Who's the best shot?' asked the captain. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Who's the best shot?' asked the captain.

Mr. Trelawney, out and away,' said I.

Mr. Trelawney, will you please pick me off one of these men, sir? Hands, if possible,' said the captain.

Trelawney was as cool as steel. He looked to the priming of his gun.

6. 'Now,' cried the captain, 'easy with that gun, sir, or you'll swamp the boat. All hands stand by to trim her when he aims.'


1. The squire raised his gun, the rowing ceased (сквайр поднял мушкет, гребля прекратилась), and we leaned over to the other side to keep the balance (и мы перегнулись через другую сторону = борт, чтобы сохранить равновесие), and all was so nicely contrived that we did not ship a drop (все /это/ было так хорошо проделано, что мы не зачерпнули ни капли; to contrive — придумать, затеять, изловчиться).

2. They had the gun, by this time, slewed round upon the swivel (они к тому времени повернули пушку на вертлюге), and Hands, who was at the muzzle with the rammer (и Хендс, который находился у дула с прибойником / прибойник — железный прут для забивания заряда в дуло орудия /; ram — баран; to ram — вбивать, вколачивать), was, in consequence, the most exposed (был, поэтому, наиболее открытым). However, we had no luck (однако нам не повезло); for just as Trelawney fired, down he stooped (потому что когда Трелони выстрелил, он нагнулся), the ball whistled over him, and it was one of the other four who fell (пуля просвистела над ним, и упал один из остальной четверки).

3. The cry he gave was echoed (крик, который он издал, был подхвачен), not only by his companions on board (не только его товарищами на борту), but by a great number of voices from the shore (но и множеством голосов с берега), and looking in that direction I saw the other pirates trooping out from among the trees (посмотрев в том направлении, я увидел, как остальные пираты выбегали из-за деревьев; to troop — строиться, двигаться толпой, направляться) and tumbling into their places in the boats (и прыгали на свои места в лодки; to tumble into — упасть, свалиться).


ceased [sJst] consequence [`kOnsIkwqns] contrived [kqn`traIvd] exposed [Ik`spquzd]


The squire raised his gun, the rowing ceased, and we leaned over to the other side to keep the balance, and all was so nicely contrived that we did not ship a drop.

They had the gun, by this time, slewed round upon the swivel, and Hands, who was at the muzzle with the rammer, was, in consequence, the most exposed. However, we had no luck; for just as Trelawney fired, down he stooped, the ball whistled over him, and it was one of the other four who fell.

The cry he gave was echoed, not only by his companions on board, but by a great number of voices from the shore, and looking in that direction I saw the other pirates trooping out from among the trees and tumbling into their places in the boats.


1. 'Here come the gigs, sir (/сейчас/ подойдут лодки),' said I.

2. 'Give way then (тогда весла на воду),' cried the captain. 'We mustn't mind if we swamp her now (мы не должны обращать внимание = не важно, затопим ли мы ее = нашу лодку теперь). If we can't get ashore, all's up (если не сумеем добраться до берега, все пропало).'

3. 'Only one of the gigs is being manned, sir (садятся только в одну гичку, сэр),' I added (я добавил), 'the crew of the other most likely going round by shore to cut us off (команда другой, скорее всего, идет по берегу, чтобы перерезать нам /дорогу/; to go round — обходить).'

4. 'They'll have a hot run, sir (у них будет жаркий бег = им придется много побегать, сэр),' returned the captain. 'Jack ashore, you know (матрос на суше, сами знаете /как бегает/). It's not them I mind; it's the round-shot (я не их остерегаюсь, а пушечного ядра). Carpet-bowls (снаряды; carpet — ковер, настил; bowl — шар; чаша)! My lady's maid couldn't miss (моей жены горничная, /и та/ не промахнулась бы /с такого расстояния/). Tell us, squire, when you see the match, and we'll hold water (скажите нам, сквайр, когда увидите /зажженный\ фитиль, и мы наляжем на весла = попробуем увернуться; hold water! — весла на воду!).'


carpet [`kRpIt] bowl [bqul]



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