Which disgusted that man of Columbia. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Which disgusted that man of Columbia.


There was a Young Lady of Dorking,

Who bought a large bonnet for walking (купила большой капор для гуляния; buy – покупать);

But its colour and size (но его /капора/ цвет и размер),

So bedazzled her eyes (так ослепил блеском ее глаза),

That she very soon went back to Dorking (что она очень скоро вернулась: «пришла назад»).


There was a Young Lady of Dorking,

Who bought a large bonnet for walking;

But its colour and size,

So bedazzled her eyes,

That she very soon went back to Dorking.


There was an Old Man who supposed (который полагал),

That the street door was partially closed (что дверь на улицу частично закрыта = прикрыта);

But some very large rats (но несколько очень крупных крыс),

Ate his coats and his hats (съели его пальто и его шляпы; eat – кушать),

While that futile (пока тот несерьезный, поверхностный) old gentleman dozed (дремал).


There was an Old Man who supposed,

That the street door was partially closed;

But some very large rats,

Ate his coats and his hats,

While that futile old gentleman dozed.


There was an Old Man of the West (с Запада),

Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest (носил бледную сливового цвета нижнюю рубашку; wear – носить);

When they said (когда сказали = спросили), 'Does it fit (она /рубашка/ впору)?'

He replied (он отвечал), 'Not a bit (ничуть)!'

That uneasy (беспокойный: «нелегкий») Old Man of the West.


There was an Old Man of the West,

Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest;

When they said, 'Does it fit?'

He replied, 'Not a bit!'

That uneasy Old Man of the West.


There was an Old Man of the Wrekin

Whose shoes made a horrible creaking (чьи ботинки издавали ужасный скрип)

But they said (но [ему] сказали = его спросили), 'Tell us whether,

Your shoes are of leather (скажи нам, твои ботинки из кожи ли; whether – ли),

Or of what (или из чего), you Old Man of the Wrekin?'


There was an Old Man of the Wrekin

Whose shoes made a horrible creaking

But they said, 'Tell us whether,

Your shoes are of leather,

Or of what, you Old Man of the Wrekin?'


There was a Young Lady whose eyes (чьи глаза),

Were unique as to colour and size (были уникальны, что до цвета и размера = что касается…, в отношении…);

When she opened them wide (когда она открывала их широко),

People all turned aside (люди все отворачивались),

And started away in surprise (и бросались прочь в изумлении, удивившись).


There was a Young Lady whose eyes,

Were unique as to colour and size;

When she opened them wide,

People all turned aside,

And started away in surprise.


There was a Young Lady of Norway (из Норвегии),

Who casually sat on a doorway (случайно = как-то сидела в проходе);

When the door squeezed her flat (когда дверь сжала ее плоской = стиснула ее так, что она стала плоской),

She exclaimed (воскликнула), 'What of that ([ну и] что с того)?'

This courageous (эта храбрая) Young Lady of Norway.


There was a Young Lady of Norway,

Who casually sat on a doorway;

When the door squeezed her flat,

She exclaimed, 'What of that?'

This courageous Young Lady of Norway.


There was an Old Man of Vienna (из Вены),

Who lived upon Tincture of Senna (жил за счет настойки сенны = питался настойкой сенны);

When that did not agree (когда это не соответствовало, не подходило),

He took Camomile Tea (он брал /принимал/ ромашковый чай; take – брать),

That nasty (противный) Old Man of Vienna.


There was an Old Man of Vienna,

Who lived upon Tincture of Senna;

When that did not agree,

He took Camomile Tea,

That nasty Old Man of Vienna.


There was an Old Person whose habits (чьи привычки),

Induced him to feed upon rabbits (побудили его питаться кроликами);

When he'd eaten eighteen (когда от съел восемнадцать),

He turned perfectly green (превратился: «обратился» в совершенно зеленого = совсем позеленел),

Upon which he relinquished those habits (после чего он бросил те привычки; relinquish – оставлять, сдаваться, отступать).


There was an Old Person whose habits,

Induced him to feed upon rabbits;

When he'd eaten eighteen,

He turned perfectly green,


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