III. Match the statements in column B with the terms listed in column A. Е 

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III. Match the statements in column B with the terms listed in column A. Е

Steam engine used alone to convert an electrical source (e.g. batteries, photovoltaic panels) to mechanical work, or used as an intermediate conversion energy (jointly with an electrical generator), between diesel engines and propellers.
Diesel engine an internal combustion engine working in a Diesel cycle, using liquefied natural gas (LNG) as main fuel.
Gas turbine an internal combustion engine (ICE), working in a Diesel cycle, using marine diesel or heavy fuel oil, and used in most ships since 1930s.
LNG engine an internal combustion engine, working in a Brayton cycle, derived from aviation turbines, able to burn marine diesel, kerosene, or jet fuel, are used in some fast ships (e.g. hydrofoils), warships (for quick action), and large cruisers.
Electric motors an external combustion engine, working in a Rankine cycle, with water as working fluid, used in practically all ships in the 19th century, initially with reciprocating pistons and later with turbines (the first in 1897 with the Turbinia steamer), and on a few vessels since then (in some very large ships, and in nuclear submarines).


IV. Answer the following questions:

1. What is a propulsion system?

2. What is it subdivided into?

3. What is the primary function of the marine engineering plant?

4. What kind of fuel is ised for marine propulsion?

5. What types of ships make use of the following propelling units?

a. Steam turbine

b. Gas turbine

c. Nuclear power

d. Two-stroke slow-speed diesel engine


V. Translate into English.


1. Cудовая пропульсивная установка включает главный двигатель, винт, корпус судна.

2. При движении судна судовая пропульсивная установка обеспечивает непрерывный упор на движителе – гребном винте.

3. Для получения механической энергии используются различные типы главных двигателей.

4. Наибольшее распространение получили судовые энергетические установки (СЭУ), имеющие в качестве главного двигателя-дизель (более 80%).

5. По способу управления поступательным движением можно выделить два основных типа дизельных СЭУ:

с двигателями, работающими на гребные винты фиксированного шага (ВФШ);

с двигателями, работающими на гребные винты регулируемого шага (ВРШ).



I. Translate into Russian.

The routine at sea

Ships have standard routine for in port and at sea.

A ship usually has to keep working 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This sets the routine for those on board, determining when they work and what they do. The type of ship also decides the routine.

The working day at sea is divided into six four-hour watches. Traditionally, a bell was sounded every half hour, so “eight bells” signified the end of one watch and the beginning of the next. At the end of each watch there is a formal handover of responsibility. In the engine room, details of any problems are passed on. In both the bridge and engine room, logs are written up as formal records of such details as course, speed, and engine revolutions.

Each engineering officer will usually be allocated two watches throughout the day. The seamen who steer the ship, lookouts, the firemen in steamers, and greasers in the engine room would also be allocated two watches. All have to sleep and take their meals when off watch.

Certain officers and members of the crew work outside the watch system. The master and perhaps the chief engineer may not stand watches, although they would expect to be called at any time there was a problem.

Some of the seamen will not be on the watch, but on day work. Catering staff and stewards will also work to their own timetable, determined by the needs of preparing and serving meals.


II. Write the full forms, in words, of the abbreviations and shortened terms below and translate into Russian.

abbreviation the full form translation
ER Engine Room машинное отделение



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