Ex.1. Find in the letters the English equivalents corresponding to the following Russian phrases. 

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Ex.1. Find in the letters the English equivalents corresponding to the following Russian phrases.

Товары по образцу; составлять неотъемлемую часть; остаток в 30%; стандарты, обеспечивающие безопасность; массовая закупка; создавать товарные запасы; быть перегруженным заказами; излишки товарных запасов; тратта; пополнять запасы; без обязательств с нашей стороны; продавать по конкурентоспособным ценам; торговать с кем-либо.


Ex.2. Fill in the blanks with one of the following words. Mind your grammar.

at highly competitive prices; without notice; discount; to do business with; to encourage; to hold stocks; price concession; offer; to replenish stocks with; to be subject to (3); to be overloaded with orders; drafts; response to the offer; trial


1. Our terms of payment are by _____.

2. Our agents _____ of our goods in that country.

3. We will give our immediate attention to your _____.

4. We intend to _____ new models.

5. We offer you the goods _____ your confirmation by cable.

6. We _____ Smith & Co. for ten years.

7. Prices are subject to variation _____, in accordance with market fluctuations.

8. Low prices and favourable terms of payment _____ us to place a _____ order with Brown & Sons, Ltd.

9. We failed to send you our samples as we _____.

10. As we sell our goods _____ we have a good margin of profit.

11. The goods are _____ prior sale.

12. Let us have your order by 31st January, as _____ will not apply after that date.

13. We expect a wide _____.

14. The orders received before the 1st May are _____ discount.

15. All orders over $500 received before 1st September are subject to _____ in question.


Ex.3. Complete the sentences.


1. (Если вы хотите) the goods equal to sample will be shipped without delay.

2. To encourage all customers (создавать) a good stock we are prepared to offer a trade (скидку) of 4 per cent.

3. We offer you (без обязательств с нашей стороны) 10,000 tons of Ore.

4. You are to deliver the goods (равными партиями) at regular intervals.

5. In the near future our regular clients are going to (пополнить запасы) of tinned fish.

6. We will (организуем отправку каталога) to your address.

7. The (предлагаемые) goods are of Russian origin.

8. Please, (примите наши извинения) for the delay in sending a reply to your letter as we were so overloaded with orders (от наших постоянных клиентов) that we failed to keep pace with the demand.

9. (Остаток в) 30 per cent will be paid by (тратты).

10. We advise you to place your order (незамедлительно), since we expect considerable (отклик) from other foreign customers to this special offer.

11. First we were overloaded with last-minute orders, later some of them were withdrawn and now we face (излишки товарных запасов).

12. Our General Conditions (составляют неотъемлемую часть) of sales contracts.

13. The equipment meets major (стандарты, обеспечивающие безопасность).

14. The prices quoted for bulk purchase (позволят Вам) to sell the goods at highly competitive prices.

15. We can supply you with Caviar (равными партиями) of 100 kg (через равные промежутки времени) during the year.

Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.


1. We are sending you under _____ separate cover _____ new pattern-books of our sub-contractors.

2. We have been in _____ business for 20 years and are proud of _____ rich experience in producing _____ delicious tinned products.

3. Our terms of payment are subject to _____ revision.

4. In _____ September we were overloaded with _____ last-minute orders.

5. We offer you _____ Printed Cotton Cloth equal to _____ sample.

6. Now we face _____ problem of overstocking.

7. All other terms and conditions are stated in _____ enclosed copy of _____ General Conditions which form _____ integral part of our sales contracts.

8. As _____ result we offer you firm _____ following articles.

9. _____ prices are subject to _____ variation without _____ notice.

10. For _____ quantities over 2,000 units, we can offer _____ discount of 5 percent on _____ list prices.

11. We look forward to _____ pleasure of serving you.

12. _____ offer is subject to _____ goods being unsold upon _____ receipt of your reply.



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