and Wales occupy the territory of Great Britain.

2. The surface of the UK varies greatly.

3. All the rest is a vast plain, which is called the Lowlands.

4. One of the chief industries is shipbuilding.

5. The UK is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.

6. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.


Work –out

Theme: Lexics: English speaking country.

Grammar: 1. Demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

2. Future Simple Tense

Aim: didactive aims:

To form following components of competence in students:

Cognitive component:

20. To form students’ knowledge on speaking about the country as Great Britain, using background knowledge

21. To form students’ knowledge on using demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

22. To form students’ knowledge on using Future Simple Tense

23. To form students’ knowledge onmastering the new lexics according for usingit in their speech

Practical component:

1. To formstudents’ skills on speaking the text.

2. To form skills on doing and writing exercises on grammar and lexics

Self-educational component:

16. To form skills on working with supplementary dictionary

17. To form skills on working with additional grammar reference.

18. The students’ must know lexics and grammar for describing Great Britain because we study English speaking country

Recommended literature:

21. Murphy «Grammar in USE»

22. English grammar and vocabulary.

23. Oxford student’s dictionary of English.

24. Text “English speaking country.”

Basic thematic issues:

15. Lexics used in speaking about the country as Great Britain

16. Formation of Future Simple Tense.

Methods of teaching: associograms, illustrative method


Means of teaching: books, tables, schemes


Tasks of study:

19. To teach students to define demonstrative pronouns: this, these, that, those

20. To teach students to form Future Simple Tense and use in the speech

21. To speak on the theme

Plan of the lesson

Main part:

25. Presentation of grammar of theme


Pronouns can be a tricky. There are so many of them plus they fall into different categories and have different purposes. To make things even more confusing certain pronouns can be used as other parts of speech. But of all the pronoun categories, demonstrative pronouns seem to cause the most bafflement. Let’s take a closer look at demonstrative pronouns.

What are Demonstrative Pronouns?

Demonstrative pronouns are those that identify or point to a thing or things and occasionally persons.

They can be both singular and plural and they refer to nouns that are either nearby or far away in time or space. What does that mean exactly?

First of all, there are only four demonstrative pronouns – this, that, these, those. This and that refer to singular nouns and these and those identify plural nouns.

The singular this and the plural these refer to a person or thing near the speaker.

The singular that and the plural those refer to a person or thing far away from the speaker.

Let’s look at some examples to get a clearer picture of this.

Examples of Demonstrative Pronouns

This is ridiculous. (This refers to an object or event close to the speaker.)

That is ridiculous. (That refers to an object or event farther away in space or time.)

These are ridiculous. (These refer to objects close to the speaker.)

Those are ridiculous. (Those refer to objects farther away in space and time.)


I willsing

The future simple tense is often called will, because we make the future simple tense with the modal auxiliary will.


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