Translate the sentences with the words from your vocabulary. 

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Translate the sentences with the words from your vocabulary.

1) Важнейшей задачей любого государства является удовлетворение потребностей общества.

2) Лекция «Величие и простота законов Ньютона» была прочитана 19 сентября в Большой демонстрационной аудитории.

3) Белки регулируют рост клетки.

4) Без сохранения биологического разнообразия невозможно устойчивое развитие биосферы.

5) Существуют проекты, направленные на получение биотоплива из целлюлозы (cellulose) и различного типа органических отходов.

6) Никотин посылает в мозг ложные сигналы о сытости.

7) Передовые инструменты, созданные биофизиками, были применены для повышения эффективности работы.

8) В последнее время человечество чаще стало сталкиваться с экологическими проблемами, приобретающими глобальный характер.

4. Continue the associative chain:

Biophysics – atoms – proteins - …

Answer the questions according to the text.

1) What does biology study?

2) What does physics study?

3) How does biophysics connect biology and physics?

4) What does biophysics discover about proteins?

5) Name the functions of proteins in our body.

6) What progress did biophysics make for society’s needs in the 20th century?

7) What instruments or tool did biophysicists create?

8) What problems does modern society face?

9) Why does society need biofuel and bioelectricity?

10) Why does biophysics harness microorganisms?

Correct the order of the ideas according to how they were mentioned in the text.

1) Biophysics in the source of economical innovations.

2) Modern society faces many environmental problems.

3) Biophysics is the mixture of biology and physics.

4) Proteins’ work is being discovered by biophysics.

5) Biofuel, bioelectricity, cleanup of water are the issues of biophysics.

6) Many life-saving tools are created by biophysics.

Write a summary of the text in your own words. Orally enlarge this summary and retell the text.

Answer the following questions from the point of view of biophysicist.

• How do proteins pack DNA into viruses?

• How do viruses invade cells?

• How do plants harness sunlight to make food?

Grammar: Participles

Combine the following pairs of sentences by using participles.


1. We met a boy. He was carrying a heavy bag.

2. The house was decorated with lights. It looked beautiful.

3. The robbers saw the policeman. They ran away.

4. I found the door open. I went inside.

5. The police saw the body. It was floating down the river.

6. He cried at the top of his voice. He rushed at the thief.

7. We had worked for several hours. We came out of the office.

8. The troops gave a blow to the enemy. It was stunning.

9. His handwriting was illegible. I couldn’t figure out what he had written.

10. We make some friendships in childhood. They last for ever.

11. The sun had risen. We set out on our journey.

12. I walked along the road. I saw a snake.

13. He lost all his money in gambling. He became a pauper.

14. I took a cue from his words. I solved the riddle.

15. The burglars broke the door open. They entered the house.

16. He didn’t realize the implication of his words. He went on speaking.

17. The enemy forces had been defeated by our army. They retreated fast into their own territory.

18. It was a fine day. Everybody was out on the roads.

Rewrite the sentences with participle clauses.


1. Sam left school early because he felt sick.

2. The teacher was impressed by Daniel’s work, so she gave him the highest score.

3. Because he didn't study hard enough for his exam, Ryan couldn't pass it.

4. As I haven’t received all the applications yet, I am not eager to hire anyone.

5. The golden ring, which was stolen weeks ago, was found.

6. As I have an assignment to finish, I cannot come with you.

7. When my sister heard the good news, she wanted to cry.

8. Because I didn’t want to lose my passport, I gave it to my father.

9. After he had been told to do the dishes, John entered the kitchen with a frown.

10. As I had been to England before, I knew where to find a good hotel.



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