Task 5. Do the test. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following. 

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Task 5. Do the test. Find the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following.

1. national economy 1. дневное отделение
2. the economic department 2. народное хозяйство
3. the post-office savings-bank 3. поступать в институт
4. a sophomore 4. экономический отдел
5. a book-keeping department 5. бухгалтерия
6. to take one's parents' way 6. сберкасса при почте
7. a freshman 7. студент второго курса
8. to pass «thousands» 8. идти по стопам своих родителей
9. the day-time department 9. студент старшего курса
10. a lot more 10. сдавать «тысячи»
11. an undergraduate 11. студенческий научный кружок
12. to enter the institute 12. еще больше
13. it'll take time to know 13. я специализируюсь
14. students' scientific society 14. студент первого курса
15. I’m majoring 15. понадобится время, чтобы узнать


II. Choose the proper translation:

1. Здание университета находится в центре города.

1. There is an Institute building in the centre of the city.

2. The Institute building is in the centre of the city.

2. На этой улице есть студенческое общежитие.

1. There is a students' hostel in this street.

2. The students' hostel is in this street.

3. На первом этаже было размещено несколько лабораторий, библиотека и читальный зал.

1. Some laboratories, the library and the reading-hall were situated on the ground floor.

2. There were some laboratories, a library and a reading-hall on the ground floor.

4. Актовый зал будет находится на втором этаже.

1. The conference hall will be on the first floor.

2. There will be a conference hall on the first floor.

5. На втором этаже есть также кабинеты и аудитории.

1. Some studies and lecture rooms are situated on the first floor.

2. There are also some studies and lecture rooms on the first floor.



Проблемы современной молодежи. Система образования


Co-operative education in Russia and Great Britain

Text 1.

Education means systematic instruction, development of character or mental powers; activity of educating people in schools, colleges, and universities, and all the policies and arrangements concerning this. To educate students is to train or instruct them intellectually, morally and socially

The policy of educating people is carried out by the systems of education in Russia and Great Britain. The basic stages of the educational systems are normally the same: primary, secondary and higher or “further” education.

However, there is quite a lot which distinguishes education in Britain from the way it works in Russia (and other countries).

Our interest is in co-operative education, that’s why we’ll speak about Belgorod Consumer Co-operative University in Russia and Co-operative College in Great Britain as examples of the system of professional co-operative education.

Belgorod Consumer Co-operative University was established in 1978 as a branch of Poltava Co-operative Institute. The student body of the University is about 23, 000 including its branches. The number of full-time students is about 11, 000.

Belgorod Consumer Cooperative University (BCCU) is a higher educational institution (establishment) of the Russian Federation. It is granted the right to carry out activities in the field of secondary, higher, post-graduate and continuing education.

The University possesses modern facilities for study, research and leisure. They include 21 lecture halls, 20 computer classes, 70 laboratories with modern equipment and computers, a library containing 400 000 volumes of books, 3 comfortable reading-rooms, a cafeteria, a gymnasium and a print shop. More than 1, 000 students live in 3 hostels.

The University consists of 11 departments, 23 chairs, post-graduate courses. The tuition at the University is organized on the contract basis of 5-year full-time course with the compensation of all expenses for training a specialist. The University graduates are awarded state standard diploma. Male students are freed from the service in the Army.

The University trains specialists of market economy for the system of consumer cooperatives and for other fields of economy who can work in different commercial organizations, the marketing departments of plants and factories, banks, stock exchanges, customs, supermarkets and so on.

Training specialists of high qualification is carried out both at the day-time and correspondence departments in the following specialities:

- Accounting and Audit;

- Finance and Credit;

- Taxes, Taxation;

- Computing (Information Systems);

- Management (Personnel Management);

- Marketing;

- Advertising;

- Law (Jurisprudence);

- Economics and Management at Enterprise;

- World Economy;

- Customs Business;

- Merchandising and Commodity Expertise;

- Social Work;

- Psychology;

- Service and some others.

At the University there is the special Department of Continuing Education for those who want to get the second higher education, Preparatory and Extra-Mural Departments.

High level of professional training of graduates from the University allows them to work in any sector of consumer cooperation as well as enterprises and institutions of various forms of ownership.

The Co-operative College is UK’s major provider of co-operative education, training and development (it is its vision). Its mission is to provide challenging and diverse opportunities that enable learners and their organizations to put co-operative values and principles into everyday practice.

The Co-operative College was established in 1919 to meet the educational and training needs of the Co-operative movement. First, it was located in East Midlands, Leicestershire near Loughborough at Stanford Hall, now it is in Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester (www.co-op.ac.uk).

The Co-operative College is experienced in delivering regional, local and residential adult and lifelong learning programmes that emphasize co-operative values and principles.

Strategic Objectives of the Co-operative College are:

– to meet the learning needs of diverse co-operative, mutual and social enterprises regionally, nationally and internationally;

– to promote and encourage the understanding of co-operative values and principles and co-operative learning within and beyond the co-operative mutual and social enterprise sector;

– to continuously improve learning and quality standards across the whole of the College curriculum;

– to develop e-learning and information and learning technology (ILT) provision;

– to transform the Rochdale Pioneers Museum and the National Co-operative Archive into accessible lifelong learning resources.

The Co-operative College offers a wide range of workshops and qualifications designed to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to enable directors and members to become more effective in the roles.

The Co-operative College offers nationally recognized qualifications; specialist courses for the funeral service; international programmes; co-operatative business programmes, etc.

The Co-operative College has a portfolio of national and international projects designed to raise awareness of and benefit the co-operative movement, projects that help the co-operative movement become better informed and equipped to meet the business and social challenges of the new millennium.

The Co-operative College is working with schools to develop curriculum resources designed to change the perception of co-operation among students and educationalists alike. The College is involved in new initiatives supporting young people in co-operatives, facilitating young co-operators’ participation in youth seminars arranged by the International Co-operative Alliance. The College is working with partners across the UK on a range of action research projects designed to encourage a wider section of members to get involved in their democratic processes.

The Co-operative Union (the Co-operatives UK) and the Co-operative College provided the opportunity to build up a truly national Archive of the co-operative movement to provide students and scholars with access to a valuable resource in a single center.

The Rochdale Pioneers Museum exists to preserve the original store of the Rochdale Pioneers and to generate an understanding of the ideals and principles of the co-operative movement.

The Co-operative College delivers a range of specialist tailored programmes as well as IT applications including Microsoft Office; the European Computer Driving Licence delivered via the internet.

The field of e-learning is both an innovative and progressive new area of education, and one which the Co-operative college is pioneering. E-learning modules offer a wealth of information on the subject of co-operation.

In terms of distance learning the College is currently developing e-learning CD Rom and paper-based packages for members and directors in the UK and internationally. These allow learners to access parts of the framework for members and director learning from their homes and at a time that is convenient for them.

The Co-operative College provides learning, education, training, consultancy and research for the co-operative, social enterprise and mutual sectors in the UK and internationally.

Your university experience, charged with the excitement of new knowledge, offers personal growth and fulfillment. The university that you choose, with its distinctive character and setting, will help you grow in many ways. The right university will broaden your general knowledge and develop relevant skills for life and a career. It will reinforce your ability to continue learning throughout life and to adapt to a changing world. Your university should offer opportunities for career enhancement. While at university, you will develop lifetime friendships. So it is not surprising that selecting the right university is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

If you seek a university that provides intellectual challenges, cultural diversity, personal growth, enhanced career opportunities and preparation for an increasingly interdependent world, Belgorod Consumer Cooperative University is the university for you.



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