Read the text and match the headings (a-g) with the gaps at the start of each paragraph. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Read the text and match the headings (a-g) with the gaps at the start of each paragraph.

a) What kind of work freelancers do.


b) Major advantages of being a freelancer.


c) What a Freelancer is.


d) How you find a freelance work.


e) Pitfalls of being a freelancer.


f) What you need to freelance.


g) Why you would want to freelance.


How to Become a Freelancer


Becoming a freelancer is a way to work at home and be independent without needing to start an actual business. You can operate under your own name and do not need to register as a business. This makes it possible to get started as a freelancer overnight without a lot of hassle and with the least amount of expense.



A freelancer is someone who offers services for a fee. In general, a freelancer works independently with no expectation of a permanent or long-term relationship with a single employer.

If you suddenly get laid off, you'll need to do something in order to keep an income stream coming in. The sooner you can do that, the less financial trouble you'll be in. While looking for jobs you can freelance and try to find work independently.



Freelancers can be asked to do any kind of work you might imagine. Here are a few of the most popular types of freelance services: freelance writer, freelance university lecturer, freelance bookkeeper, freelance journalist. Basically, anything you might consider doing in your own business, you can do on a freelance basis under your own name.



To freelance, you basically need to have something of value you can offer to potential clients. Most people draw on their employment experience and offer freelance services in areas in which they are especially talented. The following items are also useful if you want to freelance: a website to promote yourself; a cell phone number on which prospects can reach you; a business card; ideally, a business address; a portfolio of your best work; ideally, a few references.



The answer partly depends on the type of freelance work you want to do. But here a few freelance job resources you might consider: Craigs List –; Guru –; ELance –; VWorker (formerly Rent-a-Coder) –

Some freelance job sites are free – some charge a fee. In some cases, a freelance job site might offer both free and paid membership, but in such cases the jobs on which you can bid as a free member are usually very limited. Some freelancers join a union that can also provide job opportunities. You should also post a profile on social networks, such as LinkedIn (



If you freelance, you can usually set your own hours. You may be extremely busy one month and at a standstill the next month in your freelance practice. You can use the time to improve your website or investigate other ways you can market your freelance services. You will be able to work from home. You won't have to convince your employer it's a good idea to let you telecommute. Freelancing is also a great way to help keep your head above water if you suddenly find yourself unemployed. It can help you tide over until you find other work.



Some people believe that being a freelancer means they won't get paid much and some employers who hire freelancers think they shouldn't have to pay much. That's because the

competition is very tough and it is global – people from all around the world may offer the same services for less. As a freelancer you are not obligated to accept a job. If you don't like what's being offered, keep looking for something that pays a bit more. Unfortunately, a fair number of employers who use freelancers end up taking advantage of them by paying a substandard rate, not paying on time, etc.

(по материалам сайта


18. Match the English phrases from text 2 with their Russian equivalents.


1) to get laid off a) переживать временные трудности


2) to be in trouble b) попасть в затруднительное положение


3) to charge a fee c) острая/напряженная конкуренция


4) to be obligated to accept d) определять часы работы


5) to provide job opportunities e) бездействовать


6) to set hours f) попасть под сокращение


7) to be at a standstill g) быть обязанным принять


8) to tide over h) взыскивать плату


9) very tough competition i) предоставлять возможности трудоустройства

19. Find and correct six mistakes in the use of English phrases.


1. Some banks charge a monthly fear on your savings account. It can range from $2 to $10 or more.

2. If you just got laid on, you may be asking: what’s next? Here’s what to do if you lose your job unexpectedly.

3. The US is known for its many large and successful companies that prove job opportunities for graduates across the US. This attracts many international students to study in places like New York and Silicon Valley.

4. Could you lend me £50 to tide me up until pay day?


5. In 2012 global democracy was on a standstill in the sense that there was neither significant progress nor regression in democracy.

6. We have the potential to win but the competition will be very taugh. We want to show that we can be competitive on the highest level.

20. In pairs, discuss these questions.


1. Is it a good/bad idea to become a freelancer? Why?


2. What are advantages and disadvantages of being a freelancer?


3. Would you like to freelance? Why?



21. Read some tips how to write a resume, translate, and follow these rules while writing your own CV.

Resume writing tips


Writing a resume can be a daunting experience. The following is a list of tips compiled from the advice of employers, career counselors, and recent graduates whose resumes helped them be employed.

· Pay careful attention to spelling, punctuation, grammar and style.


· Proofread your resume carefully, using a dictionary and have several other people proofread it as well.

· Organize information in a logical way.


· Keep descriptions clear and to the point.


· Confine your information to one page.


· Use a simple, easy-to-read font.


· Use good-quality white or off-white bond paper.


· Include as much work experience as possible, even if it doesn’t obviously relate to the job you’re seeking.

· Tailor your information to the job you’re seeking.


22. Read the information about resumes. Discuss what aspects you are going to include into your CV.



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