Make up the sentences using the words in Passive Voice. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Make up the sentences using the words in Passive Voice.

Example: houses – build – builders - Houses are built by builders.

a) illnesses – cure – doctors b) books – write – writers c) planes – drive – pilots d) cakes – make – chefs e) buses – operate – drivers f) songs – sing – singers g) goods – sell – salespeople h) movies – create – producers i) classes – give – teachers j) many things – do – people


Put the verb in brackets into Passive Voice.

Example: Rooms (to clean) by caretakers. – Rooms are cleaned by caretakers.

a) We (to teach) English for two years.

b) Lots of plants (to grow) at the experimental nursery.

c) Students (to help) by the teachers.

d) Farm animals (to raise) in Milovka.

e) Economic theory (to study) during the second year.

f) The University (to renovate) every summer.

g) Books (to take) from the library for the academic year.

h) The swimming pool (to use) at PT classes.

i) Lunch (to take) at students’ canteen.

j) Good specialists (to train) at Bashkir State Agrarian University.


Take-home assignment

Read the story about British universities and answer the questions.

a) What is the oldest university in Great Britain?

b) When was Cambridge University founded?

c) How do the students of the Open University study?

Oxford University, which began in 1214, is the oldest university in Great Britain and one of the oldest in the world. Cambridge University was founded in 1284. Until the nineteenth century, these were the only universities in England. London University was started in 1828 for students who wanted to avoid the religion that Oxford and Cambridge emphasized. Since then a number of colleges and universities have been founded.

The Open University is a higher education system that grants degrees to students who don’t go to a campus to live and study. They take their courses over television, by mail, or through a computer Internet hookup. Open University classes started in 1970. Anyone in the European Union can now take them.


Unit 2 Careers

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs.

Dialogue 1

Liliya Hi, Alfiya!

Alfiya Hi, Lilya!

Liliya What are your plans for

the summer holidays?

Alfiya I am looking for some job like a waitress or a salesperson to earn some money to go to the seaside in August.

Liliya Great! I’ve been doing a part-time job as a secretary in an office for the whole academic year.

Alfiya How smart of you! Now you can go to visit your parents.

Lilya Yes, I am going to help them with our garden and livestock.

Alfiya I see.


Dialogue 2

Ramil Azamat, can you help me to write a resume for the internship in


Azamat Ah yes, sure. I wrote one last year and it was fine.

Ramil Cool, what should it begin with?

Azamat Well, first give your name, address, phone number and e-mail


Ramil Shall I attach my photo?

Azamat If they don’t require it – you needn’t.

Ramil OK.

Azamat Then list your work experience in reverse order.

Ramil But I don’t have any.

Azamat Try to remember what you did during your school years.

Ramil Ah, yes! We were picking cucumbers and I was a supervisor.

Azamat That’s good! Then describe your education also in reverse order, after that list your awards if you have any, your skills and interests.

Ramil OK, what comes in the end?

Azamat References – names and phone numbers of two or three people who know you well.


award [ə'wo:d] награда, поощрение
experience [ik'spiəriəns] опыт
full-time с полной занятостью
internship [in'tə:nòip] стажировка
job работа (рабочее место)
part-time с частичной занятостью
reference ['refərəns] рекомендация
salesperson продавец
skill навык
to earn [ə:n] зарабатывать
to list перечислять
to require [ri'kwaiə] требовать
waitress/waiter ['weitrəs]/['weitə] официантка/официант
work работа (действие)




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