What makes matrix organization efficient? 

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What makes matrix organization efficient?

This system is efficient because the project manager has a clear objective in the completion of the project.

What is the difference between line and staff departments?

Staff departments are specialized advisory departments. They have responsibilities for assisting management but lack authority over lower levels.

Can you describe the nature and purpose of service departments?

Purchasing, accounting and data processing are placed in service department for the sake of economy and control.

Describe all the relationships in the enterprise shown in fig.5.4.


What is the best way to increase productivity and why is it?

Improvement in management can contribute more than any other factor to increased productivity.

Give several reasons for the shortage of executives.

The demand for capable managers keeps rising but there is a problem that executives can’t be created overnight. An enterprise must plan carefully for future growth and develop managers years before vacancies occur.

Why do enterprises have to develop managers in advance of their need for them?

An enterprise must plan carefully for future growth and develop managers years before vacancies occur. Also, they can’t be hired like engineers directly after their university work.

What are two sources of new executives for an enterprise?

By persuading them to leave other organizations or by promoting them from within.

What is the main advantage of a policy of promotion from within?

Companies commonly state that their policy is to promote from within, and this promise of opportunity for advancement is an inducement for many people to seek employment with such companies.

What are some disadvantages of such a policy?

People who are hired as skilled accountants or secretaries may not make good managers. Also, when one member of a group is promoted, there may be bad feelings among the others.

What are some advantages of hiring executives from outside an organization?

Hiring new executives offers an advantage of getting new ideas and methods to improve a firm’s competitive standing.

What is, perhaps, the best policy, and why?

The best policy is a free competition among candidates from both inside and outside.

What are the usual bases for selecting managers on high and low levels?

The base for selecting low-level managers usually are the results of the technological and psychological tests. The base for selecting high-level managers are the achievements?

Who generally makes the final selection, and why?

The final selection is made by the immediate supervisor, because he will be responsible for the subordinate’s performance.

Who does Drucker think should be responsible for manager development?

Drucker thinks that every manager must develop himself.

What is the purpose of appointing a “backup” person?

To help the subordinate to get more experience.

What are the advantages of appointing an acting manager?

That he will be working while the supervisor is on vacation and he will get an experience of working as a higher-level manager.


15. Explain the main advantages of appointing a "backup" person?

Another approach, designed to broaden the background of future managers, is job rotation-they rotate through a series of positions in several departments and thus learn about each one. If they do not have responsibility for making decision in each temporary post, they will not gain actual managerial experience.

16. Is formal training a good substitude for the above systems? Why or why not?Although again not providing direct management experience, such training offers the possibility of broad secondhand experience through the study of actual case.


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