Work one's way through college 

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Work one's way through college

- to work at a job to help pay for your college or university expenses

My brother worked his way through college at the local supermarket.


Honor roll

- a list of people or students with exceptional achievements

My neighbor was on the honor roll during his last year in high school.



- someone who copies the work of another

The children called the girl a copycat when they saw her copying the test of another student.


Call the roll

- to call the names of students on a roll and expect them to answer if they are there

Every morning when the class starts the teacher calls the roll.


Drew a blank

- to get no response from someone when you ask him or her a question

The teacher drew a blank when she asked about the boy's plans for the weekend.



- someone who reads a lot

My sister is a bookworm and is always reading a book.

Higher education

- education after graduating from high school (usually college or university)

The government has recently invested a lot of money in higher education.

A cow college

- a school where farming or agriculture is studied

My cousin will go to a cow college when he finishes high school.

As easy as ABC

- very easy

Learning how to use a computer is as easy as ABC for the children.

Hit the books

- to begin to study hard

After relaxing all weekend I hit the books on Sunday evening.

To play hooky

- to not go to school when you should

The boys played hooky and went to the video game center for the afternoon.


Teacher's pet

- the teacher's favorite student

My sister was always the teacher's pet at her school.

An A for effort

- the recognition that someone has tried hard to do something even though he or she may not be successful

The students received an A for effort for their work on the class project.


Publish or perish

- university professors often have to publish books or articles in journals or they will not be successful in their jobs at the university

The university professor wrote many scientific papers. He was forced to publish or perish.

Get credit for (a course)

- to receive official recognition and credits after passing a course

I was able to get credit for the course which I took in the summer.


Read through something

- to read all of something

I read through the test briefly before I started to answer the questions.


Crank out a paper

- to write a paper or essay in a mechanical way

I had to crank out a paper almost every week to pass the course.


Have one's nose in a book

- to be reading a book

The boy loves to read and always has his nose in a book.

Exercise 5.

Idiom Quizzes. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:

1. The teacher (got no response) from the students when she asked the question.

a) took attendance

b) filled in the blanks

c) drew a blank

d) cracked a book


2. My sister was a (person who loved books) during her childhood.

a) school of thought

b) bookworm

c) teacher's pet

d) copycat


3. The government is spending much money on (university and college education).

a) the three R's

b) show-and-tell (c) the old boy network

d) higher education

4. The young man decided to go to (a farming college) after he graduated.

a) a cow college

b) an Ivy League college

c) a town-and-gown college

d) an honor roll


5. The final exam was (very easy) and everybody passed easily.

a) off campus

b) as easy as ABC

c) back to basics

d) from the old school


6. I decided to (study hard) for the final exam.

a) make the grade

b) call the roll

c) hit the books

d) know my ABCs


7. I was supposed to go to school but I decided (not to go).

a) to learn by rote

b) to live in an ivory tower

c) to have my nose in a book

d) to play hooky


8. I received (recognition for my effort) in my attempt to write a short story.

a) an A for effort

b) a show of hands

c) a cap and gown

d) an eager beaver


9. I was able to (receive official recognition for) the math course that I took last summer.

a) cover a lot of ground for

b) get credit for

c) take the roll for

d) get through


10. I was asked to (read all of the book) before the next class.

a) learn the book by heart

b) publish or perish

c) read through the book

d) read the book out loud


11. I worked hard all weekend to (write a paper) for my history class.

a) crank out a paper

b) meet the requirements

c) pass with flying colors

d) brainstorm


12. I spent most of the morning (reading a book).

a) on campus

b) goofing off

c) counting noses

d) with my nose in a book


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