Ex. 17 Read the text and answer the questions. 

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Ex. 17 Read the text and answer the questions.

1. What is the well?

2. How are the wells drilled?

3. Describe the wellhead equipment.

4. What is the purpose of perforation?

5. What devices are wed during perforation?

6. How does gas flow from the well? What equipment is used to control gas flow?

7. What happens when the wellhead pressure is less than the pipeline pressure?

8. What is more complicated: production of crude oil or gas?

9. What is the recovery factor?

10. How can we call pumping of well fluids in other words?

11. What wells need artificial lift?

12. Why must many oil and gas wells be stimulated?

13. Describe the forms of well stimulation.

14. What is proppant?


Ex. 18 Translate the following words and phrases into Russian.

Drilling, hydrocarbons, installing a pump, acidizing, injection of acids, under pressure, rock formation, production tubing, perforation, fracturing, stimulation, hard substance, low-pressure gas, percentage of the oil in the reservoir, recovery factor, large number of elements, density of the oil, viscosity, porosity, permeability of the rock, pressure in the oil reservoir, wellbore, drilling rig, wellhead, choke, valve, casing.


Ex. 19 Translate the sentences into English.

1. Скважина − это отверстие, пробуренное в земле в целях добычи сырой нефти и природного газа.

2. Обсадная колонна - это стальная труба, которая обеспечивает безопасность добычи и предотвращает проникновение воды в ствол скважины.

3. Насосно-компрессорная труба имеет меньший диаметр, чем обсадная колонна.

4. Сырая нефть состоит из молекул большего размера и она тяжелее продвигается сквозь породы.

5. Процент нефти, извлеченной из всей залежи называется нефтеотдачей.

6. Механизированной добычей называется извлечение нефти из пласта с помощью насосов.

7. При механизированной добыче насос опускается в насосно- компрессорную трубу.

8. На некоторых скважинах используются погружные насосы.


Ex. 20 Find the translation of the following expressions with the word “flow” and learn them.

Ø to flow by gravity;

Ø to flow by heads;

Ø to flow naturally;

Ø to flow off;

Ø to flow out;

Ø to flow over;

Ø to flow through;

Ø to flow up.


Ex. 21 Translate Text 4 into Russian.

Ex.22 Find the English equivalents for these words and word combinations in the dictionary:

1. буровая вышка

2. скважина

3. долото бура/буровое долото

4. крошить и резать породу

5. буровая колонна

6. шестигранная форма/сечение

7. ведущая бурильная труба

8. Кольцевое/затрубное пространство/канал

9. роторный стол

10. буровой раствор

11. произвести замену трубы

12. спускоподъёмная операция для труб

13. резервуар для бурового раствора


Ex. 23 Fill in the gaps with given words and word combinations:

annulus, rotary table, bit, bit string, boreholes, chemicals, hexagonal, clay, cuts and crushes, cuttings, down, drilling rig, kelly, floorman, fluid, hole, in rocks, mud, mud man, mud tanks, oilmen, rotary, surface, water, string.


1. Oil is containedunder the ground and under the sea. 2. To find it

have to drill. 3. The equipment for drilling these holes is the

. 4. Most rigs work on thesystem. 5. As therotates, itthe rock at the bottom of the. 6. Theare carried to the surface by a special. 7. The fluid is called «mud». 8.is a mixture of,and. 9. At the top of the there is a special pipe called the. 10. It isn’t round, but. 11. It fits into a hexagonal hole in the. The latter turns the kelly, the kelly turns the string. 12. Mud is not only used for carrying the cuttings up to the

. 13. It is also used for keeping thecool. 14. The mud is pumpedthrough the. 15. It comes back up again, through the

. 16. The mud engineer oris in charge of the mud. 17. For example, he tells thehow to mix the mud at the.


Ex. 24 Translate the text from the previous exercise into Russian.

Text 5


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