Семінар 1. Науково-технічна література 

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Семінар 1. Науково-технічна література


1. Виконайте практичні завдання

Exercise 1.

Substitute the following word-combinations for one word using the prefix en- (em-). Render the words into Ukrainian:

a) to put smth. (smb.) into a circle (a frame, a danger, a plane, an act, a trap);

b) to make smth. (smb) large (noble, bitter, able, dear, rich, feeble);

c) to give smth. (smb.) courage (power, a title).

Exercise 2.

Find the stem of the given bellow derivatives. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words. Mind the translation of the misleading


Impression, entertainer, trailer, borrowing, borrower, profiteer, profitable, overdependent, unskilled, growth, rapidity, rapidly, aimless, aimlessly, computing, costing, preferable, preferably, accounting, accountant, unoriginal.

Exercise 3.

Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following word-combinations:

Electronic phenomenon, monofrequential pulse, digital broadcasting, all-purpose instrument, overall trend, suitable trade, printed board, charge carrier, intrinsic semiconductor, space exploration, milling machine, scientific management, public ownership, fierce competition.

Exercise 4.

Translate the following Ukrainian words having the same root in English:

План - планувати - плановий - планування Просування - просуватися - передовий

Людина - забезпечувати (укомплектовувати) людьми - керований людиною

Рівновага - урівноважений - урівноваження Основа - засновувати - заснований - заснування

Exercise 5.

Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

c) similar meaning (synonyms): close, tremendous, increase, significance, tight, branch, importance, raise, field, efficiency, work, huge, rest, labour, impact, effectiveness, influence, cornerstone, latest, reserve, essential, resource;

d) opposite meaning (antonyms): backward, powerless, few, slow, heavy, prime, natural, speed up, strong, major, dependent, weak, advanced, many, slow down, powerful, secondary, rapid, light, artificial, independent, minor.

Exercise 6.

Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the ways of term-building:

1. To be really cost effective, we must have a good footing in the world market.

2. In fact, software and the disk that contains it are often thought of as being the same thing.

3. It is a fact that some materials are available on insufficient quantities ^d the more effective use of new substitute materials should be made.

4. We have at our disposal several procedures to apply.

5. The inflation rate in October was higher than that in September.

6. Any list of operations a processing engineer has to deal with will be incomplete without mentioning the finishing process.

7. Iron is made by refining iron ore to a point where it reaches 90 to 95% purity.

8. The evidence may be biased or mistaken, fragmentary, or nearly unintelligible after long periods of cultural or linguistic change.

9. Few, if any, theories or empirical investigations in the field appear sufficiently related to the present area to permit extrapolation of testable hypotheses.

10. Many of the biggest pharmaceutical producers are involved in the search for genetically improved plants and animals and for genetically engineered vaccines.


Підготуйте доповіді до семінару.


1. Функціональні стилі мовлення.

2. Науковий стиль.

3. Різновиди наукових текстів.

4. Поняття про термін.

5. Морфологічна будова терміна.

6. Структурні особливості термінів-словосполучень.

7. Терміни, як члени термінологічних систем.

8. Склад науково-технічної термінології.

9. Зв’язок терміна з контекстом.

10. Основні прийоми перекладу термінів-словосполучень.

11. Послідовність перекладу термінів-словосполучень.


Виконайте повний письмовий переклад науково-технічного тексту.


Exercise 1.

Read and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following international words:

Potential, conservation, productivity, intensive, natural, character, modern, effect, extensive, universal, priority, total, reconstruction, scale, integrate, peak, transmission, distance, manufacture, national, concentration, primitive, utility, expressive, personal, exterior, dynamic, application, concept, assembly, radically, safe, interference, composition, coding, detective, sensitive, to register.

Exercise 2.

Use the words "advanced", "leading", "progressive" to translate the following Ukrainian word-combinations:

Передова наука, прогресивні ідеї, прогресивна технологія, прогресивна людина, прогресивний письменник, передовий робітник, передова бригада, передова стаття, провідний інженер, провідний, прогресивне людство, поглиблений курс.

Exercise 3.

Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

a) similar meaning (synonyms): exploration, cosmos, modern, change, launch, humanity, conquest, artificial, breakthrough, spaceman, open, send, man-made, cosmonaut, outer space, up-to-date, mankind, achievement, begin, turn into;

b) opposite meaning (antonyms): late, near, advanced, complex, early, old, swift, long, short, slow, few, new, artificial, backward, simple, many, far, natural.

Exercise 4.

Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of titles and personal names:

1. Peter Schwarz, former headof the London Stock Exchange, illustrates the reformational nature of the planetary economy by noting that international foreign exchange transactions)reached 87 trillion dollars in 1986, trade being only about 10 percent of that sum.

2. Such projects as the Strategic Defense Initiative or Star Wars have as their ultimate goal giving the USA absolute strategic superiority.

3. I spent most of my vacation in 1950 studying the first 354 pages of R.G.D. Allen's "Mathematical Analysis for Economists", because Professor Milton Friedman said I needed calculus to take Kris University of Chicago course in price theory. This paper was originally presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Communications Association in Miami Beach, FL, Nov. 18-21,1993, as part of a program entitled "Communication, Education, and Culture: Perspectives on the Scholarly Activity of Neil Postman".

