Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space on the same line. 

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Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space on the same line.


In ancient Greece running had a special (0) importance at the IMPORTANT

opening event of the Olympics and was part of all

public games.

(1) ___runners were held in great respect and received SUCCESS

the (2) _____ rewards. HIGH

Running is a natural (3) ____, and as well as events like the ACTIVE

marathon that require very special (4) _____, it’s also a PREPARE

(5) ____part o many other sports like football and tennis. CENTRE

If athletes are (6) ____, they can use opportunities to save SKILL

vital seconds and increase their lead over other (7) _____. COMPETE

Regular running helps general health and (8) ______, FIT

sharpening the senses and improving the (9) _______of EFFICIENT

the heart and lungs.

It can also improve stamina and general (10) ______. STRONG

Sound imitation


ЗВУКОПОДРАЖАНИЕ (ономатопея) слово, которое служит для имитации звуков окружающей действительности средствами языка. Например, в русском языке существует большая группа слов, обозначающих звуки, которые производятся животными: мяу, гав-гав, ква-ква, чик-чирик. Другие слова передают неречевые звуки, производимые человеком: кхе-кхе, чмок, ха-ха-ха, а также разные другие звучания окружающего мира: бух, кап-кап, чпок, пиф-паф.

Например, русскому кукареку соответствует очень похожее слово во в английском: cock-a-doodle-doo.

Match the Russian words with their English equivalents.


мычать thump-thump
квакать cheep
ворчать giggle
баю-бай, убаюкивать whiz
бах, бац; сильный удар hushbaby/hush
мяукать babble
тук-тук, наносит тяжелый удар croak
шикать quacking
жужжать neigh
лепет mew
хлоп, хлопнуть mumble
писк grumble
шипение cackle
кудахтать buzz
ржание cuckoo
хихикать pop
свист moo
шамкать boo
куковать bang
кряканье fizz

Unit 10



Test 1

Variant 1

Define the part of speech of the following words.

1. existence 2. application 3. numerous 4. liquefy 5. backward 6. undertake 7. digital 8. quantitatively 9. mixture 10. feedback 11. corpuscular 12. indispensable 13. decompose 14. resistance 15. originally 16. collaborate 17. density 18. approximately 19. software 20. intention

2. Fill in blanks transforming the words in brackets:

1. The tailor took my _______ and said my suit would be ready in two weeks. (measure)

2. The cream cakes looked delicious but Harry resisted the _______ to have one. (tempt)

3. The police were puzzled by the _______ disappearance of the jewels. (mystery)

4. Bill always looks smart although his clothes are not very _______. (fashion)

5. Thompson's new novel is a considerable _______ on his last one. (improve)

6. It is very _______ whether the plan will go ahead. (doubt)

7. Despite hours of discussion, the members of the committee could not reach _______. (agree)

8. Karen is a very _______ person and loves outdoor holidays. (energy)

9. Leslie _______ broke a plate while doing the washing up. (accident)

10. Is everything included in the price or are there any _______ charges? (add)


Form new words with the help of suitable suffixes or prefixes.

смысл sense бессмысленный  
темный dark темнота  
возможный possible невозможный  
вред harm вредный  
жалость ruth безжалостный  
узкий narrow узко  
командовать command командир  
физика physics физик  
принимать accept неприемлемый  
работа по найму employ безработица  

Choose the correct word for each sentence.

1. He's a man of great...

a) generousness

b) generoushood

c) generosity

d) generously


2. I'll always remember my... as a very happy period of my life.

a) childness

b) childhood

c) childish

d) childless


3. We can't go on unless we have his...

a) agreement

b) agreeable

c) agreeability

d) disagree


4. She takes great care about her...

a) appearment

b) appearness

c) appearance

d) apparition


5. She said nothing in her...

a) defend

b) defence

c) defendant

d) defensive


Test 1

Variant 2


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