Look at the first dialogue in exercise 1 and say what the words “shall” and “will” mean. 

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Look at the first dialogue in exercise 1 and say what the words “shall” and “will” mean.

Chardonnay will be good. What shall we drink? Действие будет происходить в будущем.


Remember! · Время Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall, will и смыслового глагола без окончания. · Shall используется для первого лица (I, we), willдля всех остальных (you, he, she, it, they). Например, He will be there in about five minutes. · Сейчас чаще всего используется will для всех лиц, за исключением вопросительных предложений, где для первого лица лучше использовать shall. Например, I will spend summer in France. Shall we stay here? · Слова-подсказки в этом времени – tomorrow, in a day, next week, in 2050…
Утвердительное Отрицательное Вопросительное
I will (I’ll) goto the cafe tonight. You will (you’ll) goto the cafe tonight. He (she) will (he’ll,she’ll) go to the cafe tonight. We will (we’ll) go to the cafe tonight. They will (they’ll) go to the cafe tonight. I will not (won’t) go to the cafe tonight. You will not (won’t) go to the cafe tonight. He (she) will not (won’t) go to the cafe tonight. We will not (won’t) go to the cafe tonight. They will not (won’t) goto the cafe tonight. ShallI go to the cafe tonight? Willyou go to the cafe tonight? Willhe (she) go to the cafe tonight? Shall we goto the cafe tonight? Willtheygoto the cafe tonight?


Unscramble the sentences.

a) mother, my, pelmeni, make, will, today.

b) take, or, fried, will, potatoes, soup, you?

c) apple, I, for, have, dessert, will, pie.

d) won’t, supper, take, I, tonight.


Make up five types of questions to the following sentences. Look at the example.

Example: He will be there in half an hour.

a) yes/no question

Will he be there in half an hour?

b) wh - question

Where will he be in half an hour?

c) subject – question

Who will be there in half an hour?

d) or – question

Will he be there in half an hour or in an hour?

e) tag – question

He will be there in half an hour, won’t he?

a) Maria will come to Great Britain next winter.

b) We won’t have lunch.

c) They will easily pass the test.

d) I will take some of the cookies.


13 Insert will or shall (positive or negative) in the appropriate sentences.

a) He _____ finish his work tomorrow.

b) _____ I get the phone?

c) We _____ help you any time.

d) The leaves _____ turn red and yellow in half a month.

e) The museum _____ open next year.

f) I _____ study at the University.

g) _____ we go?

Translate the following sentences into English.

a) Завтра мы поедем за город на пикник.

b) Ты не съешь так много.

c) Вы пойдете с нами в театр?

d) Что вы будете пить?

e) Я буду заниматься завтра весь день.

f) Они не помогут нам в этом.

g) Мы будем много танцевать на вечеринке.

h) Вам купить эту книгу?

i) Она сыграет для нас на скрипке.

j) Он будет изучать испанский язык?


Rewrite the following sentences from Present Simple to Future Simple making necessary changes.

Example: We visit our Grandmother every week.

We ’ll visit her this week-end too.

a) She usually has yogurt and shortbread cookies for breakfast.

b) He never goes to restaurants.

c) My friend sometimes spends 1,500 rubles in restaurants.

d) I always have fruit salad for supper.

e) Does your mother cook in the evening?

f) Do you take mineral water instead of cola?


Make up questions and interview two of your group-mates.

Example: will read a book today

Will you read a book today? – Yes, I will/No, I won’t


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