4. He once was the Co-director of the Institute for Health, Behavior, and Environmental Policy at the University of Ohio.

5. When I was teaching at the University of California Berkeley Law School, at a Lake Arrowhead conference I ran into important IBM executive.

6. Scientists at SIBLA, the corporate spin-off of the Balk Institute for Biotechnology La Jolla, California, are preparing to commercialize the first predictive diagnostic tests for Alzheimer disease.

7. In a paper reported in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Alan Price states that it is a mistaken idea that road corrugation results from the frictional action of motor car wheels.

8. On April 30 the U.S. responded to the French plan by detonating a nuclear bomb in a tunnel at the US Department of Energy Nevada Test Site.

9. The World Space Congress brings together scientists from the Committee Research and the Astronautical federation.

10. Tethered Satellite System is a cooperative undertaking with NASA, to be operated with its space shuttle.



Exercise 1.

Find the meaning of the following word combinations. Mind the “misleading words”:

1. banking officers; 2. public debt; 3. interest rate; 4. convention of the Entrepreneurs Union; 5. personnel department; 6. champion of piece; 7. ammunition storage; 8. null document; 9. legal matters; 10. accurate data; 11. title and position; 12. human values.

Exercise 2.

Express the following word combinations in English, using the synonymic terms "apparatus", "device", "instrument", 'mechanism":

затискувальний пристрій, підйомник, підйомний пристрій, підйомний механізм, вантажний пристрій, передавач, передавальний механізм, рентгенівська установка (апарат), розрахунковий пристрій, лічильний механізм, обчислювальний пристрій, лічильний прилад, прецизійний (високоточний) прилад, кодуючий пристрій, електронний прилад, електронний вимірювальний прилад.

Exercise 3.

Pair the words-synonyms. Find their Ukrainian equivalents:

Courtesy, alike, couple, response, subject, achieve, additional, position, aim, try, essential, accommodation, obligation, allow, supplement, rapid, income, officer, objective, tranquil.

Politeness, similar, calm, obtain, reply, extra, attempt, extremely important, surcharge, lodging, pair, job, permit, speedy, revenue, official, duty.

Exercise 4.

Exercise 1.

Find the stem of the given bellow derivatives. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the words. Mind the translation of the misleading words:

Connection, integrated, reliable, unlimited, inclusion, validity, bargaining, hourly, identification, processing, transferring, declaration, coincidence, familiarity, reference, applicant, payable, undoubtedly, caterer, obtainable, inaccessible, scheduled, illegal, exceptional, irrational, renovation, outgoing, marketing, impersonal, rigidity, permission, tranquility, incoming, unskilled, qualitative, contributor, unoriginal, briefing, contracting, negotiator, promotion.

Exercise 2.

Exercise 3.

Form the proper English equivalents of the following Ukrainian words and word-combinations, using the word "energy":

атомна енергія, внутрішня енергія, біологічна енергія, енергія активації, енергія кванта, енергія спокою, звукова енергія, накопичена енергія, кінетична енергія, механічна енергія, потенціальна енергія, хімічна енергія, світлова енергія, питома енергія, теплова енергія, ядерна енергія.

Exercise 4.

Arrange the following words in pairs according to:

a) similar meaning (synonyms): fierce, advanced, broad, severe, deep, indisputable, tremendous, wide, highly-qualified, developed, unquestionable, profound, well-trained, remarkable;

b) opposite meaning (antonyms): complete, high, favorable, important, advanced, short, peaceful, incomplete, low, broad, long, unfavorable, unimportant, backward, military, narrow.

Exercise 5.

Render the following sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the translation of the terms and misleading words:

1. The one thing an archeologist is always cognizant of is the long term – especially long term patterns. (McCaffrey)

2. There was not a police force in the world that could monitor phone calls made on cellular-phone equipment.(Clancy)

3. A team of four snaked a fueling hose towards the aircraft, eager to demonstrate the speed with which the USNavy services aircraft. (Clancy)

4. Did the invaders exterminate the native population, or did they superimpose themselves upon them and became to some extent blended with them. (Metalious)

5. Naval intelligence reports that due to our successful actions during the past several weeks, as well as the actions of the rest of the Navy, the Chinese units in the area are running low on supplies and moral. (Clancy)

6. It wasn't a basketball, but a hybrid of rugby, wrestling, judo, and Basketball. (Grisham)

7. He was also a distinguished observer and an amazingly accurate forecaster of events. (Clancy)

8. He was one of my thesis readers. I'm an ethologist. I study large mammals in Africa grassland ecosystem. East Africa. Carnivores, in particular. (Crichton)

9. Christine knew that was why credit managers occasionally risked extending credit or approved checks in slightly doubtful cases, walking a mental tightrope as they did. (Hailey)

10. After paying the outstanding mortgage and taking care of minor stockholders, there would be ample money left on which he could live, at whatever standards he chose, for the reminder of his life.



1. Виконайте практичні завдання

Exercise 1.

Substitute the following word-combinations for one word using the prefix en- (em-). Render the words into Ukrainian:

a) to put smth. (smb.) into a circle (a frame, a danger, a plane, an act, a trap);

b) to make smth. (smb) large (noble, bitter, able, dear, rich, feeble);

c) to give smth. (smb.) courage (power, a title).

Exercise 2.


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