Unit 9. Going to restaurants 

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Unit 9. Going to restaurants




There are two types of restaurants in the US. On the one hand, there are fast food restaurants. Fast food restaurants are called such because little time passes between the time a visitor orders a meal and when he receives it. They are in fact sort of cafeterias. In fast food restaurants, you should go to the counter to order a meal and then bring it to a table. Fast food is usually mass-produced. Hamburgers, hot sandwiches, salads and pizza are sold in such type of restaurants. Eating there is also not expensive at all. A typical dinner will cost from 3$ to 6$. It usually takes from 30 to 45 minutes to have a meal in such type of restaurants. Tips for waiters are not customary in these restaurants.

On the other hand, there are full service or proper restaurants. In this type of restaurants customers are served by the waiters. Here you will be offered a menu with a good choice of food and beverages. For dinner at full service restaurants you will pay from 10$ in a less expensive restaurant to 50$. People eat, talk and enjoy music. They may have a business lunch or dinner in this type of restaurants. It usually takes people from an hour to an hour and a half to have a meal and leave a full service restaurant. The tip is not included in the bill, but a waiter will expect a tip of 15 % of a bill.


Vocabulary Bank

fast food restaurant ресторан быстрого питания
to order a meal заказывать еду
to tip, tips давать чаевые, чаевые
waiter, waitress официант, официантка
to serve обслуживать
beverage напиток
bill счет
to have a meal обедать в ресторане
to prefer предпочитать
ashtray пепельница
table-cloth скатерть
to be on a diet соблюдать диету
snack закуска
first course закуски, салаты
main course основная еда
dessert десерт
to pass передавать
customer посетитель


1. Answer the following questions.

1. How many types of restaurants in the US do you know?

2. Does little time pass between the time a visitor orders a meal and when he receives it in fast food restaurant?

3. What should you do in a fast food restaurant?

4. Fast food is usually mass-produced, isn’t it?

5. How much does a typical dinner cost in a fast food restaurant?

6. Whom are customers of full service restaurants served by?

7. How much will you pay for dinner there?

8. What do people usually do in a full service restaurant?

9. How much time does it take people to have a meal and leave a full service restaurant?

10. Are tips for waiters customary in these restaurants?


2. Translate the following words into Russian and say how you can call a waiter’s attention.


Tap your wine glass


Click your fingers

Clap your hands

Catch his/her eye

Say ‘‘Excuse me’’


3. Read and translate the following dialogues.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Mom: Yes, I think so. Greg, what are you having?

Greg: A hamburger without ketchup and French fries, please.

Mom: OK. And you, Stella?

Stella: A pizza for me, please. Pepperoni and extra cheese. And a diet Coke.

Mom: And I’ll have a cheeseburger, salad and mineral water, please.

Waiter: Very good. A drink for you, sir?

Greg: No, thanks. I’m OK.

Waiter: All right. Thank you.

Tom: Waiter, will you bring me a menu?

Waiter: Certainly, sir. Here it is.

Tom: Thank you.

Waiter: (five minutes later) Now, what are you having, sir?

Tom: I’m sorry I haven’t decided yet. Would you mind giving me a couple of minutes?

Waiter: All right.

Tom: Thank you.

Waiter: (some minutes later) Have you decided yet? May I take your order, sir?

Tom: As a starter I’ll have the fish soup.

Waiter: O.K. How about the main course?

Tom: I’ll have the steak.

Waiter: What would you like with the steak?

Tom: A cabbage salad and some mashed potatoes.

Waiter: Would you like something to drink?

Tom: Some mineral water, please.

Waiter: Here is your order.

Tom: (some time later) Waiter!

Waiter: Yes, sir. Do you want the bill?

Tom: Yes, How much is it?

Waiter: Seven pounds twenty-five pence, sir.


4. Put the sentences in the right order to make up the dialogue.

− Do you fancy eating soup?

− I am hungry. I would like to go somewhere to have a snack.

− Yes, let’s go there. The prices are reasonable and the choice of dishes is very nice.

− Then I’ll take the same. Will you order a bottle of fizzy mineral water for both of us?

− Fish and potatoes I think.

− I’d like mushroom soup. What about you?

− Not me. I want a meat salad.

− As for me, I prefer beef with green vegetables.

− What would you like to drink?

− As a matter of fact, I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast. We may go to this café.

− I will do with mineral water.

− What about the main course? Would you like meat or fish?

− Yes, of course. So, one meat salad, one mushroom soup, beef with vegetables, fish and potatoes, and a bottle of mineral water. That’s all I think. Let’s make the order.


5. Use the following words to complete the sentences below.


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