II. Составьте предложения используя глаголы в скобках. 

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II. Составьте предложения используя глаголы в скобках.

Model. I advise him to attend lectures (ought) - He ought to attend lectures.

1. I’m not sure he is her brother (can’t).

2. He couldn’t swim when he was five (to be able to).

3. It’s possible that he will win the race (might).

III. Переведите на русский язык предложения, обращая внимание на формы инфинитива.

  1. He is glad to be working with you.
  2. We are sorry to have troubled you.
  3. I’ve got a call to make
  4. A graduate expected to be offered a good job.
  5. A thief was glad not to have been noticed.

IV. Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните Complex Object.

  1. I believe him to know this subject well.
  2. Do you think this work to be interesting?

3. We expect everybody to come in time.


V. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


There is a classic definition that "Leaders do the right thing and managers do things right." A more standard definition is usually something like "managers work toward the organization's goals using its resources in an effective and efficient manner." In a traditional sense, large organizations may have different levels of managers, including top managers, middle managers and first-line managers. Top (or executive) managers are responsible for overseeing the whole organization and typically engage in more strategic and conceptual matters, with less attention to day-to-day detail. Top managers have middle managers working for them and who are in charge of a major function or department. Middle managers may have first-line managers working for them and who are responsible to manage the day-to-day activities of a group of workers.

Note that there are different types of managers across the same levels in the organization. A project manager is in charge of developing a certain project, e.g., development of a new building. A functional manager is in charge of a major

function, such as a department in the organization, e.g., marketing, sales, engineering, finance, etc. A product manager is in charge of a product or service. Similarly, a product line manager is in charge of a group of closely related products. General managers are in charge of numerous functions within an organization or department.

What Do Managers Do?

There are four major functions of managers; planning, organizing, leading and

coordinating. What managers do is the following:

1) Planning,

including identifying goals, objectives, methods, resources needed to carry out methods, responsibilities and dates for completion of tasks. Examples of planning are strategic planning, business planning, project planning, staffing planning, advertising and promotions planning, etc.

2) Organizing resources

to achieve the goals in an optimum fashion. Examples are organizing new departments, human resources, office and file systems, re-organizing businesses, etc.

3) Leading,

including to set direction for the organization, groups and individuals and also influence people to follow that direction. Examples are establishing strategic direction (vision, values, and goals) and using methods to pursue that direction.

4) Controlling, or coordinating,

the organization's systems, processes and structures to reach effectively and efficiently goals and objectives. This includes constant monitoring and adjustment of systems, processes and structures accordingly. Examples include use of financial controls, policies and procedures, performance management processes, measures to avoid risks etc.


VI. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What are the four major functions of managers?

2. What is planning? What are the kinds of planning?

3. What are the examples of organizing the resources?

4. What is "leading"?

5. What is the function of "controlling"?


Вариант 3


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