Read the text and find out whether the following ideas are true, false or not discussed in it. 

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Read the text and find out whether the following ideas are true, false or not discussed in it.

1. Few organizations use Intranets nowadays.

2. Intranets are used more often than Internet.

3. Intranets are secure unlike Internet.

4. One-time passwords are rather rarely used.

5. Reusable passwords are the main reason of intrusions.

6. Most security breaches in Intranet are committed by hackers.

7. Encryption is not used for protecting intranets.

8. In the report most attention is paid to the procedure of security staff employment.

9. Extranets contribute to the developing of E-commerce.

10. The report presented below underlines the necessity of cooperative activities aimed at intranets securing.

Text 1. Intranet Security

Intranets: An Emerging Business Resource. Intranets are revolutionizing the way organizations function. Internal Web servers have moved from being a repository for simple shared content to encompassing applications that interact with legacy systems. Unfortunately, these advantages also bring critical risks if the intranet is not properly secured. CTR's new report, Intranet Security, is designed to help information systems (IS) managers and other information security personnel work together to build secure corporate intranets. The report discusses the misconception that intranets are intrinsically more secure than Internet applications and explains why businesses must evaluate their risk level before implementing a security policy. Specific security tools and the future of intranets are also examined in detail.

Intranet Security: Internal and External Risks. CTR's Intranet Security report evaluates the internal and external risks related to intranets, including: data theft, viruses, Web server vandalism, client security, and reusable passwords. Reusable passwords act as the doorway for intruders in 72% of attacks. The report addresses the need for strong authentication methods, such as one-time passwords (OTP) and digital certificates. The report also explores the risks associated with providing remote intranet access. Virtual private networks (VPN's) provide a means to securely connect remote offices to the intranet. The technology behind VPN's is examined, as well as the cost of providing access using VPN's versus leased lines. Because intranets are typically open to the entire company, the majority of security breaches are committed internally. The report discusses this issue and offers valuable information on how to protect your organization against internal security breaches.

Intranet Security Solutions. Intranet Security offers an in-depth discussion of available intranet security products and technologies. Perhaps the most well-known measure for securing intranets is the use of firewalls. The report compares the different types of firewall products, describes the capabilities and limitations of firewalls, and offers a set of guidelines for successfully operating firewalls. Another key technology for securing intranets is encryption. The report assesses the need for encryption and offers an overview of important encryption concepts and technologies such as public key encryption, digital signatures, and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Developing an Intranet Security Policy. Developing an intranet security policy is the most important measure that organizations can take to improve their security. While existing security policies may address computing and network issues, intranet policies must cover such areas as intranet publishing guidelines and employee use of the Internet. CTR's new report provides specific steps for putting together an effective intranet security policy, including conducting a corporate audit, monitoring computer and Internet use, and educating intranet users. Information on how to respond to security incidents and advice on hiring security staff is also included.

Future Trends in Intranet Security. Intranet Security includes a discussion of trends in the intranet security market, including all-in-one solutions, increased use of security outsourcing, and predictions that intranet security breaches will increase in the short-term as many organizations are reactive rather than proactive in implementing intranet security. One important, and very popular, trend in corporate intranets involves making intranets available to third parties. Extended intranets, called extranets, allow customers and business partners’ access to the intranet. This connection enables the use of technologies such as E-commerce. Intranets offer strategic advantages to businesses by creating a centralized knowledge base, enabling collaboration, and providing a standard interface to information across all hardware platforms. As intranets grow into trusted resources, relied on by employees and customers alike, the need to protect them becomes paramount. This new report from CTR includes the tools and information necessary to help ensure the protection and success of your corporate intranet.

Answer the questions

What sort of text is it?

What is the role of Intranets as business resource?

What are the risks of Intranet Security?

What are extranets?

How are they connected with E-commerce?

What means of intranet protection are mentioned in the text?

What are the ways and perspectives of developing an Intranet Security Policy?

Vocabulary tasks


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